American Thinker’s dishonest attempt to discredit a hero
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in Chief
Clarice Feldman and the American Thinker's dishonest attempt to discredit a true American hero by the name of Sibel Edmonds exposes their hidden agenda.
Feldman's coverage of "Plamegate" coupled with another story IP2P is currently working on involving the American Thinker will not only raise very serious questions about American Thinker's credibility in the minds of their readers. It will also prove to be very upsetting to many of the fine writers who contribute to the American Thinker. And who deserve better.
Let's start with a few things you may or may not know about Clarice Feldman that will help paint a picture of what is clearly her agenda.
You may know that Clarice Feldman was a DC lawyer. However, did you know that Clarice Feldman's career as an attorney was spent employed by the federal government at the National Labor Relations Review Board (NLRB)?
Did you know that Feldman was a Washington insider who was nominated to be on the federal bench three separate times?
And did you know that Feldman's husband is a Washington insider as well?
Howard J. Feldman - Van Ness Feldman LLP
Keep these facts in mind as you read the following communication between American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson and one of the contributors to his website.
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 6:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: American Thinker's dishonest attempt to discredit
I wish to bring to your attention egregious misrepresentations and falsehoods written by Clarice Feldman and published in the American Thinker, that by all indications appear to have been intentional.
I recently asked you the following: What was the purpose of the Clarice Feldman article titled Spy vs Spy? To which you replied "I am not a mind reader". OK Thomas, I believe you when you say you are not a mind reader. However, you are the editor of American Thinker and you should have a clear understanding of what you publish.
So, I am going to take this opportunity to explain to you what you allowed to be published under your watch. Feldman's article Spy vs Spy was the most transparently feeble underhanded cowardly dishonest attempt to discredit a credible bonafide whistleblower that I have ever seen.
As Feldman is fully aware, the media did not have "well-supported questions about Edmonds' credibility" as she stated. In fact the opposite was true. The media that did report on Edmonds touted her as being completely credible. And members of congress including the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) stepped up and went on programs such as CBS 60 minutes to say so.
Not to mention the fact that Sibel Edmonds the most gaged women in America was credible enough to be called to testify in front of the 911 commission.
Furthermore, Feldman's attempt to discredit Edmonds with the tactic of guilt by association using an indirect connection to as Feldman puts it "the oddly-named Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs)", was disgraceful.
And is further conformation that Clarice Feldman was motivated by an agenda and not a desire to report the truth.
Thomas, you have been provided documents and sworn testimony of Sibel Edmonds that as you know has not been challenged by anyone in the media or the federal government, including the Department of Justice and the FBI.
With that evidence in hand, it is time for the American Thinker to do what is right, and correct a wrong. Print a retraction of the hit piece Clarice Feldman and the American Thinker did on Sibel Edmonds and her credibility (attached below) along with a long overdue apology to Sibel Edmonds, who is a true American hero that deserves our thanks and admiration.
(name redacted)
Writer, American Thinker website
January 31, 2008 Spy vs Spy
Clarice Feldman
The UK Sunday Times has run a series of articles detailing sensational charges by Sibel Edmonds, a short term translator for the FBI who claims that Marc Grossman, a key prosecution figure in the Scooter Libby case, was involved in espionage against the U.S., divulging nuclear secrets and warning people that Plame's cover Brewster-Jennings was a CIA front.
Annie Jacobsen of Pajamas Media asks why no major US outlet has covered this, suggesting fear of being involved in charges of divulging state secrets.
My own view is that the media have well-supported questions about Edmonds' credibility. Interestingly, there is a whistleblowers operation supporting her that has some overlapping membership with the oddly-named Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs) which insisted the government's case against Libby was solid, that Plame's career was destroyed when she was "outed" and that she was involved at the time in very important, top secret matters.
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Feldman knows that if Edmonds was lying she would have faced criminal prosecution.
So, ask yourself the following:
Why would Feldman, who is the lead cheerleader for the Bush family, try to discredit the one person Washington wants to silence, Sibel Edmonds?
Why would Clarice Feldman, a DC insider who was nominated to be a federal judge, ignore all the documented facts and evidence that prove Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative was exposed in 2001?
And why would Feldman choose to believe Dick Armitage's ridiculous lie that he did so in 2003, over Sibel Edmonds' sworn testimony?
And why would Thomas Lifson' the founder and editor of American Thinker, participate in this lie?
Could it be because of the fact that Edmonds telling the truth exposes that Dick Armitage was not part of a conspiracy against the White House as Feldman and the American Thinker want you to believe, but rather part of a disinformation campaign/cover-up orchestrated by the White House?
And the fact that if that were exposed, the Bush family and a whole bunch of Washington insiders friendly to Feldman and the American Thinker would have a lot of explaining to do?
And most likely, time to do as well! As in prison time.
Yep, not only could it be. It is.
Much more to follow.....
Just wait until you hear who was quoted saying "it is bigger than Watergate" when talking about the "Plamegate cover-up". And who they are collaborating with now!
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