Scooter Libby helped Judith Miller concoct the fairy tale titled “The Story”
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
It's no surprise that Judith Miller's long overdue book, "The Story", is permeated with falsehoods and flat-out lies.
What is as a surprise is that Scooter Libby has been so clumsy in concealing his intimate involvement in the writing and selling of Miller's latest fairy tale.
In August of 2013, roughly eight months before her book was originally due to be released, I interviewed Miller about her upcoming "memoir." My focus was primarily on the Libby trial.
During that interview, Miller confessed to me that she knew that Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage was not the person who exposed Valerie Plame as a CIA employee.
But Miller forgets to mention that fact in her book. Instead, she sticks to the government's false version that Armitage exposed Plame's identity.
Here's another fact that Miller forgets to mention in her book: She was aware of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' sworn testimony that Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman was actually the one who exposed Plame as a CIA employee in 2001.
However, Miller refused to answer any questions regarding Edmonds - stating she would address Edmonds' important testimony in her book.
Surprise, surprise. Miller apparently forgot to mention Edmonds or Grossman in her book.
What Miller did do immediately following our discussion was to inform Libby how poorly the interview went for her.
And just one hour later, I heard from Scooter himself:
-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis Libby
To: (redacted)
Sent: August 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM
Subject: RE: Media inquiry (clearing your name)
(name redacted),
Thanks for your e-mail. My apologies for the delay in responding; I have been on the road a fair amount and have had difficulty catching up.
I am grateful to you and the many others who have expressed outrage at how I have been treated and who have offered help. While I appreciate such offers, I have consistently let others know that this is not the way that I wish to proceed. That remains the case.
There may well come a time when this will shift, but for now I continue to think that this would not be a good time for others to address my case. This does not change that I remain grateful for your interest and kind inquiry.
Scooter Libby
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:06 AM
To: Lewis Libby
Subject: Media inquiry (clearing your name)
Are you OK with my attempting to clear your name?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Joseph Tate
Sent: August 13, 2013, 4:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Media inquiry (U.S. v Libby)
Mr. Tate
Can I get a statement?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Joseph Tate
Sent: August 12, 2013, 8:04 PM
Subject: Media inquiry (U.S. v Libby)
Mr. Joseph A. Tate
Were you aware of the fact that FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds had documented for the Dept. of Justice that, "Special Counsel" Patrick Fitzgerald's star witness in U.S v Libby, Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, was the man who had blown Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame's CIA cover in 2001? The government has it on tape.
Did Patrick Fitzgerald withhold this information from you and Mr. Libby?
What does Dechert partner Glenn A. Fine say about it? Glenn had this information before Fitzgerald was appointed "Special Counsel"
(name redacted)
American Thinker
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Patrick Fitzgerald
Sent: August 4, 2013, 12:24 PM
Subject: Media inquiry (Sibel Edmonds)
Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald
In the course of your investigating the leak of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA employee.
(1) Was Sibel Edmonds interviewed?
(2) Were you provided, or did you have access to information about Sibel Edmonds, and the information that she provided Glenn Fine and the Office of Inspector General regarding Brewster Jennings & Associates?
(name redacted)
Writer, American Thinker website
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: (redacted)
Sent: August 3, 2013, 8:12 PM
Subject: Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!
Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!
First things first. I never expressed any outrage about how Scooter was treated. Although I will admit I did not like being lied to.
As you can clearly see, Libby did not want me to clear his name by stating facts. This was due to the fact that he was already working closely with Judith Miller to concoct a story that was in complete contradiction of those same facts.
Here's another underreported fact that Libby, Miller and many others in Washington would rather the public not know: The judge in the Libby case - Reggie B Walton - was the same judge who imposed a gag order on Edmonds under the State Secrets Act.
What are the odds of that?
Here's a news flash for Scooter: I was already aware of the fact that Libby's attorneys had arranged for Edmonds to meet them late one night at the Willard Hotel, where she offered to testify on his behalf.
However, Libby's attorneys never did call Edmonds to testify at his trial.
Why in the world would they refuse to call a witness who could blow the government's whole case out of the water?
After all, Judge Walton considered Edmonds so credible that he gagged her, supposedly for the sake of national security.
So unless Libby himself insisted that Edmonds not be called as a defense witness his attorneys are guilty of legal malpractice.
And if he did, you have to ask yourself why Libby would insist that the one person whose testimony would result in his case being dismissed not be called as a witness for the defense?
Even more ridiculous, Judge Walton allowed the Libby trial to proceed when he knew that Grossman exposed Plame's identity two years prior to the start of the Libby investigation.
As for Miller's decision to exclude Edmonds' testimony from her so-called "correct the record" book, she should at the very least explain why she chose to ignore evidence that would have averted her well-publicized 85 day incarceration .
One thing is for certain "The Story" deserve far more scrutiny from the media than it has been subjected to so far.
Deja vu - Judith Miller is once again spreading false narratives and the complicit media is letting her get away with it.
Up next: My communications with Libby and the PR team he assembled behind the scenes to sell us Miller's latest literary work of fiction.
Judith Miller’s “trial and error” approach to journalism!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
While on a tour hawking her new book "The Story" Judith Miller admitted to James O'Keefe that she takes a "trial and error" approach to journalism.
Miller's exact quote: "That's what journalism is, trial and error."
Wow! That's the most incredible thing I have ever heard a person who purports to be a journalist say. For Miller, journalism is a - crapshoot!
Add that to the fact that she claims to have written her new book to correct the record, and you have unadulterated stupidity.
But wait, it gets even better.
Miller, while being interviewed by Ed Morrissey, gave the following explanation for why she now believes that she gave false testimony in the U.S. v Libby trial:
"My memory failed me, in part because the prosecutor withheld information I needed to decipher my own notes."
Really Judy, reporting is trial and error, and you need someone else to decipher your own notes? Truly remarkable!
More remarkable is that Miller now credits Scooter Libby with deciphering her notes correctly for her in 2010. Libby's interpretation of her notes was that he's innocent. Imagine that!
Miller has yet to offer an explanation for her waiting five years to profess Scooter's innocence after her epiphany that she gave false testimony.
I'll come back to Miller's notes and the importance of her relying on others to decipher them in a more in-depth follow up article that will detail Libby's behind-the-scenes involvement in her book.
Unlike Miller, I do not believe journalism is done by trial and error, I believe you just report the facts and let the chips fall where they may.
With that in mind, here are some of the facts that Miller and friends do not want you to know.
Fact: Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame as an employee of the CIA in 2003.
It was Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman who exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Plame in 2001. (Remember, Miller confessed to me in 2013 that she knew it was not Armitage.)
Grossman not only outed Plame, at the same time he was also caught on an FBI wiretap bragging that he would fax articles to the New York Times and they would just print them under someone's byline.
Judith's byline? Perhaps.
Fact: On October 1, 2003 when Armitage came forward to claim he was the leaker of Plame's identity, it was not Patrick Fitzgerald that asked him to keep it to himself. It was the FBI - under the direction of Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller who instructed Armitage, Colin Powell and then State Department Counsel William H Taft who was present in the room - not to tell anyone.
Fact: Attorney General John Ashcroft did not recuse himself in the Plame case because of his close ties to the White House. Ashcroft recused himself because at that time he was in front of FISA court Judge Reggie B. Walton enforcing a gag order on the one person who could tell the world that Plamegate was all a sham! That person being FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds.
Walton was also the judge who presided over the Libby case. What a coincidence.
So you see Judith, there's no trial and error. It's simple. A real journalist just states the facts from the get-go.
And since you admit you can't do that, we're not interested in anymore of your false narratives!
By the way, how many times do you feel you're allowed to be wrong?
Did Clarice Feldman just say “Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq”?
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
American Thinker writer Clarice Feldman is not only on record stating that Plamegate was a "hoax", she has also at one point or another accused half of Washington of being involved in a "conspiracy" against George W. Bush.
Right, Clarice. Poor George Bush and Dick Cheney were being picked on by all those bad people that worked for them. Ok. Got it.
While being questioned about her "conspiracy" theories, Feldman let loose with this unexpected gem:
" When do we get to Ernie's fantastical notion that Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq? "
Holy cow! Where did that come from?
Clarice, we never said that "Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq." But now that you mention it, that scenario would explain a great deal of unanswered questions.
For example:
Why would the CIA send Joe Wilson to Niger to investigate Saddam Hussein's alleged attempt to purchase yellowcake uranium, when the CIA and George W. Bush knew Hussein had 550 tons of yellowcake 19 miles outside of Baghdad?
And why were the yellowcake documents that Wilson said he read long before they were actually ever made available to anyone in the CIA such poor forgeries? Were the forgeries designed to be easily discovered?
Would a President really tolerate any high-ranking officials in his administration keeping secrets from him, especially during wartime, as Feldman contends?
Of course he would not.

President George W. Bush meets with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2003.
So while IP2P was trying to get Feldman to explain how she came to the conclusion that the CIA, the State Department, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the DoJ Inspector General's Office were all involved in a "conspiracy" against President George W. Bush, she answered with this out-of-the-blue defense of Bush and his Defense Dept.
And in doing so could very well have helped solve the mystery of what the "Plamegate hoax" was really all about.
Coincidentally, the DoD is where Feldman's close personal friends Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith were practically running the show during the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.
Clarice, you may have really turned us on to something here. Thank You!
Murray Waas: Plamegate cover-up is “something that is bigger than Watergate”
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
In a recent phone interview Murray Waas, the reporter who claimed to be the recipient of anonymous Plamegate grand jury leaks, confessed that the Plamegate cover-up is "something that is bigger than Watergate".
Keep this in mind as the Plamegate cover-up continues to be exposed.
Waas is now desperately trying to distance himself from the book he purportedly wrote entitled United States v. I. Lewis Libby, and the reporting he did on Plamegate.
Why would a journalist distance himself from the very body of work that earned him national recognition?
What would cause an author to disown his own book?
And, even more perplexing, what makes Waas think that American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson would be sympathetic to his fear of his confession getting out?
Waas has been communicating with the American Thinker in hopes of defusing the current predicament his recent statements have created for him, so perhaps the better question is:
Why would Waas think the American Thinker would be sympathetic to his attempt to conceal the Plamegate cover-up, and his part in it? A cover-up Waas admitted was bigger than Watergate.
Strangely enough, since Waas' confession American Thinker contributor Clarice Feldman has also called Plamegate a "hoax". And she has now added former FBI Director Robert Mueller to her list of people who "conspired to conceal" this from the White House.
When looked at logically, Feldman's list of conspirators-which now includes the State Department, the Department of Justice and the FBI-fully supports Waas' admission of a big Washington cover-up.
Feldman and the American Thinker want us to believe that top officials at these three different agencies, who all served at the pleasure of the President, kept him in the dark for three years that Dick Armitage was Robert Novak's source.
Why is the American Thinker still clinging to the official Armitage "disinformation campaign" version of the Plamegate story, and ignoring the recent confessions of both Judith Miller and Murray Waas?
I wonder, could this ludicrous position the American Thinker is taking have been in any way influenced by their close relationship with members of the discontinued 501(c) 3 known as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
More to come....
Plamegate update: Clarice Feldman says Sibel Edmonds misunderstood
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
American Thinker contributor Clarice Feldman came up with a stunning justification for her hit piece on Sibel Edmonds' credibility.
After she was criticized for failing to provide any facts or references to support her public declaration that FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds is not credible, Feldman finally offered this journalistic gem:
"p to p has no secret info to my knowledge. As I recall the investigation of Sibel's charges was mixed--She was found credible respecting claims of the operation of the FBI's Arabic translation group. Not so with her assertions that a variety of high govt officials were engaged in treasonous stuff with Turkey. As to those things I thing she misunderstood what she had overheard"
So, according to Clarice Feldman, the woman who testified before the 911 Commission and had state secrets privilege invoked on her twice, simply "misunderstood what she overheard" on the FBI wiretap tapes.
Wow, thanks for clearing that up for us, Clarice.
Now if you don't mind, just tell us the correct translation of what is on the FBI wiretap tapes that Edmonds "misunderstood".
And please show us where DoJ Inspector General Glenn Fine says Edmonds is not credible as it pertains to "her assertions that a variety of high govt officials were engaged in treasonous stuff with Turkey" in his unclassified report.
Because we can't find that in the report. Or anywhere else for that matter.
Unless of course Clarice received a copy of the classified report. Well, did you Clarice?
But Feldman is right about one thing: "Plamegate" was a hoax. However, she is not telling the truth about the who, what, why, when, and where of the hoax. Or the more accurate description - disinformation campaign.
And now Feldman is continuing the disinformation campaign by quoting from a new book by John Rizzo, a CIA attorney and self described friend of Patrick Fitzgerald.
Will get back to you on that one......more to come...
American Thinker’s dishonest attempt to discredit a hero
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in Chief
Clarice Feldman and the American Thinker's dishonest attempt to discredit a true American hero by the name of Sibel Edmonds exposes their hidden agenda.
Feldman's coverage of "Plamegate" coupled with another story IP2P is currently working on involving the American Thinker will not only raise very serious questions about American Thinker's credibility in the minds of their readers. It will also prove to be very upsetting to many of the fine writers who contribute to the American Thinker. And who deserve better.
Let's start with a few things you may or may not know about Clarice Feldman that will help paint a picture of what is clearly her agenda.
You may know that Clarice Feldman was a DC lawyer. However, did you know that Clarice Feldman's career as an attorney was spent employed by the federal government at the National Labor Relations Review Board (NLRB)?
Did you know that Feldman was a Washington insider who was nominated to be on the federal bench three separate times?
And did you know that Feldman's husband is a Washington insider as well?
Howard J. Feldman - Van Ness Feldman LLP
Keep these facts in mind as you read the following communication between American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson and one of the contributors to his website.
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 6:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: American Thinker's dishonest attempt to discredit
I wish to bring to your attention egregious misrepresentations and falsehoods written by Clarice Feldman and published in the American Thinker, that by all indications appear to have been intentional.
I recently asked you the following: What was the purpose of the Clarice Feldman article titled Spy vs Spy? To which you replied "I am not a mind reader". OK Thomas, I believe you when you say you are not a mind reader. However, you are the editor of American Thinker and you should have a clear understanding of what you publish.
So, I am going to take this opportunity to explain to you what you allowed to be published under your watch. Feldman's article Spy vs Spy was the most transparently feeble underhanded cowardly dishonest attempt to discredit a credible bonafide whistleblower that I have ever seen.
As Feldman is fully aware, the media did not have "well-supported questions about Edmonds' credibility" as she stated. In fact the opposite was true. The media that did report on Edmonds touted her as being completely credible. And members of congress including the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) stepped up and went on programs such as CBS 60 minutes to say so.
Not to mention the fact that Sibel Edmonds the most gaged women in America was credible enough to be called to testify in front of the 911 commission.
Furthermore, Feldman's attempt to discredit Edmonds with the tactic of guilt by association using an indirect connection to as Feldman puts it "the oddly-named Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs)", was disgraceful.
And is further conformation that Clarice Feldman was motivated by an agenda and not a desire to report the truth.
Thomas, you have been provided documents and sworn testimony of Sibel Edmonds that as you know has not been challenged by anyone in the media or the federal government, including the Department of Justice and the FBI.
With that evidence in hand, it is time for the American Thinker to do what is right, and correct a wrong. Print a retraction of the hit piece Clarice Feldman and the American Thinker did on Sibel Edmonds and her credibility (attached below) along with a long overdue apology to Sibel Edmonds, who is a true American hero that deserves our thanks and admiration.
(name redacted)
Writer, American Thinker website
January 31, 2008 Spy vs Spy
Clarice Feldman
The UK Sunday Times has run a series of articles detailing sensational charges by Sibel Edmonds, a short term translator for the FBI who claims that Marc Grossman, a key prosecution figure in the Scooter Libby case, was involved in espionage against the U.S., divulging nuclear secrets and warning people that Plame's cover Brewster-Jennings was a CIA front.
Annie Jacobsen of Pajamas Media asks why no major US outlet has covered this, suggesting fear of being involved in charges of divulging state secrets.
My own view is that the media have well-supported questions about Edmonds' credibility. Interestingly, there is a whistleblowers operation supporting her that has some overlapping membership with the oddly-named Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs) which insisted the government's case against Libby was solid, that Plame's career was destroyed when she was "outed" and that she was involved at the time in very important, top secret matters.
Page Printed from:
Feldman knows that if Edmonds was lying she would have faced criminal prosecution.
So, ask yourself the following:
Why would Feldman, who is the lead cheerleader for the Bush family, try to discredit the one person Washington wants to silence, Sibel Edmonds?
Why would Clarice Feldman, a DC insider who was nominated to be a federal judge, ignore all the documented facts and evidence that prove Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative was exposed in 2001?
And why would Feldman choose to believe Dick Armitage's ridiculous lie that he did so in 2003, over Sibel Edmonds' sworn testimony?
And why would Thomas Lifson' the founder and editor of American Thinker, participate in this lie?
Could it be because of the fact that Edmonds telling the truth exposes that Dick Armitage was not part of a conspiracy against the White House as Feldman and the American Thinker want you to believe, but rather part of a disinformation campaign/cover-up orchestrated by the White House?
And the fact that if that were exposed, the Bush family and a whole bunch of Washington insiders friendly to Feldman and the American Thinker would have a lot of explaining to do?
And most likely, time to do as well! As in prison time.
Yep, not only could it be. It is.
Much more to follow.....
Just wait until you hear who was quoted saying "it is bigger than Watergate" when talking about the "Plamegate cover-up". And who they are collaborating with now!
Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Clarice Feldman is a writer for the American Thinker who has taken the position that Dick Armitage is a liar, except when his lies fit her agenda. Then you can believe him over all others.
Feldman's agenda: Keep Americans from learning that "Plamegate" is a cover-up, and that her friends in Washington, DC were not victims. They were participants.
Remember we said "Now that the lie is out in the open, individuals involved in the "Plamegate cover-up" are having difficulty answering the simplest of questions."
That's because once Armitage's lies are fully exposed to the public, the "Plamegate cover-up" comes crashing down, exposing the granddaddy of all scandals. And, that will explain a plethora of scandals. Including current ones!
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Clarice Feldman
Cc: Thomas Lifson
Sent: November 17, 2013 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Are we clear on this?
Subject: Plamegate
August 30, 2006 - What President Bush Should Do about Plamegate by Clarice Feldman
You state your belief that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey were co-conspirators against President George W Bush. The conspiracy you accuse them of orchestrating was commonly known as "Plamegate"
Fast forward to today.
Judith Miller exposed “Plamegate” as a cover-up
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has since testified under oath that Valerie Plame's CIA front Brewster Jennings & Associates was exposed in 2001 by Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, who coincidently reported directly to Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage.
And, Judith Miller is now on record stating that she knew Dick Armitage was not who exposed Valerie Plame as CIA, and that a lot of people knew that.
Clarice, so we are clear on this.
Now that you have full knowledge of Miller's confession, and Edmonds testimony.
You're telling me that you still believe Dick Armitage, a man you accused of conspiring against The President of the United States, was telling the truth when he confessed (in 2006) that he exposed Valerie Plame in 2003.
And, you believe Judith Miller and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds are both lying when they say Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame.
However, you refuse to offer a reason for this peculiar belief.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Or, are we clear on this?
(name redacted)
What Feldman refuses to tell her readers is, that there were hoards of people in Washington, DC who knew that Marc Grossman exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates in 2001.
Including: FBI Director Robert Mueller, Dept. of Justice Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Patrick Leahy.
Clarice Feldman would like you to believe that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey conspired against President George W. Bush while Mueller, Fine, Grassley, Leahy and others in positions of power just watched.
Really? Wouldn't that make them all co-conspirators?
Clarice, when a conspiracy involves this many people in Washington, the conspiracy is not against anyone in Washington, it's against We the People
Clarice Feldman is right about one thing--Dick Armitage is a liar!
Thanks to Sibel Edmonds, that is a well documented fact.
Much more to follow......
Fox News speechless over Judith Miller’s confession
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Judith Miller has rendered the executives at Fox News speechless with her recent confession that she knew Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was not the person who leaked Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative.
From: (redacted)
To: irena briganti
Sent: October 21, 2013 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Media inquiry ( Judith Miller confession)
Is Fox News going to address the Judith Miller confession?
Scooter Libby’s attorneys might be forced to “Win”
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: irena briganti
Sent: October 18, 2013 at 3:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: Media inquiry 2nd attempt (Judith Miller )
Does Fox News have a statement for the media concerning the stunning confession made by Judith Miller?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: irena briganti
Sent: October 17, 2013 at 4:58 PM
Subject: Media inquiry (Judith Miller blows the whistle on “Special Counsel” Patrick Fitzgerald)
Ms. Irena Briganti
Does Fox News have a statement for the media pertaining to the latest news that involved Judith Miller exposing fraud committed by the DoJ?
Judith Miller blows the whistle on “Special Counsel” Patrick Fitzgerald
(name redacted)
Miller's confession is very problematic for Fox News for the simple fact that this is big news. However, this big news story will bring un-welcome scrutiny on the "Defender of the First Amendment" monopoly Roger Ailes has developed for Fox News with Judith Miller.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt when you're rendered speechless to defend your First Amendment defender.
Will Fox News continue to shield Judith Miller, or will they adhere to their responsibilities as a News organization?
Can Judith Miller survive another credibility exam?
The answers to these, and many other questions coming soon.......