
James Comey might want to fire his attorney


Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Former FBI Director James Comey may want to rethink his decision to have his friend, former U.S. Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald, represent him in his upcoming Russiagate troubles.

Jimmy, trust me when I tell you Fitzgerald lacks the intelligence and intestinal fortitude to get you out of the jam you are currently in.

Case in point:

I recently informed Fitzgerald of the irrefutable evidence that I had compiled proving that his appointment by James Comey to be Special Counsel investigating the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA employee (Plamegate), was fraudulent. And, that he (Fitzgerald) conducted a phony investigation culminating in the dog and pony show known as the Libby trial.

Fitzgerald was so rattled by my confronting him with the facts of his and Comey's criminal conduct in the Plamegate hoax that he completely lost his composure and made the following statement: "I'm not denying anything about this".

In other words. Fitzgerald pled guilty as charged!

Wow Patrick, you really shouldn't speak to me without your lawyer present.

Comically, unless Comey trades Fitzgerald in for a sturdier attorney, Fitz will be defending Comey against felony charges of leaking classified documents.

And the punchline is: the classified documents that were leaked by Comey were done so in order to ensure that another friend of his and Fitzgerald's (Robert Mueller) would be fraudulently appointed Special Counsel to perpetrate what's widely known as the Russiagate hoax.

Stay tuned, it gets better!

Related: Deep State Playbook: Comparing Plamegate and Russiagate


Deep State Bombshell: Armitage confirms Mueller and Comey are Dirty Cops!


Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

After years of dodging questions about his role in the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the outing of CIA employee Valerie Plame, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage finally confessed that "Plamegate" was a hoax orchestrated by senior officials at the FBI and DoJ.

And by doing so, he confirmed the fact that Robert Mueller and James Comey are Dirty Cops.

In 2006, Armitage told CBS News that he was the source for the Robert Novak article that led to the appointment of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald. And that he, Armitage, told no one for three years because Fitzgerald asked him not mention it.

CBS September 7, 2006

Armitage says he didn't come forward because "the special counsel, once he was appointed, asked me not to discuss this and I honored his request."

Armitage now admits that was a lie.

William H Taft III, who was legal advisor to the State Department and was present at the Oct 2, 2003 meeting at FBI headquarters when Armitage confessed to being Robert Novak's source, told me, in a telephone conversation, that in that meeting, Armitage, Secretary of State Colin Powell and he were all asked by the FBI to "not tell anyone" about Armitage's confession.

This silencing came three months before Fitzgerald was appointed Special Counsel tasked to find out who leaked Valerie Plames association with the C.I.A.

EXCLUSIVE: How Deep State ‘Journalist’ Michael Isikoff Has Been Setting Up Mueller’s Enemies For Years

When asked to respond to what Taft told me, Armitage replied "you can put what Taft said on the record."

Armitage confirmed that it was FBI and DoJ officials, not Fitzgerald, who asked him to, withhold information. And by remaining silent he, Taft and Powell allowed a Special Counsel Fitzgerald to be fraudulently appointed three months later, even though everyone knew Armitage was the leaker. In short, there was no legitimate reason to appoint a Special Counsel.

How Mueller Has Been Silencing Whistleblowers To Set Up Fake Special Counsels For Years

Sound familiar?

When Armitage was pressed to provide the names of the FBI and DoJ officials that asked him to conceal his confession he stated "it was a long time ago," as if he couldn’t remember. Then he abruptly ended the conversation by saying, "I'm going to go now," and hung up.

So, we ask:

Who was Director of the FBI at the time of the meeting?

Robert Mueller.

Who was the DoJ official that appointed Fitzgerald?

James Comey.

Isn’t it time to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the last two appointments of a Special Counsel? (Plamegate and Russiagate)

Related: New Witness Emerges In Mueller-Linked Scooter Libby Set-Up

The Department of Justice Blueprint for Fake Investigations


Robert Mueller has a history of meddling in elections


Marty Watters, Invesigative Reporter

Robert Mueller has a history of meddling in elections.

In 2008, when the Deep State chose Barack Obama to be the 44th POTUS, it called on its lead legal-fixer, FBI Director Robert Mueller III, to clear Obama’s road to the Oval Office.

As ordered, Mueller followed the Deep State playbook and found a patsy to deflect attention away from Obama's questionable activities and nefarious friends in Chicagoland.

Mueller’s patsy was the likable but dimwitted Illinois governor, Rod “Hot Rod” Blagojevich, a politician with more charisma than good sense. Mueller’s “investigation” of Blagojevich transformed Obama's bagman, Antoin “Tony” Rezko, into Blago’s nightmare. By the way, Tony was also a Chicago and Detroit bagman for Saddam Hussein’s former international banker and Obama friend, Nadhmi Auchi. But that’s another story.

Tony Rezko and Barack Obama

For several years, informants – none dare call them spies – and three, wired moles – all convicted of crimes and awaiting sentencing – shoveled slam dunk evidence to the FBI that was used to indict Blago.

One of those "informants," Bernard Barton (AKA: John Thomas) was released from the custody of the Long Island Office of the Eastern District of New York by U.S. Attorney…wait for it…Loretta Lynch, and sent to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Northern Illinois in Chicago led by Patrick Fitzgerald, where he was given a new identity, and assigned to worm his way into Rezko’s confidence. Not as a spy, of course.

Mueller, a reincarnation of Eliot Ness in the minds of some, dragged the investigation of Blago on for six years, even allowing him to be reelected governor. Only after Obama was elected President did the FBI arrest Blago. By the way, the timing of Blago’s arrest provided cover for Obama’s Co-Campaign Chair, Jesse Jackson, Jr. who was, at the time of Blago’s arrest, in the process of bribing Blago to appoint him to Obama’s Senate seat. But that, too, is another story.

It worked out well for Obama.

He went to the White House. Blago went to the Big House, where he sits today.

Meanwhile, the Chicago media, particularly the Tribune and the Sun Times, were delighted to help the Deep State legal eagles, Mueller, Deputy Attorney General James Comey, and then U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald – now one of Comey’s lawyers – clear the way for Obama’s ascendency to D.C.

Doesn't that sound familiar? That's exactly what the Deep State operatives in the DoJ and FBI tried to do for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Unfortunately for them, Trump is light years smarter than “Hot Rod.”

If Trump commutes Blago’s sentence, as is rumored these days, he should only do so if Blago goes public with what he knows about Robert Mueller's corrupt alliance with Barack Obama.

More to come...


The Department of Justice Blueprint for Fake Investigations


Posted by Ernie Souchak

The Department of Justice Blueprint for Fake Investigations
By Lee Cary


A National Review article, posted December 4, 2017, written by former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, entitled “It Is Now an Obstruction Investigation: Which means that it’s an impeachment investigation,” affirmed what’s long been obvious to many.

The purpose of the Mueller Investigation is not now, nor has it ever been, to prove collusion between Russia and the Trump Presidential Campaign. That stated objective was, and remains, a red herring.

What the McCarthy article fails to address is the real motive behind the Mueller investigation.

Mueller’s investigation, based on the choreographed dissemination of a fake dossier, was designed to: (1) discredit the election of Trump and hinder his efforts to govern, and (2) misdirect the media’s attention – easily done – in order to distract attention away from an investigation related to Uranium One, as well as several other questionable behaviors that suggest possible criminal acts conducted by the Clintons.

In short, the Mueller Investigation is a set piece, misdirection-by-distraction operation.
And daily, more Americans are beginning to see that it is – fake.

The pattern for the current operation was used in a previous “special counsel” puppet show: Plamegate. Two of the same players, Comey and Mueller, who starred in that marathon special counsel investigation that led to the process-crime indictment of “Scooter” Libby, kicked-off this latest show.

Here’s how the operation runs:


Rod Rosenstein, as Assistant Attorney General appointed by President Obama to serve under then Attorney General Loretta Lynch, has a history concerning Uranium One. According to The Hill, leading the news outlets exposing the Uranium One scandal, “Obama administration figures involved in the 2009-15 investigation of [the Uranium One deal] include Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe — all of whom are involved in some fashion in the current investigation of President Donald Trump alleged collusion with Russia.”

The closer President Trump moves toward accomplishing major tax reform, the bigger the media headlines will chant the mantra of his inevitable impeachment. Daily, they become more desperate to damage Trump, as The Swamp runs scared.

And, all those involved in the current and past DoJ Blueprint are Swamp creatures.


Related articles:

Judith Miller blows the whistle on “Special Counsel” Patrick Fitzgerald

“Plamegate” was a CIA/State Dept. disinformation campaign


“Plamegate” was a CIA/State Dept. disinformation campaign


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

"Plamegate" was a CIA/State Dept. disinformation campaign designed to distract Americans from Acts of Treason that had been, and were being committed.

And who better to carry out such a plan than Mr. Disinformation himself, Dick Armitage?


You see, the CIA, State Department, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, FBI, DoJ Office of Inspector General and the White House all knew by Feburary, 2002 that in the summer of 2001 Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman was caught on a FBI wiretap exposing Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings as CIA to Turkish nationals.

So, with that being a documented fact, how could Valerie Plame possibly think she was a covert agent attached to the CIA front operation known as Brewster Jennings & Associates in 2003?

Answer: she couldn't. It's a lie. Or, as Plame would say, her tradecraft allows her to call it disinformation.

And did anyone seriously believe the bullshit story Mr. Disinformation Dick Armitage told?

Answer: of course not. Armitage planted the story with the unwitting Robert Novak to kick off the Plamegate disinformation campaign.

Oh, we forgot to mention that not only was Grossman captured on tape exposing Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front, he (Grossman) was also caught on tape selling America's nuclear secrets on the black-market.

Wasn't it Valerie Plame's job at the CIA to catch people that do things like that? You know, the bad guys dealing in nuclear proliferation?

The problem for Dick Armitage, Valerie Plame, Patrick Fitzgerald, James Comey, Judith Miller and a plethora of others connected to the "Plamegate cover-up" is that the plan relied on silencing FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

And as they learned the hard way, that was something that could only be accomplished temporarily.


As this unfolds you will find that nothing is as it seems, and that we really are dealing with a one party system in Washington, DC.

Remember, "the truth will set you free". And, there is no expiration date on the truth.


Hey Chicago Tribune, what kinda Journalism is that?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

The traditional rules of journalism apparently don't apply to the Chicago Tribune.  Now it's the rules of "Forward Journalism" that they follow.

For example:

Basic rule #1 - When you get the inside scoop on a wiretap the government's running on a sitting governor, you don't make a decision at 10:20 p.m. to derail the government's investigation, while, at the same time, flushing the biggest news story of the year down the drain with a John Chase phone call warning Gov. Blagojevich that the feds are listening.

Unless you "report" for the Chicago Tribune.

Basic rule # 2 - When you write the self-described definitive book about the Rod Blagojevich affair, as reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen claim to have, and the U.S. Attorney's office publicly takes issue with the honesty of your claims, you back up your story with evidence that supports your words.

Unless you work for the Chicago Tribune

Basic rule #3 -  When the honesty of reporters is challenged by the U.S. government, the Editor stands by his or her reporters, or excepts responsibility for their mistakes and makes the appropriate changes to protect the integrity of the newspaper.

Unless you're an Editor at the Chicago Tribune.

Ever since the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Northern District of Illinois went on the record disputing claims made by Chase and Coen, the two Tribune reporters have been mute, refusing to comment.

Not only are they not responding to troubling accusations from the USAO, Tribune editor Gerould Kern, and the publisher of "Golden," the Chicago Review Press, are, also, hunkered down refusing to comment.

So is that the new style of "Forward Journalism"?

We, at IP2P, subscribe to the American traditional rules of journalism. We call for honest answers from the Tribune, on behalf of the citizens of Chicago, and Illinois.

They deserve the truth


What does George Weaver know about 400k Tony Rezko paid to Obama ?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay

Tony Rezko's partner Daniel T Frawley shared this letter he wrote to his attorney with Robert Cooley. In this letter Mr. Frawley claims his ex-attorney George Weaver can confirm that he (Frawley) provided cash for Tony Rezko to payoff Barack Obama !  Patrick Fitzgerald's replacement will need to take a look at this.

Perhaps Congressman Joe Walsh will also take notice ? (Special Counsel?)

As for the Chicago SunTimes and the Chicago Tribune, maybe if we hold our breath ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dan Frawley <Address withheld>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Weaver
To: robert XXXXX <Robert Cooley's email address withheld>


Here is Weaver's real concern and this is fact not opinion.
Weaver told my sister Kathleen and I this story at his (Weaver's) office
Weaver then repeated the same story to Jeffrey Steinbach a couple of days
later when Weaver called Jeff before Weaver
met with USAO Caroline McNiven and FBI supervisor Pat Murphy.
Weaver then went in and told the same story to the USAO.
Weaver then called me immediately after leaving the USAO office. (Within 5
minutes via pay phone)
Jeff then confirmed to me what Weaver told the USAO after speaking with the

Weaver's Explanation in first person:

I did not tell the USAA about the alleged payment from TR to BO because I
was afraid.
I was afraid that all of the news coverage would bring reporters to my door
and they would camp out there.
I was afraid I would be labeled a racist and Dan and Kathy you know I am not
political at all.
I was especially worried about the affect this would have on my son Michael.
I did this to Protect my family and myself from the publicity.

NOW here is the part that George lied to Jeff and the USAO to.
George told them (USA) & Jeff) that he George had a drink with me at the bar in George's office building. (121 N. La Salle St.)George said he told me then and there what Tony Rezko told George regarding BO and the alleged payoff. George Said that the reason for doing so was to hold this information out incase I did not get a good deal from the USAO then George could use this info as the last turn of the screw on TR and get me the best deal. George said that no one would believe me if I did not recall the story George’s way and that my sister and brother would also be indicted

George then went to Jeff and the USAO that story

I had already met with the USAO with Jeff and told the true story. I
originally went along with Weaver’s story because I was worried about my
brother and sister, but after about 10 days I went with Steinbach and
straightened out the misunderstandings. never knew whom TR gave the cash to
all I knew is Weaver Said the money went in cash in plastic grocery sacks to high elected
official. I always assumed it was Rod.

Jeff told me that the USAO knew Weaver lied to them and that USAO has
nothing but disgust and disdain for Weaver.
Jeff said the USAO could charge Weaver with Conspiracy, lying to the FBI and
obstruction of justice.
Of course we do not care about the criminal aspect but the civil

Government law enforcement people can testify to weaver' lying and

Were we also have weaver is Weaver told his wife Janice and his mother in
law what happened with BO & TR

We can depose Weavers wife and mother in law.
Weaver was so worried abut involving his family this or the threat of it
along with the publicity is Weaver's Achilles heal.


Another Mission Accomplished: Frawley joins Blago and Rezko in the Silence Chamber of Federal Prison



Thomas Barton, Illinois Pay-to-Play Political Commentator



On April 19, 2012, Federal Judge Ronald Guzman sentenced Daniel T. Frawley to one year and one day in federal prison.  So Frawley joins Rezko and Blago in the Silence Chamber of federal prison until well after the November election. He reports to jail next August 20.

What Frawley knows about Rezko’s dealings with former Illinois U.S. Senator Barack Obama will be unavailable…until it’s irrelevant.

Let’s review Frawley’s puppet dance with the feds:

He pleads guilty to a crime after the statute of limitations had expired, and agrees to pay 4.4 million dollars restitution to the bank he defrauded.

He becomes a confidential informant in the case the U.S. Attorney’s office builds against Antoin “Tony” Rezko, but doesn’t testify at Rezko’s trial.

He is identified as CI2 in the motion to arrest Rezko, after Nadhmi Auchi sent Rezko enough money to cover those who put up assets for Tony’s bond. This causes the feds to suspect that Tony is about to jump bail and head back to the Middle East. So they arrest Tony.

The feds withhold a check for over three hundred thousand dollars made out to Frawley from Rezko, money that Frawley claims Rezko owes him. (So, where did that money go?)

Frawley is dragged through multiple postponements in his sentencing for the better part of a year, until the November ’12 election is close enough for Frawley to receive enough jail time to keep him in the Silence Chamber until the man Patrick Fitzgerald has been protecting for years is re-elected President.

Implausible explanation?  Not when you step back and survey the pattern of the U.S. Attorney’s catch and release program with regard to those most closely associated with Rezko and Blago.

Frawley was guilty as charged for the crimes he committed years ago. He admitted that. But the way his case has been handled over those years calls into question the motives of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois.

Has it been about fighting crime?  Or, more about protecting corruption at the highest level of the land?

Frawley’s been a dutiful puppet on federal strings.  And here’s his pay-off:





Further Update: Details of Frawley v. McMahon “Whistleblower” Lawsuit Just Exposed By Sun Times


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay

Further Update:

Apparently, in response to articles recently run by the Chicago Sun Times that state, as fact, that a “Whistleblower” lawsuit was filed by Daniel T. Frawley in July 11, 2011,Mayor Rahm Emanuel is proposing to permanently ban an electrical contracting company with ties to Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th) from getting city work because its owners and their husbands allegedly operated phony women- and minority-owned companies that have gotten millions of dollars in city contracts.”

This proposed ban was announced today, March 28, 2012, in the Sun Times.  

His Honor and the paper must have access to a fully-authenticated, signed copy of a date-stamped lawsuit that we, at Illinois PayToPlay cannot locate. If they don’t, their claims of its existence are specious. But let’s reserve judgment.

We need your help.

If you have proof that such a lawsuit was filed, post here on comment board.

If it was filed and sealed in July 2011, it should be available to the public by now. And, if it was filed and remains sealed, how did the Sun Times get a copy? Are there not illegalities involved in leaking a sealed court document? Lastly, if it was never filed, what’s this assault on the McMahon’s all about anyway?



The Chicago Sun Times has now run the second of what it promises is a three part series concerning a whistleblower lawsuit filed by attorneys representing Daniel T. Frawley.  The Sun Times has yet to provide its readers a copy of that lawsuit.  Is it the same one Illinois Pay-To-Play posted below?  If it is not, it is time for the Sun Times to show its readers the lawsuit on which it’s series is based.  

(Originally posted on Illinois Pay-to-Play  3-25-2012)

In an article dated March 24, 2012, the Chicago Sun Times broke the explosive story of a lawsuit filed July 2011 by Daniel T. Frawley, cooperating federal government mole-informant in Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation of Tony Rezko, and former Rezko business partner.

According to the Sun Times, the lawsuit charges various members of the McMahon family, associated with McMahon-owned businesses, of fraudulent contracting practices.  The reporters wrote that,

“Frank McMahon’s first cousin, Daniel T. Frawley, filed a “whistleblower” lawsuit in federal court last July accusing McMahon Food, C & C and Krystal of actually being run by men, even though the companies are certified as being women-owned and -operated. As a result, Frawley says McMahon Food was able to obtain multimillion-dollar deals with Cook County government, including supplying dairy goods to the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.”

Illinois PayToPlay recently received a copy of a “whistleblower” lawsuit attributed to Frawley, by a confidential source, that fits the description of the document exposed by the Sun Times. Uncertain of its authenticity at the time, we chose not to make it public, but do so now.

Here is a pdf. link to the lawsuit we received. Daniel Frawley Whistleblower Lawsuit (PDF) - We have not yet been able to contact the firm named as representing Frawley for comment.


Update: Details of Frawley v. McMahon “Whistleblower” Lawsuit Just Exposed By Sun Times


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay


The Chicago Sun Times has now run the second of what it promises is a three part series concerning a whistleblower lawsuit filed by attorneys representing Daniel T. Frawley.  The Sun Times has yet to provide its readers a copy of that lawsuit.  Is it the same one Illinois Pay-To-Play posted below?  If it is not, it is time for the Sun Times to show its readers the lawsuit on which it’s series is based.  

(Originally posted on Illinois Pay-to-Play  3-25-2012)

In an article dated March 24, 2012, the Chicago Sun Times broke the explosive story of a lawsuit filed July 2011 by Daniel T. Frawley, cooperating federal government mole-informant in Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation of Tony Rezko, and former Rezko business partner.

According to the Sun Times, the lawsuit charges various members of the McMahon family, associated with McMahon-owned businesses, of fraudulent contracting practices.  The reporters wrote that,

“Frank McMahon’s first cousin, Daniel T. Frawley, filed a “whistleblower” lawsuit in federal court last July accusing McMahon Food, C & C and Krystal of actually being run by men, even though the companies are certified as being women-owned and -operated. As a result, Frawley says McMahon Food was able to obtain multimillion-dollar deals with Cook County government, including supplying dairy goods to the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center.”

Illinois PayToPlay recently received a copy of a “whistleblower” lawsuit attributed to Frawley, by a confidential source, that fits the description of the document exposed by the Sun Times.  Uncertain of its authenticity at the time, we chose not to make it public, but do so now.

Here is a pdf. link to the lawsuit we received. Daniel Frawley Whistleblower Lawsuit (PDF) - We have not yet been able to contact the firm named as representing Frawley for comment.
