“Woke” the United Airlines way
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines just announced a new pilot training program that celebrates choosing pilots for its cockpits based on race and gender rather than talent, ability, education and experience.
Good for you, United, because as any "good" person knows, "wokeness" trumps safety.
And the "good" decision makers at United have always figured out a way to make their brand of "wokeness" work for them.
Take, for example, the savings United realized when it made the "woke" decision to hire an unqualified pressure washer and his crew of Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove cancer-causing asbestos from United's former World Headquarters, and dump it next to a children's playground in suburban Rolling Meadows, IL.
How very "woke" of them to employ those minority day laborers to do their hazardous criminal dirty work.
But both these demonstrations of United's virtue-signaling "wokeness" most likely will result in the death of many of its customers and employees. But apparently that's okay with United's top brass.

However, is the "woke" crowd that United is pandering to these days okay with under-qualified minority pilots dying in the plane crash along with the airlines' customers and employees?
And will they be okay when the Mexican day-laborers die of cancer along with United's customers and employees?
Can they even make those kind of cold-blooded exceptions and still be considered "woke"?
I don't think so.
No, United's decision to put less-qualified pilots in the cockpit and use Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove its asbestos problem is not about being "woke" at all.
Like everything else United does, these are just sleazy ways to obtain cheap labor in order to further line the greedy pockets of United's top brass and their corrupt political allies.
Do us a favor United, go back to sleep.
You're not fooling anyone.
United Airlines caught on VIDEO doing illegal asbestos removal!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
IP2P has irrefutable proof, including video, that United Airlines has been deliberately exposing its employees and the public to deadly amounts of airborne asbestos for financial reasons over the past four years.
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Richard Leamy, [email protected], Scott Kirby, Brett Hart
Sent: November 10, 2017 at 10:29 AM
Subject: United's decision to continue the dangerous lie. (re: illegal asbestos removal)
Mr. Oscar Munoz
United Airlines' position that A&E Services Inc. was not removing asbestos from United's former WHQ in Illinois not only illustrates the unbelievable arrogance of management at United.
It also confirms that the culture endorsed and implemented by the top brass at United is one of: When caught doing something wrong, lie to the bitter end.
That way of dealing with this very serious situation, if continued, will not serve you or United's shareholders well in the days to come.
For your viewing pleasure I have attached a video recording (just a sample) of A&E Services illegally dry scraping friable spray-on-fireproof asbestos from the ceiling at United's former World Headquarters (OPC)
Now would be a good time for someone at United Airlines to say something intelligent.
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter, Illinoispaytoplay.com
United Airlines’ illegal abatement at former World Headquarters exposing employees to airborne asbestos fibers
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
United Airlines manager to employees: “it would be difficult to prove” United was removing asbestos
OSHA is attempting to cover up United Airlines’ criminal behavior
Oscar Munoz, you have admitted that stuffing a puppy into an overhead bin to die was wrong.
Now perhaps you can also muster up the decency to admit that United got it wrong when it decided to deliberately expose people to a known carcinogen.
Oscar, I realize that this will be a very difficult thing for you to do considering that the decision to purposely expose people to asbestos was not only wrong, it is also against the law!
But whether or not you do the right thing and voluntarily accept responsibility, United will be held accountable for its actions.
More to come...
You won’t believe the latest in the United Airlines asbestos scandal
Marty Watters, Invesigative Reporter
Get a load of this:
A&E Services Inc., the company that United Airlines insists was not removing asbestos from its former World Headquarters in suburban Illinois, now wants United to return its asbestos removal equipment!
United contracted A&E Services to remove asbestos from United's former WHQ. From July of 2014 through May of 2015 A&E Services illegally removed, and then illegally dumped the asbestos in open dumpsters clandestinely placed in a residential driveway in Rolling Meadows IL.
United management and their attorneys swear that this did not happen. They claim that A&E was paid over $1.1 million to remove some fiberglass insulation.
Now why would United remove and replace perfectly fine fiberglass insulation? Answer: they wouldn't. Nobody would!
And why would United pay asbestos removal prices to remove fiberglass insulation? Again, they wouldn't. Nobody would!
The fact is that United only began claiming that A&E was removing fiberglass insulation after A&E was caught red-handed illegally removing and dumping asbestos. But prior to A&E being caught committing these crimes, United told its maintenance mechanics that A&E was there to remove asbestos.
Both claims cannot be correct.
Now A&E is in a fight with United over equipment that was never returned to owner Robert Nykaza after his company was banned from the property.
Unfortunately for United, the list of equipment that Nykaza is demanding United return to him is clearly asbestos removal equipment. It can now be added to the mountain of irrefutable proof that A&E illegally removed asbestos from United's WHQ. Brilliant move, Robert!
I look forward to seeing how United's attorneys will try to spin this one.
As for the mentally unstable Robert Nykaza, he might want to start working on his explanation for why he had asbestos removal equipment at United, and why he hired Rich Hayes, the owner/operator of a little power washing business in Rolling Meadows, to supervise a multimillion dollar asbestos removal project at United.
But the explanation I am most looking forward to is the one from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration explaining why they are still allowing United to willfully expose its employees and anyone else who walks into the former WHQ to deadly airborne asbestos.
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
United Airlines: Breathing airborne asbestos fibers is just part of the job!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
If you think the way Oscar Munoz and United Airlines treat their customers is deplorable, wait until you see how they treat their own employees.
United has for years been doing everything in its power to hide the irrefutable fact that employees working at and visiting its former World Headquarters in Elk Grove Village, IL are being exposed to large amounts of airborne asbestos fibers.
In an incredible new development in this saga, United attorneys have just taken the position that being exposed to asbestos is just a work place hazard that employees must endure as part of working for United.
Consider the fact that employees were not being told about the asbestos hazard. And that United did nothing to eliminate the dangerous conditions created by its reckless disregard for the laws governing asbestos removal.
Here's United's latest position concerning the ongoing asbestos hazard: employees can just file a worker's compensation claim after they are exposed to the asbestos hazard United intentionally created and tried to cover up.
Knowing all this, it is painfully clear that the health and well-being of employees at United means absolutely nothing to the airlines' top decision makers.
Wow Oscar, makes me wonder if you underwent a heart transplant or just a removal. Perhaps a brain transplant is in order.
Does United understand that workman's comp covers accidents, not deliberate acts?
Do United attorneys think that they can claim that lying to the EPA and OSHA were accidents as well?
United Airlines manager caught lying to OSHA in asbestos case
Good luck with that strategy, Oscar.
There is no word yet on United's position regarding non-employees who were and are being exposed to airborne asbestos fibers. But I'm sure when they finally come up with one, it will be a gem.
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
Fly the friendly skies of United? No thanks, Oscar. If this is how United treats people on the ground, there is no reason at all to think the treatment gets any better in the air.
More to come..
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Mr. Oscar Munoz, beating up paying customers whose only crime was to choose to fly United Airlines is one thing.
But an airline that illegally dumps asbestos next to a children's playground and then does everything in its considerable power to conceal the crime?
That's going way too far. Even for United!
----- Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Megan McCarthy, Brett Hart
Sent: April 12, 2017 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Oscar Munoz "It's never too late to do the right thing"
Thank you for that quote. I agree wholeheartedly.
Now when can I expect to hear from you to discuss United's considerable asbestos problem?
Marty Watters
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: April 10, 2017 at 2:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos next to children's park
I have not heard from anyone at United. Today is your deadline.
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: April 7, 2017 at 8:34 AM
Subject: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos next to children's park
Mr. Oscar Munoz
Illegally parking open dumpsters full of asbestos next to a children's park is not the behavior of a company that cares.
Contact me at <redacted>
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: March 27, 2017 at 10:21 AM
Subject: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos in suburban neighborhood
Oscar Munoz
Would you care to comment?
Marty Watters
United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos in suburban neighborhood
Oscar, you have finally expressed your shame and have accepted responsibility for United's thug-like actions that sent 69-year-old Dr. David Dao to the hospital.
Now it's time for you and United to accept the shame and responsibility for exposing untold numbers of men, women and children to airborne asbestos fibers.
They also deserve an apology from you, along with a commitment from United to voluntarily provide them the proper medical attention.
Like you said, Oscar: "It's never too late to do the right thing".
Or was that just lip service?
United Airlines asbestos victims want to be heard
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Victims of United Airlines' illegal asbestos removal write a letter asking to be heard.
Perhaps it's time for Congress to investigate why the Occupational Health and Safety Review Commission is refusing to hear what they have to say?
(Judge okay with perjury and fraud in his court!)
ALERT: United Airlines employees being tested for asbestos exposure!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
United Airlines has finally admitted to exposing employees and visitors to airborne asbestos fibers at its former World Headquarters (WHQ) in Elk Grove Village IL. and is providing medical testing and monitoring to those who have been exposed to the airborne asbestos.
However, there is one problem.
United management is not notifying people (estimated to be in the thousands) that they were exposed and that medical help is available!
----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Christina Landgraf (UAL Counsel)
Cc: Oscar Munoz (UAL CEO), Brett Hart (UAL General Counsel)
Sent: June 8, 2016 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Asbestos medical testing (United Airlines)
Ms. Landgraf
As you know, United Airlines has quietly been providing medical testing for employees who are aware that they have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibers at United's former World Headquarters in Elk Grove Village IL. due to the abatements performed by A&E Services Inc.
When is United going to make an official announcement to inform all those who don't realize that they have been exposed?
-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Geoffrey Celander (UAL Health & Safety)
Sent: June 7, 2016 at 11:50 AM
Subject: Asbestos medical testing (United Airlines)
Mr. Geoffrey Celander
United Airlines is now offering employees medical testing due to the fact that they have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibers at United's former World Headquarters in Elk Grove village IL.
Has United Airlines made an official announcement informing all employees of this new development?
Marty Watters
United Airlines’ illegal abatement at former World Headquarters exposing employees to airborne asbestos fibers
I guess United's CEO, Oscar Munoz, thinks that what people don't know can't hurt them.
Or is it that Oscar knows that if thousands of people knew that they were exposed to asbestos, it could hurt United's stock price?
I'm thinking the latter.
However, as we all know, being exposed to airborne asbestos can not only hurt you, it can in fact kill you.
So if you have ever worked at or visited United Airlines' former WHQ, you'll want to contact Sylvia Empen (847-700-1144) at United Airlines so that you can receive the proper paperwork to insure that you get medical attention.
Don't worry about the bill. United Airlines will get that for you.
Or should I say United's shareholders will get that for you?
Is United's former WHQ a potential asbestos superfund site? More to come.....
United Airlines’ political protection in Chicago – EPA and OSHA refuse to enforce their own laws
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Brett Hart
(Acting CEO - United Airlines)
United Airlines executives were so confident of the protection racket they enjoy in Chicago that they continued to break asbestos laws - right in plain view of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspectors.
This display of arrogance is so unbelievably brazen considering the fact that the EPA and OSHA put other people in prison for breaking these same asbestos laws.
In March of 2015, the EPA and OSHA received multiple complaints that United was illegally removing and dumping asbestos from its former World Headquarters (WHQ) in suburban Chicago.
So they begrudgingly opened a so-called " joint investigation".
What followed is a blatant display of government corruption that is hard to fathom even for Chicago.
For example: During the EPA's and OSHA's so-called "joint investigation" of illegal asbestos removal at United's former WHQ, government officials were given the exact time and location of crimes in progress at the very same facility they were supposedly investigating.
From: Marty Watters
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:28 PM
To: Linda Rosen (EPA)
Subject: United Airlines (illegal asbestos removal & dumping)
A&E Services, Inc. is presently removing asbestos illegally by the dry removal method at United Airlines' campus located at 1200 E. Algonquin Rd. Elk Grove Village IL.
The work that I am bringing to your attention this time, is being done in machine room 1 (boiler room) of the south building. A&E is scraping the friable spray-on asbestos fireproofing material off the ceiling deck. Again, no notice was given and regulations are not being followed. And once again, the asbestos that was removed from the ceiling is being transported to another location for undisclosed dumping.
And as we discussed, the illegal dumping of asbestos is definitely with-in your purview.
The attached pictures are of the area where this illegal abatement is happening.
The work is being done in the evening.
You said you need to catch them in the act. Well go do so.
As required by whistleblower protection mandates I must insist that the attached pictures and the existence of them not be disclosed to United Airlines or anyone outside of the EPA until consent is given.
Marty Watters
United Airlines Warned Employees: ‘Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers’
United Airlines Told Employees to “Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers”? We’d Call That #MissionImpossible
In the days to follow, United's asbestos contractor, A&E Services Inc., completed this particular illegal asbestos removal project and then moved on to another without even one visit from EPA or OSHA inspectors.
Clearly the EPA and OSHA didn't really want to catch United in the act.
Luckily someone else caught them in the act - on video.
Oops! The bad guys didn't see that coming.
And now corrupt government officials are trying their best to escape the fact that a video recording of this illegal asbestos removal project exists.
They also did not anticipate me obtaining A&E Services' invoices for all the illegal asbestos removal work it was doing for United.
Over the course of ten months, A&E submitted 68 separate illegal asbestos abatement invoices and was paid immediately upon completion of each job.
Under normal circumstances, where a company is not politically protected and the law is enforced, each and every one of those 68 separate illegal asbestos jobs would have garnered a minimum of at least one $70K "willful violation" citation from OSHA. That's a total of $4.7 million in fines just for starters.
In addition, A&E Services owner Robert Nykaza - along with numerous United managers - would be singing like canaries to stay out of prison.
And most troubling of all for the big-shots at United, this would all lead to the opening of a very big can of worms involving financial records, corporate filings and false disclosure statements.
That's when the fun would really begin!
Of course, United executives could not afford to let that happen. Not when they could just buy political protection.
Needless to say, this kind of corruption causes government officials to go completely deaf and blind to all things bad. And also explains why Nykaza has been threatening me and a United Airlines whistleblower because we are exposing them. I'll have more on Nykaza at a later date.
Even in Chicago, only big well-connected corporations like United are afforded this level of political protection.
Put simply, United Airlines enjoys above-the-law status for the moment.
The Question is: With more proof of United's criminal behavior on the way, how long will that last?
More to come....