Senator Dick Durbin looking into United Airlines’ criminal activities
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Senator Dick Durbin's office is currently in discussions, with infividuals including me, who are providing the Senator with irrefutable proof that not only did United Airlines criminally dump asbestos in a Rolling Meadows, IL neigborhood, but that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) where instrumental in covering up the crimes.
Jessica Garber, a legislative aid for Senator Durbin, who is spearheading the inquiry, said that higher-ups in Durbin' s office are trying to determine the best way to proceed.
Senator Durbin, the FBI and the Securities Exchange Commission could be of some help.
Why not call them?
More to come...
United Airlines’ political protection in Chicago – EPA and OSHA refuse to enforce their own laws
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Brett Hart
(Acting CEO - United Airlines)
United Airlines executives were so confident of the protection racket they enjoy in Chicago that they continued to break asbestos laws - right in plain view of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspectors.
This display of arrogance is so unbelievably brazen considering the fact that the EPA and OSHA put other people in prison for breaking these same asbestos laws.
In March of 2015, the EPA and OSHA received multiple complaints that United was illegally removing and dumping asbestos from its former World Headquarters (WHQ) in suburban Chicago.
So they begrudgingly opened a so-called " joint investigation".
What followed is a blatant display of government corruption that is hard to fathom even for Chicago.
For example: During the EPA's and OSHA's so-called "joint investigation" of illegal asbestos removal at United's former WHQ, government officials were given the exact time and location of crimes in progress at the very same facility they were supposedly investigating.
From: Marty Watters
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:28 PM
To: Linda Rosen (EPA)
Subject: United Airlines (illegal asbestos removal & dumping)
A&E Services, Inc. is presently removing asbestos illegally by the dry removal method at United Airlines' campus located at 1200 E. Algonquin Rd. Elk Grove Village IL.
The work that I am bringing to your attention this time, is being done in machine room 1 (boiler room) of the south building. A&E is scraping the friable spray-on asbestos fireproofing material off the ceiling deck. Again, no notice was given and regulations are not being followed. And once again, the asbestos that was removed from the ceiling is being transported to another location for undisclosed dumping.
And as we discussed, the illegal dumping of asbestos is definitely with-in your purview.
The attached pictures are of the area where this illegal abatement is happening.
The work is being done in the evening.
You said you need to catch them in the act. Well go do so.
As required by whistleblower protection mandates I must insist that the attached pictures and the existence of them not be disclosed to United Airlines or anyone outside of the EPA until consent is given.
Marty Watters
United Airlines Warned Employees: ‘Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers’
United Airlines Told Employees to “Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers”? We’d Call That #MissionImpossible
In the days to follow, United's asbestos contractor, A&E Services Inc., completed this particular illegal asbestos removal project and then moved on to another without even one visit from EPA or OSHA inspectors.
Clearly the EPA and OSHA didn't really want to catch United in the act.
Luckily someone else caught them in the act - on video.
Oops! The bad guys didn't see that coming.
And now corrupt government officials are trying their best to escape the fact that a video recording of this illegal asbestos removal project exists.
They also did not anticipate me obtaining A&E Services' invoices for all the illegal asbestos removal work it was doing for United.
Over the course of ten months, A&E submitted 68 separate illegal asbestos abatement invoices and was paid immediately upon completion of each job.
Under normal circumstances, where a company is not politically protected and the law is enforced, each and every one of those 68 separate illegal asbestos jobs would have garnered a minimum of at least one $70K "willful violation" citation from OSHA. That's a total of $4.7 million in fines just for starters.
In addition, A&E Services owner Robert Nykaza - along with numerous United managers - would be singing like canaries to stay out of prison.
And most troubling of all for the big-shots at United, this would all lead to the opening of a very big can of worms involving financial records, corporate filings and false disclosure statements.
That's when the fun would really begin!
Of course, United executives could not afford to let that happen. Not when they could just buy political protection.
Needless to say, this kind of corruption causes government officials to go completely deaf and blind to all things bad. And also explains why Nykaza has been threatening me and a United Airlines whistleblower because we are exposing them. I'll have more on Nykaza at a later date.
Even in Chicago, only big well-connected corporations like United are afforded this level of political protection.
Put simply, United Airlines enjoys above-the-law status for the moment.
The Question is: With more proof of United's criminal behavior on the way, how long will that last?
More to come....
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: EPA and OSHA officials as stupid as they are corrupt
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
If it wasn't bad enough that the officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in Chicago are corrupt, it turns out that they're complete half-wits to boot.
It's as though these agencies put a moratorium on hiring employees with triple-digit IQ's.
For example, take EPA criminal investigator Eric Hann's brain-dead assertion that video recordings of illegal activity are "hearsay". An assertion that OSHA director Angie Loftus agrees with.
Almost as dumbfounding is the fact Hann thought nothing of putting that little intellectual gem in writing!
-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Eric Hann (EPA)
Cc: Nathan Frank (EPA), Randall Ashe (EPA), Linda Rosen (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent: June 13, 2015 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Rules of evidence
Mr. Hann
Before you are so bold as to presume you can teach me about the rules of evidence in a criminal case. I suggest you seek counsel on what the criminal courts consider "hearsay" and what they do not.
It is very disturbing that the person leading the EPA's criminal investigation of United Airlines has made the determination that video recordings of crimes being committed are "hearsay" before he has even viewed said recordings
Mr. Watters
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Eric Hann (EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Sat Jun 13 09:40:02 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: Proof of criminal activity!
Mr Watters
We are going back and forth. I not sure if your familiar with the rules of evidence for criminal cases. Those are the rules I must follow to use anything in my investigation. That is that. While I am trying to move forward, I explained before. Since you are obviously not willing to provide me with your sources(as you called the), I suggest that the hearsay evidence all be presented to the civil side of ILEPA, OSHA and USEPA - they will respond in the appropriate manner. Since you earlier stated that you have been speaking with these agencies, you have their telephone numbers. I hope this helps and I wish you luck.
On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:45 PM, "Marty Watters" wrote:
Mr. Hann
You continue to show no interest in seeing video recorded proof of criminal activity.
Why is that?
----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Hann (EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Cc: Linda Rosen (EPA), Randall Ashe (EPA), Nathan Frank (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent:Sat Jun 13 06:35:34 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: Proof of criminal activity!
Mr Watters
A unfair statement. I am trying to speak to the individuals that have first hand knowledge - the ones who were at the alleged site as things allegedly occurred. It seems that you do not want to provided them to me. That is your decision. I can only use information from those individuals (sources). Once again, I ask that you email me their names and phone numbers. That is the rules I must follow.
On Jun 13, 2015, at 12:49 PM, "Marty Watters" wrote:
Would someone explain why the EPA has expressed zero interest in obtaining the definitive proof (offered below) of United Airlines illegal removal and dumping of asbestos from their former World Headquarters, while conversely the EPA is fixated on learning the identity of the people who have compiled that same proof of criminal activity that you have shown zero interest in seeing?
Marty Watters
-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Eric Hann
Cc: Randall Ashe (EPA), Linda Rosen (EPA), Nathan Frank (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent: June 11, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Subject: United Airlines illegal asbestos removal and dumping (boiler room - south building)
Mr. Eric Hann
Are you interested in a video recording of the illegal removal and dumping of asbestos from United Airlines facilities located at 1200 E. Algonquin Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL?
Marty Watters
What makes this exchange even more amazing is that I did not contact the EPA's criminal division. It was the EPA's civil division that had Mr. Hann contact me after seeing some of the evidence I compiled against United.
Aside from not wanting to see any of the irrefutable evidence against United, Mr. Hann later refused to talk to another person with direct knowledge of United's illegal activities who offered to come forward.
Seems that Mr. Hann's real objective from the beginning was to learn who my sources were so the EPA could rat them out to United.
Nice try, Eric. If only you were half as smart as you are corrupt, you might have succeeded.
Not to be outdone when it comes to being stupid, Nathan Frank, the director of EPA's region V civil division, had this to say after Hann kicked the investigation back to him:
"When a corporation decides to lie to us there is really nothing we can do about it, that's why we refer it to the criminal division."
As you can clearly see, these government "servants" are mentally challenged.
These are just a few examples why Illinois can now claim to have both the dumbest and most corrupt government officials in the nation.
Did I mention that this was all happening after the EPA insisted that both they and OSHA were closing their investigations after two weeks without even looking at the evidence?
Obviously closing their so-called "investigations" has not worked out quite the way they planned.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Robeen (IL EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Wed Apr 15 03:19:52 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: phone cal
I was told that by Cook County. I would ask them who it was.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 15, 2015, at 10:18 AM, "Marty Watters wrote:
When we last spoke you told me that OSHA was closing their investigation of United Airlines illegal asbestos removal at United's former world headquarters located in Elk Grove Village, IL.
Who was it at OSHA that told you that?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Robeen (IL EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Wed Apr 15 01:47:25 UTC 2015
Subject: phone call
Hi Marty,
Sorry I haven’t called you back from yesterday. Not sure if I will get the chance today either. Please email me with any issues or questions and I will try to email you back.
Ron Robeen
Acting Field Operations Section Manager
Illinois EPA, Bureau of Air
1021 N. Grand Ave. East, MC #41
Springfield Illinois 62702
Phone: 217/524-0229
Fax: 217/782-1875
Since then, both the EPA and OSHA have been going deeper and deeper down the United Airlines' asbestos cover-up hole.
Stay tuned! This story of corruption gets even better. Or should I say even dumber.