Did the covid “vaccine” affect Scott Kirby’s menstrual cycle?
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Scott Kirby, the woke CEO of United Airlines, did all he could to see to it that everyone at United got jabbed with the experimental covid "vaccine". We know that the covid "vaccines" affect the menstrual cycles of women.
But has Kirby stopped to consider how these "vaccines" may affect the menstrual cycle of "men" like him?

Studies may have to be done.
United Airlines CEO is a World Economic Forum puppet
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby is a dangerous liar who should be dragged up to Capitoll Hilll to explain his bizarre propensity for poisoning his own employees.
For years I have been reporting on the fact that United Airlines has been knowingly exposing its employees to dangerous amounts of airborne asbestos with the help of its crooked government partners.
Now Kirby and his Deep State cohorts are poisoning those same employees with experimental gene therapy drugs.
And Kirby has been spewing ridiculous lies in an attempt to justify doing so.
Take, for example, the incredible boldface lie that he told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle on August 11 2021 at the 3:30 minute mark of the video below:
Kirby claims that people who are not vaccinated for covid are 300 times more likely to die of covid than people who are vaccinated.
Really? Did you pull that preposterous falsehood directly out of your ass, Scott? Or did your World Economic Forum overlords supply you with that number? Even the lying little elf, Anthony Fauci, would not have had the nerve to tell a lie that big. And that's saying a lot, because Fauci does tell some whoppers.
Perhaps it's time for Senator Ted Cruz and the Senate Commerce Committee to drag Scott Kirby back up to Washington, DC to answer some real questions about why Kirby insists on turning all of his employees into lab rats.

One thing we already know for sure. It's not because Kirby gives a shit about his employees' health and safety.
Mounting evidence indicates that United Airlines employees probably are 300 times more likely to die due to Scott Kirby's malfeasance. Than from the covid virus.
More to come!
AE4HF’s covid vaccine mandate fight is a misdirection scam!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) is making the case in court that United Airlines employees of faith should be exempt from taking the covid jab.
But the group's religious exemption fight is just a misdirection tactic in order to keep the focus off the fact that everyone, not just people of faith, are already exempt from being forced to inject any experimental drug into their bodies.
Yeah, that exemption is a little thing called the Nuremberg Code.
That prohibition has been codified in U.S. law.
That's why combating illegal vaccine mandates on the grounds of religious exemptions is foolish and unnecessary. It's also exactly what the World Economic Forum and Deep State scumbags want us to do.
Case in point: Watch United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby intentionally bait people into the religious exemption fight.
United CEO Scott Kirby told his employees that “very few people” who requested a religious exemption to their vaccine mandate would be granted one, said his employees would be “putting their job on the line,” & said employees should “be very careful about that.”
Disturbing. pic.twitter.com/gvX7rI7JSX
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) December 15, 2021
What Kirby did in this 22 second video was distract attention from the fact that all of the covid vaccines are experimental and unsafe by making the discussion about people's faith.
It's a slick tactic that Deep State snakes deploy all the time.
By making their case about religion, AE4HF is allowing United Airlines and its government partners to escape the pitfalls of having to produce evidence that the untested drugs United is forcing on its employees are safe and effective.
Keep this in mind: United Airlines now requires all new employees to have been injected with the experimental "vaccines".
Is United saying that people of faith need not apply?
They are also telling everyone else who cares if the vaccines are safe. Just shut up and do what you are told!
Did United Airlines study the safety record of these vaccines?
Of course not.
Is United Airlines liable for the harm the vaccines are already causing to its employees?
These are just a few of the many questions that should have been asked before Scott Kirby and United Airlines were able to scam people into thinking this was just a question of faith.
The debate over vaccines must be first and foremost about the health and safety of the individuals receiving the jabs, not their religious beliefs.
And I can tell you this with certainty from first hand experience: Scott Kirby does not give a rat's ass about the health and saftey of United Airlines employees.
Next up. AE4HF partnered with a religious charlatan!
Apparently Senator Ted Cruz is for vaccine mandates
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Senator Ted Cruz wants the public to think he is against vaccine mandates, but it now appears as though he is all for them.
Here's how I know this:
Cruz never misses an opportunity to inform people that he and his family have taken the COVID-19 "vaccines" and that he thinks everyone should get the jabs.
But Cruz has always insisted that he believes it should be your choice and that you should not be forced to get the injections.
But that position does not square with Cruz's pathetic performance at the Senate Commerce Committee hearing on December 15, 2021.
If Cruz really believed people should not be forced to take the jabs, he would have taken the time to school United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby on the fact that the COVID "vaccines" that are being pushed are experimental and that none of them are FDA approved.
Then he would have asked Kirby why United Airlines is not grounding the pilots who have received the unapproved experimental injection as FAA regulations require for safety reasons.
From there, Cruz would have proceeded to excoriate Kirby with the fact that the so-called "vaccines" don't prevent you from catching or transmitting the COVID virus, according to the CDC.
And last but not least, Cruz would have beat Kirby over the head with the fact that the government's own VAERS data shows that the so-called "vaccines" that United is forcing on its employees are dangerous and are causing illness and death in alarming numbers.
Instead, Cruz chose to chastise Kirby for not recognizing his employees religious rights.
But that was just a classic move of misdirection because "Lyin' Ted" knows full well that legally, you don't have to be a person of faith to be exempt from taking a dangerous experimental drug.
Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
And you don't need to be a legal scholar to understand that no one should ever be forced to take any drugs much less dangerous ones.
So take your pick, Ted.
You can claim to be a really "sloppy" lawyer...
Or just admitt that you are really for unconstitutional vaccine mandates.
Which is it going to be?
Coming up: Senator Cruz is hiding from the OSHA/United Airlines scandal!
“Woke” the United Airlines way
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines just announced a new pilot training program that celebrates choosing pilots for its cockpits based on race and gender rather than talent, ability, education and experience.
Good for you, United, because as any "good" person knows, "wokeness" trumps safety.
And the "good" decision makers at United have always figured out a way to make their brand of "wokeness" work for them.
Take, for example, the savings United realized when it made the "woke" decision to hire an unqualified pressure washer and his crew of Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove cancer-causing asbestos from United's former World Headquarters, and dump it next to a children's playground in suburban Rolling Meadows, IL.
How very "woke" of them to employ those minority day laborers to do their hazardous criminal dirty work.
But both these demonstrations of United's virtue-signaling "wokeness" most likely will result in the death of many of its customers and employees. But apparently that's okay with United's top brass.

However, is the "woke" crowd that United is pandering to these days okay with under-qualified minority pilots dying in the plane crash along with the airlines' customers and employees?
And will they be okay when the Mexican day-laborers die of cancer along with United's customers and employees?
Can they even make those kind of cold-blooded exceptions and still be considered "woke"?
I don't think so.
No, United's decision to put less-qualified pilots in the cockpit and use Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove its asbestos problem is not about being "woke" at all.
Like everything else United does, these are just sleazy ways to obtain cheap labor in order to further line the greedy pockets of United's top brass and their corrupt political allies.
Do us a favor United, go back to sleep.
You're not fooling anyone.
United Airlines caught on VIDEO doing illegal asbestos removal!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
IP2P has irrefutable proof, including video, that United Airlines has been deliberately exposing its employees and the public to deadly amounts of airborne asbestos for financial reasons over the past four years.
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Richard Leamy, [email protected], Scott Kirby, Brett Hart
Sent: November 10, 2017 at 10:29 AM
Subject: United's decision to continue the dangerous lie. (re: illegal asbestos removal)
Mr. Oscar Munoz
United Airlines' position that A&E Services Inc. was not removing asbestos from United's former WHQ in Illinois not only illustrates the unbelievable arrogance of management at United.
It also confirms that the culture endorsed and implemented by the top brass at United is one of: When caught doing something wrong, lie to the bitter end.
That way of dealing with this very serious situation, if continued, will not serve you or United's shareholders well in the days to come.
For your viewing pleasure I have attached a video recording (just a sample) of A&E Services illegally dry scraping friable spray-on-fireproof asbestos from the ceiling at United's former World Headquarters (OPC)
Now would be a good time for someone at United Airlines to say something intelligent.
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter, Illinoispaytoplay.com
United Airlines’ illegal abatement at former World Headquarters exposing employees to airborne asbestos fibers
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
United Airlines manager to employees: “it would be difficult to prove” United was removing asbestos
OSHA is attempting to cover up United Airlines’ criminal behavior
Oscar Munoz, you have admitted that stuffing a puppy into an overhead bin to die was wrong.
Now perhaps you can also muster up the decency to admit that United got it wrong when it decided to deliberately expose people to a known carcinogen.
Oscar, I realize that this will be a very difficult thing for you to do considering that the decision to purposely expose people to asbestos was not only wrong, it is also against the law!
But whether or not you do the right thing and voluntarily accept responsibility, United will be held accountable for its actions.
More to come...
United Airlines is killing more than just dogs and bunnies!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
You may think that United Airlines' proclivity to kill their customers' dogs and bunny rabbits is shocking behavior.
But that's not the worst of it. United employees/whistleblowers are now speaking out about United knowingly exposing its own people to deadly amounts of airborne asbestos at United's former World Headquarters.
Related: United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
United Airlines unveils laughable “Safe to Say It” campaign
More to come...
United Airlines unveils laughable “Safe to Say It” campaign
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Just three days after United Airlines lead counsel Brett Hart was confronted about threats that he allegedly delivered to whistleblowing employees at United's former World Headquarters (WHQ), Hart had the unmitigated gall to announce the laughable "Safe to Say It at United" campaign.
United Airlines manager to employees: “it would be difficult to prove” United was removing asbestos
Hart reportedly delivered the threats to an attorney representing the employees who were blowing the whistle on criminal asbestos removal at United's former WHQ.
It is clearly not "Safe to Say it at United" because speaking up could result in a threat and that does not make anyone feel safe.
Communications Re: Threats
From: Marty Watters
To: Brett Hart
Cc: Oscar Munoz, Richard Leamy, Michelle Booth
Sent: February 9, 2018 at 4:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: United Airlines threatened whistleblowers!
Mr. Brett Hart
Would you care to comment on allegations that [attorney redacted] has made?
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: [Attorney redacted]
Cc: [Attorney redacted], [Attorney redacted], [Attorney redacted]
Sent: February 3, 2018 at 6:17 PM
Subject: United Airlines threatened whistleblowers!
Would you care to comment on the fact that United Airlines had you deliver a threat to your clients?
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [United Airlines whistleblower redacted]
Date: Nov 1, 2017 8:06 AM
Subject: Follow-up Conversation
To: [Attorney redacted]
From my conversation with [redacted] I understand that Brett Hart instructed Richard Leamy to warn us to stay away and not talk to Marty Waters.
We have some questions:
Did Richard explain what United intends to do to us is we did not listen to Brett's warning?
Has United sent any threats to Marty?
Communications Re: Hart memo
From: Marty Watters
To: Brett Hart
Cc: Oscar Munoz, Scott Kirby, [email protected]
Sent: February 16, 2018 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
No it's not safe to say it at United. As you know!
Call me.
Marty Watters
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: [email protected]
Sent: February 15, 2018 at 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
Please tell Brett Hart to call me, there are few things that United employees would like say to him.
United Airlines asbestos scandal
Marty Watters
A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
By Brett Hart
Posted February 12, 2018
Dear United team,
As a company, we've always aimed to have a culture in which employees can share their ideas, questions and concerns with us. And we're now renewing our commitment to reinforcing that culture. As Oscar and I mentioned at our Earnings "Live" event at the end of January, we're introducing a "Safe to Say It" campaign to reaffirm with all of you that you are empowered to speak up. We want you to always feel comfortable voicing your thoughts, especially if you think something isn't right.
Tools like Runway, Org Pulse and United Voices are examples of ways that we've already made it easier, on a tactical level, to share different types of feedback. These tools have allowed us to more reliably gather and act on employee feedback, so you know that, as a company, we're listening. We'll continue to look for new ways to streamline those processes, but now we want to go beyond that and focus on making sure that all employees truly feel that they can share their thoughts without fear.
We've started by asking all leaders to make sure that their employees know it's safe to speak their minds. Each leader holds in his or her hands the power to build employees' trust. And we want all of our employees to trust that their feedback and ideas are valued.
Our promises to you
As leaders, we will take ownership
We promise to work hard to continue building a culture where thoughts and ideas are exchanged freely. And if you find that we're not doing that, we want you to hold us accountable.
Our doors are open
This phrase is used a lot, and sometimes superficially, but it needs to ring true here at United. We as leaders promise you that we will give you the time, space and permission to speak up.
There are no repercussions
If any employee has questions or concerns about a project, a policy, or anything else going on at United, they should feel empowered to say so. And as long as it's done in a way that's respectful and appropriate, that will never bring on negative repercussions.
What's next?
The Ethics and Compliance Office and various other teams across the company will contribute to the "Safe to Say It" campaign, highlighting the importance that speaking up holds in their areas. And you'll hear more in the coming months about all the ways that you can speak up and why it's important to do so.
If you have questions or comments about the "Safe to Say It" campaign, please email the HR Communication team at [email protected].
Best regards,
Mr. Hart, after the multiple threats I myself have also received from United, I don't feel "Safe to Say It" to United - and I'm not even an employee!
United employees will be better served by the Brett Hart-inspired "Say it Anyways" campaign.
Details to come...