
AE4HF spokesperson: Watching my podcast without donating is “theft”!


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) spokesperson Pastor David Hogan let his true feelings be known about the handful of people who watch his Worldwide Impact podcasts without sending him money. They are thieves!

Wow! That's an interesting approach for a so-called man of God to take!

But don't take my word for it see the hilarity for yourself starting at the 1:05 mark:

Perhaps this religious charlatan should do like all the other fortune tellers and charge his fee upfront.

Hogan also declared that AE4HF would win the litigation that he was involved in, but curiously he just couldn't bring himself to name Sambrano v. United Airlines.

Why the sudden reluctance? 

Could it be that Sambrano v. United Airlines will most likely do little more than put more money in his greedy little pockets?

Yeah, Pastor Hogan doesn't want to talk about the fact that the lawsuit which he begged donations for will benefit him personally. And not much else!

You don't need to be a fortune teller to see what is really going on here.

This Kenneth Copeland wanna-be figures that my exposing him as a scammer equates to me stealing from him. Hilarious!

Of course, I will continue to monitor the situation without contributing to Hogan's "I want a private jet" fund.

More to come...

Related: https://illinoispaytoplay.com/sambrano-v-united-airlines-ae4hf-is-not-what-it-pretends-to-be/


Why is AE4HF’s spokesperson scrubbing his own podcasts from the internet?


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

After refusing to answer any questions about Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF), spokesperson Pastor David Hogan is beginning to scrub selected podcasts from his Worldwide Impact website. 

Example: Hogan has removed from the internet a video of him calling AE4HF champion Senator Ted Cruz a liar and member of the Deep State.

There's also a video where Hogan jokes about one of his troubled followers hunting me down because I had the audacity to ask questions about  AE4HF attorney John C. Sullivan and his affiliation to the Deep State-approved law firm, Morgan Lewis & Bockius.

But my favorite has to be the video where Hogan's looney tunes mother Brenda explains how she needed to go to the bathroom while driving through the desert and prayed for one. Then she claimed that God made a rest stop appear just for her, and it disappeared when she was done.

Of course Hogan can't have those videos out there on the internet when the AE4HF scam starts hitting the fan.

Hogan, who has been the executive pastor at Spring First Church in Harris County, Texas, was just named top dog there and is taking over control from Mom and Pops Hogan in this family business posing as a church. Hogan is deleting his own podcasts because they expose what big frauds he and the founders of AE4HF really are.

Don't you love when that happens?

Here's why Hogan is scrubbing his own podcasts: Aside from being a spokesperson for AE4HF and the new top dog at the send-me-money-in-the-name-of-God church he runs, Hogan is also a flunky on United Airlines' payroll who dreams of being a big-time politician.

That makes sense. Hogan's got the "send me money" and dirty deal-making part of being a politician down pat.

I could write a book about this clown and the hucksters he runs with. But I'll try not to do that here.

What I will do is chronicle the orchestrated plan the Deep State has to get as many Americans "vaccinated" with an experimental gene therapy drug that has been proven harmful to both humans and animals.

But you won't hear Hogan or AE4HF talk about these experiments that are worthy of Joseph Mengele and which the Deep State is implementing with the help of the top brass at United Airlines. Because their bosses wouldn't like that. In fact, Hogan regularly praises United Airlines and actually told me that the poisoning of his fellow employees is not his fight.

So Hogan is now starting to delete his own podcasts because he is in a panic. He knows I have the goods on him and his Morgan Lewis & Bockius buddy, John C. Sullivan. Those podcasts are now very problematic for both him and AE4HF.

Much more to come.


United Airlines pilots partnered with religious charlatans!


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines pilots Sherry Walker and Laura Cox founded a "non-profit" group named Airlines Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF).

The purported purpose of AE4HF was to fight covid vaccine mandates based on religious exemptions, which are required by federal law.

To accomplish this goal, Walker and Cox partnered with Pastor David Hogan, a religious charlatan who sells concocted miracles at Spring First Church in Harris County, Texas.

Here's a laugh-out-loud example of the type of miracles being sold by Hogan and one of his fellow grifters: his mother.

Watch the first 10 minutes.


Yep, grifting is a family business at Spring First Church. The family that preys together stays together. 

Hogan, by his own admission, wants to emulate preachers like Kenneth Copeland, And says he is a "great man".

Decide for yourself.


Recently, in another comedy-filled episode of David Hogan's podcast, Worldwide Impact, Hogan tells of a church member who filled her car's gas tank with water from a garden hose and according to him it worked like a charm.

What a convenient miracle for the times we're in.

Like Walker and Cox, Hogan also works for United Airlines, and claims he helped raise $millions for AE4HF in order to pay legal fees to his lawyer friend, John C. Sullivan, and his team of Deep State lawyers to "represent" the plaintiffs in Sambrano v. United Airlines.


But Hogan won't answer any questions about his good friend's connections to the global World Economic Forum-connected law firm, Morgan Lewis & Bockius, which also works for United Airlines and Pfizer. When you ask pertinent questions regarding those facts, Hogan just declares that you are a hater doing the devil's work.

And according to Pastor David Hogan, the Devil is trying to expose the Deep State connections to United Airlines. 

In my case, Hogan even went as far as accusing me of working against him and AE4HF on behalf of United Airlines. Really David?

When pressed further on his ridiculous accusations, Hogan changed direction and acknowledged that he understands that United Airlines is "in bed with the U.S Government and the Deep State" in a laughable effort to convince me that he and I were on the same side.

Wow! This clown obviously thinks that everyone is as gullible as the individuals who send him money in hopes of receiving miracle bathrooms and cars that run on water from a garden hose.

Right now,  AE4HF and Hogan's so-called "fight" against United is nowhere to be seen. Sherry Walker, Laura Cox and David Hogan are all completely silent on the subject of Sambrano v. United Airlines.


They raised millions of dollars to pay Deep State attorneys to pick a so-called religious fight with the Deep State and then they just up and disappeared. "Like a fart in the wind".

How peculiar.

Not to worry. They are still taking donations. And who knows, if you donate enough to Spring First Church and  AE4HF, you might just experience your own "miracle bathroom" along the way just like "queen mother" Brenda Hogan.

As the Hogan family likes to preach ad nauseam - giving money to them is  necessary to receiving a "miracle" of your own.

Much more to come...


AE4HF’s covid vaccine mandate fight is a misdirection scam!


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Pastor David Hogan

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) is making the case in court that United Airlines employees of faith should be exempt from taking the covid jab.

But the group's religious exemption fight is just a misdirection tactic in order to keep the focus off the fact that everyone, not just people of faith, are already exempt from being forced to inject any experimental drug into their bodies.

Yeah, that exemption is a little thing called the Nuremberg Code.


That prohibition has been codified in U.S. law.

That's why combating illegal vaccine mandates on the grounds of religious exemptions is foolish and unnecessary. It's also exactly what the World Economic Forum and Deep State scumbags want us to do.

Case in point: Watch United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby intentionally bait people into the religious exemption fight.

What Kirby did in this 22 second video was distract attention from the fact that all of the covid vaccines are experimental and unsafe by making the discussion about people's faith.

It's a slick tactic that Deep State snakes deploy all the time.

By making their case about religion, AE4HF is allowing United Airlines and its government partners to escape the pitfalls of having to produce evidence that the untested drugs United is forcing on its employees are safe and effective. 

Keep this in mind:  United Airlines now requires all new employees to have been injected with the experimental "vaccines".

Is United saying that people of faith need not apply?


They are also telling everyone else who cares if the vaccines are safe. Just shut up and do what you are told!

Did United Airlines study the safety record of these vaccines?

Of course not.

Is United Airlines liable for the harm the vaccines are already causing to its employees?

These are just a few of the many questions that should have been asked before Scott Kirby and United Airlines were able to scam people into thinking this was just a question of faith.

The debate over vaccines must be first and foremost about the health and safety of the individuals receiving the jabs, not their religious beliefs.

And I can tell you this with certainty from first hand experience: Scott Kirby does not give a rat's ass about the health and saftey of United Airlines employees.

Next up. AE4HF partnered with a religious charlatan!
