Plamegate “journalist” dis-owns book!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Murray Waas, up until now, was thought to be the "author" of the book titled United States v I. Lewis Libby. However, recent developments have Waas claiming that he did not write or edit the book. In-fact, Waas, in an effort to distance himself from the book (that names him as author and editor) has stated, that he only wrote the introduction for the book. Disowning the rest!
Waas further shared that Philip S.Turner the editor/publisher of the book, approached him to be involved in this project. A project that would ultimately be described as an 'instant' book by the Washington Post.
While the name Philip S. Turner will not be immediately recognizable to most, the names of several clients Turner worked for before he picked Murray Waas to be a "beard" for his latest distortion, certainly will.
The word distortion accurately describes Turner's book about the Libby trial, due to the fact: Turner selectively edited the trial transcripts for the book.
Turner has yet to respond to inquiries.
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: philipsturner
Sent: October 28, 2013 at 11:29 AM
Subject: Media Inquiry (Murray Waas assertions)
Mr. Philip Turner
Murray Waas, the "journalist" purported to have written and edited a book you published, titled 'United States v I. Lewis Libby' has gone on the record stating that he neither wrote, or edited the book.
Waas insisted that all he did was write the introduction.
Furthermore, Wass claims you approached him to be part of the project.
Mr. Turner, do you deny the assertions made by Murray Waas?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
To: philipsturner
Sent: September 20, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Subject: Wilson and Waas
There is a problem with two books that you helped get published.
The Politics of Truth by Joe Wilson, and, U.S. v I. Lewis Libby by Murray Waas
Both books are being challenge on a factual basis. Would you comment on the evidence provided in the Illinois Pay to Play article (linked below) that disputes the claims made in both the Wilson and Wass books?
(name redacted)
Fitzgate: Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald guilty of “obstruction of justice” and lying to the court.
As for Murray Waas, he is talking, and IP2P will bring you more on what he had to say soon.