
United Airlines: Breathing airborne asbestos fibers is just part of the job!


Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter


If you think the way Oscar Munoz and United Airlines treat their customers is deplorable, wait until you see how they treat their own employees.

United has for years been doing everything in its power to hide the irrefutable fact that employees working at and visiting its former World Headquarters in Elk Grove Village, IL are being exposed to large amounts of airborne asbestos fibers.

United Airlines’ illegal abatement at former World Headquarters exposing employees to airborne asbestos fibers

In an incredible new development in this saga, United attorneys have just taken the position that being exposed to asbestos is just a work place hazard that employees must endure as part of working for United.

Consider the fact that employees were not being told about the asbestos hazard. And that United did nothing to eliminate the dangerous conditions created by its reckless disregard for the laws governing asbestos removal.

Here's United's latest position concerning the ongoing asbestos hazard: employees can just file a worker's compensation claim after they are exposed to the asbestos hazard United intentionally created and tried to cover up.


Knowing all this, it is painfully clear that the health and well-being of employees at United means absolutely nothing to the airlines' top decision makers.

Wow Oscar, makes me wonder if you underwent a heart transplant or just a removal. Perhaps a brain transplant is in order.

Does United understand that workman's comp covers accidents, not deliberate acts?

Do United attorneys think that they can claim that lying to the EPA and OSHA were accidents as well?

United Airlines manager caught lying to OSHA in asbestos case

Good luck with that strategy, Oscar.

There is no word yet on United's position regarding non-employees who were and are being exposed to airborne asbestos fibers. But I'm sure when they finally come up with one, it will be a gem.

United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s   playground!

Fly the friendly skies of United? No thanks, Oscar. If this is how United treats people on the ground, there is no reason at all to think the treatment gets any better in the air.


More to come..

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