Stunning development in Chicagogate: Publisher of Blagojevich book “Golden” confesses
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Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Jeff Coen and John Chase celebrate the publication of "Golden" with their editor from Chicago Review Press
In a stunning development, Chicago Review Press, publisher of "Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself out of the Governor's Office and into Prison," confessed to failing to fact-check the book.
Cynthia Sherry of Chicago Review Press recently went on the record stating that the publisher "trusts their authors," and that she "trusted the Chicago Tribune and their reporters so there was no need for her to fact-check the book."
Does that mean Chicago Review Press does not fact-check any of the books they publish?
Ms. Sherry also acknowledged that she didn't confirm that John Chase and Jeff Coen actually had access to the wiretap recordings they claim in the book.
Chicago Review Press' trust of the Tribune, Chase, and Coen is even more remarkable when you consider that Ms. Sherry, and others at Chicago Review Press, were provided verifiable information that should have insured that they take all precautions and thoroughly vet the claims Chase and Coen made.
That is, unless fact-checking the book didn't fit the publisher's agenda.
Did Chicago Review Press betray our trust?
What really should have Chicagoans scratching their heads is this: The Blagojevich legal team has remained silent as Chase and Coen tell the world there's nothing on the tapes that vindicate Blagojevich, and that the tapes prove his guilt.
Keep in mind, these are tapes that Blago and his lawyers claim they can't talk about. And, these are tapes that Chase and Coen could not have obtained legally, unless they recieved acsess from the feds. And the feds have denied giving them that access.
So, how is Blagojevich helped by silence?
Why are lawyers remaining silent?
Remember, the appeal they filed is (suppose to be) for the right to a new trial. Not for freedom.
No comment from Blagojevich attorney Sheldon Sorosky has been yet offered. Only the sound of crickets.
Sheldon where are you? Why aren't you representing your client, Rod Blagojevich?
Much more to come........
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