Daily Herald editors think they can hide from the truth!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Daily Herald editors John Lampinen and Jim Baumann have been called out for their refusal to report on United Airlines' illegal dumping of asbestos in suburban Rolling Meadows, IL.
And their response was to run and hide
Not only are they trying to hide the truth from Daily Herald readers, they now are hiding as well.
But they can't hide from the truth.

Good luck with that strategy, boys
Lampinen and Baumann have yet to even try to dispute the accusations made against the Daily Herald.
There is a good reason for them to run and hide. These Daily Herald editors know that if they poke their heads out and try to dispute what I have written about the United scandal, it would only further expose what truly despicable people they really are.
Case in point: Lampinen and Baumann are currently in possession of a bombshell recording of United Airlines facilities manager Sylvia Empen discussing her own felonious actions in this scandal.
In the recording, Empen not only puts herself into serious legal jeopardy by revealing lies she told to federal agents, she also dragged many others, including corrupt government officials, with her.
This recording is one of the many pieces of evidence provided to Lampinen and Baumann that Herald reporter Chris Placek refered to as a "smoking gun." But his editors won't let him write about.
In fact, the well-documented proof of crimes committed by United Airlines that Lampinen and Baumann already have in their possession is enough to send United muckety-mucks and their corrupt government enablers to prison for a considerable length of time. That is, as soon as the FBI and US. Attorneys Office get off their asses and round these criminals up.
So why is the Daily Herald still hiding the truth?
Simple answer: The Daily Herald is a "fake news" organization that needs permission from their corporate and government overlords to print the truth.
And they certainly are not going to give the Daily Herald the go ahead to publish a story that would cost them tons of money and land some of them in prison.
These people may be immoral and greedy, but they're not stupid.
Or are they?
What happens when "fake news" media outlets like the Daily Herald get caught red-handed covering up the truth about public corruption?
I'll answer that.
The editors of that rag will go down on the same ship as their corrupt overseers.
Bet on it!
Fake News Daily Herald chose to protect United Airlines over its own readers!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Does the health and well-being of Rolling Meadows residents matter to the Daily Herald? Apparently not!
The Daily Herald, the largest suburban news paper in Illinois, purports to serve its suburban readers, but that is clearly not true when it comes to the residents of Rolling Meadows.
When the decision was made on whether to inform Daily Herald readers in Rolling Meadows that United Airlines was illegally dumping a cancer-causing toxin next to a children's playground, the top brass at the Daily Herald chose to protect the criminals at United Airlines, and their corrupt enablers at the EPA and OSHA.
As far as the Daily Herald editors were concerned, the health and well-being of their readers did not matter!

Now the corporate lackeys at the Daily Herald find themselves scrambling to try and find a way to save face.
Well, I can help them with their predicament. It's really very simple, and it's amazing that they haven't already done so.
Just report the truth!
Your corrupt friends in the government and at United Airlines will not be happy, but they will eventually come to realize that you really had no other good option.
As for your readers, ask for their forgiveness. Who knows they might just forgive you if you do the right thing now.
Keep in mind that your own reporter, Chris Placek, had this to say after seeing a sample of the evidence against United and the corrupt government officials: "There are smoking guns here!" But incredibly you won't let him report that in your newspaper.
Once again, gentlemen do the right thing. Or the Fake News Daily Herald will lose any credibility it may still have left.
More to come…