Why did Dennis Hastert agree to pay Curtis T Williams $3.5 million?
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in Chief
Why did former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert agree to pay Curtis T. Williams (Individual A), a former student and son of a close family friend, $3.5 million?
According to Hastert, it was because Williams was blackmailing him!
However, the Feds and their sock puppets at the Chicago Tribune insist that Williams was just extracting "hush money" in return for remaining silent about the fact that Hastert molested him decades ago.
Is there a difference?
The action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding money from a person in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person.
Synonym: extortion.
The only difference is that if they called it what it really was, blackmail, Curtis Williams would have been charged with a crime and been forced to testify that Hastert, a known pederast, gave him cash-stuffed envelopes totaling $1.7 million.
Now why would the Feds, including former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey, not want Williams to testify against a known pederast?
Could it be that the Deep State was trying to hide something big?
ALERT: The Hastert story is about to take a wild turn!
The “REAL” Dennis Hastert Scandal!
Sen. Chuck Grassley caught with his pants down
Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter
Senator Chuck Grassley has joined a growing number of politicians and law enforcement officials who can't answer the simplest of questions when it comes to their involvement in the "Plamegate cover-up"
Put simply: Senator Chuck Grassley has been caught with his pants down.
And clearly Sen. Grassley is hoping that nobody will notice that he has been exposed as a major player in the "Plamegate cover-up".
From: (redacted)
To: jill kozeny
Sent: November 21, 2013 at 1:31
PM Subject: Are you sure?
For Sen. Grassley to respond by having Nick Davis tell me that there is no question to answer in the email below, is truly a remarkable position for the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to take.
Perhaps this will help.
Does Sen. Chuck Grassley deny that he knew Marc Grossman exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame as CIA in 2001?
Jill, tell the Senator we can get to the Blagojevich related question below, next.
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: jill kozeny
Sent: November 20, 2013 at 11:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except…. (Attn: Sen. Grassley)
Please discuss this communication with Sen. Chuck Grassley, and I will call your office for comment.
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: patrick fitzgerald
Sent:November 19, 2013 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….
Do you remember Glenn Fine ?
The guy who should have investigated the leaks emanating from your office to the Chicago Tribune in the Blagojevich case.
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: glenn fine
Sent: November 19, 2013 at 8:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….
Mr. Glenn Fine
You knew Dick Armitage was lying when he claimed to be the person that exposed Valerie Plame as CIA.
Care to comment on the latest developments in the Plamegate cover-up?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
To: (redacted)
Sent: November 18, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….
Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….
Here are the facts:
Sen. Grassley was ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2002 when FBI translator Sibel Edmonds informed him that Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman was caught on a federal wiretap exposing Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front to the Turks.

FBI Director Robert Mueller and Senator Chuck Grassley
In 2003 Sen. Grassley actively engaged in a cover-up by participating in the appointment of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as "Special Counsel" to investigate who exposed Brewster Jennings and Valerie Plame as CIA.
Sen. Grassley's involvement in this cover-up was shielded from the public by the fact that the U.S. Government gagged FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds by invoking States Secrets Privilege on her.
But on August 8,2009 Sibel Edmonds testifies under oath that Marc Grossman exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front in 2001.
And, Edmonds also testified that Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Patrick Leahy were officially informed of Grossman's crimes in 2002.
That's when Sen. Chuck Grassley and many others in government got caught with their pants down.
Secret is out!
Not only will others join Sen. Grassley on stage with their pants down, but this scandal is going to be "The Full Monty"
Keepers of the Blagojevich Tapes Under Investigation
Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter
Today, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the Inspector General are looking into the circumstances surrounding the Chicago Tribune's role in the Blagojevich case.
Here’s why.
The federal government granted Chicago Tribune employees John Chase and Jeff Coen the power to decide whether the public gets to hear the court-sealed Blagojevich wiretap tapes, or read any of the transcripts.
So far, they’ve decided that we can neither listen to the audio tapes, nor read the transcripts, of any of them.
Oh, they did refer to a couple of inane, innocuous conversations in their book. However, so far, they’ve decided that they, the Keepers of the Blago Tapes, and only they, should hear the tapes or read the transcripts.
They don’t want us to hear, for example, the conversation Blagojevich had with former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert on November 5, 2008.
They don’t want us to hear the conversation Blago had with former Obama Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on November 8, 2008.
They don’t want us to hear the conversation Blago had with Obama's political consultant Bill Knapp on November 12, 2008.
Rod Blagojevich’s lawyers consider these conversations important enough to be included in their Appellate Brief filed on behalf of their client. Curiously though, Blago's attorneys are not asking that those conversations be made public either.
If Appeals Attorney Len Goodman believes these conversations are important enough to include in an Appellate Brief for his client Rod Blagojevich, why wouldn’t the two fed-appointed Keepers of the Blago Tapes take advantage of the public’s interest in those conversations and increase the circulation of their employer’s newspaper by printing the transcripts?
Instead of digging for the truth, the “Keepers” have gone underground. Meanwhile, Blagojevich’s legal team has essentially endorsed the idea that the tapes should never be played for the public.
What’s up with that?
The DoJ investigators are on the case: Don't expect much from them.
However, IP2P has learned of a developing front that should concern those who have colluded to keep the truth from We the People.