
UPDATE: Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald guilty of Subornation of Perjury


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Not only is former U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald guilty of obstructing justice and lying to the court, you can add the crime of suborning perjury to the growing list of problems facing the man once touted as the modern day Elliot Ness.

When "Special Counsel" Patrick Fitzgerald put former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman on the stand to testify in the trial of U.S. v Libby, Fitzgerald knowingly committed the crime of "suborning perjury."

You see, thanks to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, the Dept of Justice and Fitzgerald knew that it was Marc Grossman who exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame as CIA in the summer of 2001. And therefore, Fitzgerald knew the testimony Grossman was giving under oath in the Libby trial to be false.

That's a crime. And, its called "subornation of perjury", a felony that could get Fitzgerald up to five years in prison.

Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has been contacted. However, he is refusing to answer any questions.


UPDATE Sept. 26th 4pm

Courtesy of boilingfrogspost.com


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