
Government spying – Did they think Sharyl Attkisson was a Russian agent too?


Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

When it comes to spying on Americans the covert operation to monitor and spy on award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson is one of the most egregious and incredible abuses of government powers ever ignored by the "media".

The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next.

As far as I know, Attkisson was never accused of being a Russian agent. Nor to my knowledge has anyone accused her of being a xenophobe, racist, climate change denier, nasty person or smelly Walmart shopper.

So why did our government spy on Attkisson?

Ok, now it makes sense. Attkisson was guilty of reporting the facts instead of the Deep State's propaganda.

Clearly a crime during the Obama administration.

So of course the "media" was going to ignore this horrific abuse.

Lest they wanted to be next!

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