
Why is OSHA hiding from real journalist?


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which the Biden Administration is strategically using to enforce its unconstitutional "vaccine" mandate, is so corrupt that the federal agency has now been forced to completely ignore a legitimate FOIA request.

It's nothing new for a government agency like OSHA to make getting information they don't want the public to see extremely difficult by playing legal games and heavily redacting the information that the public is entitled to by law.

That happens every day Judicial Watch can tell you all about it.

What is new is this: OSHA has become so brazenly corrupt that it couldn't even play these games when it came to the United Airlines asbestos scandal. In this case, OSHA was forced to completely ignore a FOIA request in hopes that it would all just go away.

Here's what's happening:

OSHA is ignoring multiple requests for records of a meeting held at its office in Des Plaines, IL where United Airlines employees testified to the fact that United management was willfully exposing them to massive amounts of airborne asbestos fibers.

In this meeting, OSHA officials Sukhvir Kaur and Shawn Hughes admitted that United Airlines was willfully committing serious crimes, but that OSHA was not going to do anything about it.

How do I know this?

Simple. I was there in the room at OSHA when this incredibly transparent act of government corruption transpired!

OSHA officials now have a real dilemma. Do they deny this meeting ever took place? Do they destroy the records of this meeting?

Conversely, if OSHA officials were to admit that this meeting took place, they would then have to explain why they allowed United Airlines to break the law and willfully expose people to a dangerous cancer-causing toxin.

If they destroyed the records, that's yet another violation of federal law.

That probably would not bode well for OSHA's recent bid to be the enforcer of what chemicals the working class is forced to inject into their bodies if they wish to be gainfully employed.

Is it just a coincidence that "woke" corporate giant United Airlines is leading the way for OSHA's vaccine mandate power grab?

No, I'm sorry to say it most certainly is not a coincidence!

OSHA and United Airlines know that their big government/big business evil alliance is being exposed. But so far the best they can think to do to combat that is to try and hide!

Trouble for them, I know exactly where to find them. And I can prove their perfidy.


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