
Rahm Emanuel takes control of the “Muscle”


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

Any politician who wants to wield supreme power in Chicago must control the Cook County State Attorney's Office.

The Chicago Sun Times, Rahm Emanuel's Pravda, took a big step toward giving that power to the Mayor.

For those not familiar with Chicago politic's, put simply, it's a protection racket. And the Cook County State Attorney's Office is the "Muscle".

Here's how it works:  Eight years ago, Mayor Daley controlled "The Machine". So it was dictated - probably not by His Honor himself, but by others - that there'd be no real investigation into the death of David Koschman, and that the Chicago media would ignore the event.

Why? Because the man responsible for David Koschman's premature death was a Daley family member, and, therefore, a protected member of "The Machine".

Fast forward to present day:  The current Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, needs to control the States Attorney's Office.  So his journalistic minions at the Chicago Sun Times resurrect, and then use, the tragedy of David Koschman's death, to dismantle the power of State's Attorney Anita Alvarez, and thereby future discredit the"Daley Machine," so Rahm can replace it with the "Emanuel Politburo".

It's that simple. And it's that disreputable.

The investigation into the death of David Koschman was derailed eight years ago due to political power.

It was resurrected in order to gain political power.

Justice doesn't figure into the equation.

Welcome to the People's Republic of Crook County.

The Cook County States Attorney's Office is the "Muscle" in Chicago, and Rahm "Never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel, is well on his way to taking control of it.

Bye, bye, Anita


Related Story on how the "Muscle" and the media operates in Chicago:

Annabel Melongo, the Machine's Political Prisoner.

