
Robert Blagojevich ‘comes clean’ and gives up Jesse Jackson, Jr.


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

<Breaking News>

Robert Blagojevich has come clean during an interview with CNSNews.com reporter Barbara Hollingsworth. Blagojevich told Hollingsworth that Jesse Jackson, Jr. offered a "bribe" to him and his brother, Rod Blagojevich, for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.


And, that it's time for the U.S. Attorney of the Northern District of Illinois to charge him with that crime.

Well, it doesn't get any simpler than that, folks.

Robert Blagojevich just handed Jesse Jackson, Jr. to the feds on a silver platter for attempting to purchase a seat in the U.S. Senate.

The only question that remains is this:

Will Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder allow acting U.S. Attorney Gary S. Shapiro to enforce the law, and indict Jackson?

We will keep you posted.

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