
Why no Grand Jury? Chicago Tribune reporter John Chase involved in a crime. AGAIN!


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen are on-record claiming to have had access to all the Blagojevich wiretap tape recordings that were never made public.

The U.S Attorneys Office has gone on-record claiming that they did not give Chase or Coen access to the Blagojevich wiretap tapes and transcripts.

So, here's what we know for sure:

(1.) The Blagojevich wiretap tapes and transcripts are sealed by a federal protective order signed by Judge James Zagel. The only way to legally obtain them is from the feds.

(2.) Chase and Coen claim to have had accessed the recordings and have offered up a sample of taped conversations that were never made public as proof of possession.

(3.) The U.S. Attorney's Office insists that no one there provided the tapes or transcripts to anyone, including Chase and Coen.

Doesn't that mean Chase and Coen have confessed to being involved in the act of breaking a federal protective order signed by Judge Zagel?

Keep in mind that this isn't the first time Chase has received information as a result of someone acting above federal law. The existence of the federal wiretap made its way to Chase after someone in the Department of Justice broke the law and leaked it to him.

Why did U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald enforce federal law when it involved New York Times reporter Judith Miller, but chose not to enforce federal law when it involved Chicago Tribune reporter John Chase?

Do the Chicago Tribune editors and reporters act with impunity outside of federal law?

And, hey, why are the Chicago and national media ignoring this story?


Does Judith Miller have any thoughts on the subject? We'll ask her.




Stunning development in Chicagogate: Publisher of Blagojevich book “Golden” confesses



<< Breaking News >>

Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Jeff Coen and John Chase celebrate the publication of "Golden" with their editor from Chicago Review Press


In a stunning development, Chicago Review Press, publisher of "Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself out of the Governor's Office and into Prison," confessed to failing to fact-check the book.

Cynthia Sherry of Chicago Review Press recently went on the record stating that the publisher "trusts their authors," and that she "trusted the Chicago Tribune and their reporters so there was no need for her to fact-check the book."

Does that mean Chicago Review Press does not fact-check any of the books they publish?

Ms. Sherry also acknowledged that she didn't confirm that John Chase and Jeff Coen actually had access to the wiretap recordings they claim in the book.

Chicago Review Press' trust of the Tribune, Chase, and Coen is even more remarkable when you consider that Ms. Sherry, and others at Chicago Review Press, were provided verifiable information that should have insured that they take all precautions and thoroughly vet the claims Chase and Coen made.

That is, unless fact-checking the book didn't fit the publisher's agenda.

Did Chicago Review Press betray our trust?

What really should have Chicagoans scratching their heads is this:  The Blagojevich legal team has remained silent as Chase and Coen tell the world there's nothing on the tapes that vindicate Blagojevich, and that the tapes prove his guilt.

Keep in mind, these are tapes that Blago and his lawyers claim they can't talk about. And, these are tapes that Chase and Coen could not have obtained legally, unless they recieved acsess from the feds.  And the feds have denied giving them that access.

So, how is Blagojevich helped by silence?

Why are lawyers remaining silent?

Remember, the appeal they filed is (suppose to be) for the right to a new trial.  Not for freedom.

No comment from Blagojevich attorney Sheldon Sorosky has been yet offered. Only the sound of crickets.

Sheldon where are you? Why aren't you representing your client, Rod Blagojevich?

Much more to come........ 



Now that Jesse Jackson, Jr. is a convicted liar and thief


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

It's time for the U.S. Attorney in Chicago to reopen the criminal investigation of Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s attempt to purchase the U.S. Senate seat that Rod Blagojevich was found guilty of trying to sell to him.

After all, why are we to believe Jr. when he say's he did not try to buy the senate seat?  He's a confessed liar.

Plus, Jackson is bipolar, right? So ask him again. Maybe this time he'll confess.

Don't forget: the prosecution has Jackson friends and allies, Raghuveer Nayak and Rajinder Bedi, ready to testify under oath that Jr. tried to buy the seat.  And then there's Rod Blagojevich sitting in a federal prison for attempting to sell the Senate seat to Jr.  What more does a prosecutor need?

Sounds like a slam dunk conviction. (Maybe that's the problem.)

If prosecutors want overkill, they can call John Chase and Jeff Coen to testify about the contents of the wiretap recordings - recordings that only John and Jeff were allowed to hear.

Keep in mind, the statute of limitations on this crime expires next December.  It's time to act.

This would come as great news to Robert Blagojevich.  He's expressed disappointment to Carol Marin of the Chicago Sun Times that the House Committee on Ethics would no longer be investigating Jackson's attempt to purchase the Senate seat, due to the fact that Jackson resigned from congress.  (Which is like telling a teacher who sexually abused students that arrest is avoided by resigning.)

Robert Blagojevich, we at IP2P stand with you in your quest to have this fully investigated, and call on the DoJ to reopen the criminal investigation into Jackson's attempt to purchase the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.

And furthermore, we urge Carol Marin and the Sun Times to get behind Robert in this worthy cause.

Let's all help Robert Blagojevich get the investigation into Jackson reopened.  Let justice be served.


Chicago Review Press: Do they ignore the facts?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Since the release of the book "Golden," by authors and Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen, serious questions have been raised about the honesty of the book's claims.

IP2P has received information from several sources that lead us to conclude this: Someone is not telling the truth about the claims made in the Chicago Review Press publication.

These public assertions lead us to that conclusion:

(1) The man who warned Rod Blagojevich that the feds were recording him, Tribune reporter John Chase, was a co-author of the book.

(2) Chase and Coen claim, in their book, to have listened to, and read, the transcripts of all the Blagojevich wiretaps...that have never been made public.

(3) The U.S. Attorney's Office insists the wiretap tapes and transcripts were provided to no one - including Chase and Coen.  Even though Chase and Coen insist that the USAO did provide the material.

(4) Prior to Chicago Review Press publishing "Golden," a credible source made attempts to provide important information to the publisher that would have helped insure that their book was factual.

U.S. Attorney's Office claims author's of Blagojevich book "Golden" lying

(5) To date, Cynthia Sherry and the Chicago Review Press have refused to answer basic questions that a publisher should expect from the media: (A) Did Chicago Review Press fact-check the book they published as non-fiction? (B) Did the authors actually have access to the tapes and transcripts of the Blagojevich wiretaps that were not made public?

From: (Redacted)

To: csherry

Sent: 2013-02-01 21:00:02 +0000

Subject: Fwd: Publishing False Information

Ms. Cynthia Sherry

Did The Chicago Review Press verify that John Chase and Jeff Coen actually possessed and listened to all the Blagojevich wiretap tape recordings and read transcripts that were never made public, per their claim in the book you published titled "Golden" ?

If you did verify, please explain how.

(Name redacted)

-----Original Message-----

From: (Redacted)

To: csherry

Sent: 2012-12-08 23:15:43 +0000

Subject: Publishing False Information

Ms. Cynthia Sherry

The U.S. Attorney's Office Northern Dist. of Illinois has just gone on the record saying that John Chase and Jeff Coen are not telling the truth about having access to tapes a transcripts of the Blagojevich wiretaps that were never made public.

Ms. Sherry,  as publisher of Chase and Coen's book "Golden" you can clearly understand the ramifications if this is true.

Did Chase and Coen publish false information?  The USAO says yes.
Ms. Sherry, what do you say?

(Name redacted)

All of this begs the question: Was Chicago Review Press so concerned with telling the authors' version of the Blagojevich story that they ignored the facts?

Listen to Cynthia Sherry explain Chicago Review Press promotion of progressive  writings and social justice.


At IP2P we ask this: Did the truth about the Blagojevich case not work for their progressive agenda?

More on this soon............  



Robert Blagojevich dodged going to prison


Hugo Floriani,  Investigative Reporter

Jesse Jackson Jr. was not the only one saved when John Chase called the Blagojevich camp and warned them that the feds were listening.

Remember, it was Robert Blagojevich that would have been caught on surveillance tapes, meeting with Jackson's money man, Raguveer Nayak.  Chase not only saved Jesse Jackson, Jr. from prison, he also saved Robert Blagojevich.

Hold that thought. We'll come back to it later.

November 21, 2012: Within hours of Jesse Jr's resignation from Congress, Robert Blagojevich expressed his disappointment.  He felt he likely would never be able to clear his own name.

Why is that? you ask.

Well, R. Blagojevich assumed there'd be no ethics committee investigation of Jesse Jackson Jr's attempt to buy the U.S. Senate seat his brother, then Governor Rod  Blagojevich, was selling.

Robert was right.  The DC pols didn't want to investigate that attempted transaction.

However, there's nothing to stop Robert Blagojevich from making his case to the public.

That is, if Robert truly believes his name could be cleared.

Robert Blagojevich has all the FBI wiretap tapes that brother Rod and his attorneys have.

Robert has listened to all the government's wiretaps, and, as of today, he hasn't expressed any disagreement with Chase and Coen's assertion that the contents of the tapes show his brother is guilty.

Furthermore, Robert, Rod, and their respective attorneys have remained silent, while Chicago Tribune reporters Chase and Coen assert that the Blagojevich defense was built on a house of lies.

Remember, the entire Blagojevich entourage was screaming that "the tapes would set them free," if only everyone could hear them.

In their book "Golden," Chase and Coen claim they listened to all the wiretap tapes, and that there is nothing there that suggest Rod or Robert are innocent of attempting to sell a U.S. Senate seat.

So, in a nutshell:

In the past.

The Blagojevich brothers and their attorney's repeatedly professed that proof of their innocence is captured on the government's tapes.  And that, if the public were allowed to hear the tapes, the brothers would be found innocent.

Present day.

(1) John Chase and Jeff Coen claim that the Blago's and their attorney's were lying.

(2) The Blago brothers and their attorneys are not disputing Chase and Coen's claims.


The Blago's and their attorney's lied about what's on the tapes.

So, what will the Brothers and their attorney's want you to believe next? (coming soon)


(1) What was captured on roughly 400 hours of recorded Blago wiretap conversations?

(2) Why can't we hear them?

(3) Why are the Blagojevich's and the U.S. Attorney's Office hiding behind a phony protective order?

Developing  story...... 


Rod Blagojevich to be released from prison


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter


All indications are that the former governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich will be set free mid 2013.

This is being done in the usual Chicago Way - smoke and mirrors narrative put out by the Chicago media to deceive the public, while deals are made in the back-room.

The deafening silence you hear from Rod Blagojevich's legal team in the midst of John Chase and Jeff Coen running around town saying that they have listened to the never made public wiretap tapes, and that there is nothing on them, says it all, the deal is done.

This is the same legal team that consumed Blago's $3,000,000. campaign fund in his first trial, running around town screaming the tapes will prove Blago's innocent if only the people could hear them all.

Listen to what Sam Adam Jr. had to say on Dec 8, 2011, no doubt before the back-room negotiations were concluded.

Did Sam Adam, Jr. mean, if only John Chase and Jeff Coen could hear them his client would be exonerated?

And Mr. Sheldon Sorosky - aren't you in the process of an appeal for Blago?

How does John Chase and Jeff Coen, running around town claiming there is nothing on any of the government wiretap recordings of Blago that exonerates him, not concern you as his attorney?

Sheldon aren't you the least bit curious how John Chase and Jeff Coen got their hands on the non-public tapes and transcripts?

And then there's Rod's loving partner in crime and Dick Mell's daughter Patti, why is she silent on the matter?

Could it be because recently her husband has publicly asked her out on a date next August, and that she has stated she believes this will be the last holiday season he spends in prison?

So, Patti believes her husband is going to serve approximately 1 year of a 14 year sentence, at a time when Chase and Coen are claiming the tapes do not point to anything other than Blago's guilt.

There will be time for us to address how the "Blagojevich Show" got to this point, and what can be done to stop this back-room deal and insure that justice is served by Blago paying his debt to society behind bars.

However, what should be most concerning to honest law-abiding citizens at the moment is, why is the government involved in this back-room deal with Blago?

Most of all.  Why are we expected to take John Chase and Jeff Coen's word for anything?

Didn't the USAO just call them liars?

Time for the public to hear the tapes and read the transcripts that everyone keeps talking about.

Time for some honest answers.


Hey Chicago Tribune, what kinda Journalism is that?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

The traditional rules of journalism apparently don't apply to the Chicago Tribune.  Now it's the rules of "Forward Journalism" that they follow.

For example:

Basic rule #1 - When you get the inside scoop on a wiretap the government's running on a sitting governor, you don't make a decision at 10:20 p.m. to derail the government's investigation, while, at the same time, flushing the biggest news story of the year down the drain with a John Chase phone call warning Gov. Blagojevich that the feds are listening.

Unless you "report" for the Chicago Tribune.

Basic rule # 2 - When you write the self-described definitive book about the Rod Blagojevich affair, as reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen claim to have, and the U.S. Attorney's office publicly takes issue with the honesty of your claims, you back up your story with evidence that supports your words.

Unless you work for the Chicago Tribune

Basic rule #3 -  When the honesty of reporters is challenged by the U.S. government, the Editor stands by his or her reporters, or excepts responsibility for their mistakes and makes the appropriate changes to protect the integrity of the newspaper.

Unless you're an Editor at the Chicago Tribune.

Ever since the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Northern District of Illinois went on the record disputing claims made by Chase and Coen, the two Tribune reporters have been mute, refusing to comment.

Not only are they not responding to troubling accusations from the USAO, Tribune editor Gerould Kern, and the publisher of "Golden," the Chicago Review Press, are, also, hunkered down refusing to comment.

So is that the new style of "Forward Journalism"?

We, at IP2P, subscribe to the American traditional rules of journalism. We call for honest answers from the Tribune, on behalf of the citizens of Chicago, and Illinois.

They deserve the truth


U.S. Attorney’s Office claims author’s of Blagojevich book “Golden” lying


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Comments from the spokesperson at the U.S. Attorneys Office (USAO) of the Northern District of Illinois take the position that Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen are lying about their special access to wiretap tapes and transcripts from the Blagojevich investigation - tapes and transcripts that were never made public.

The USAO refuses to comment on whether or not the Chicago Tribune was given advance notice of Blagojevich's arrest.

So, why are Chase and Coen making false claims about their access to the Blago files?

Not only is the USAO disputing Chase and Coen's depiction of their exclusive access to evidence, IP2P has received evidence that Chicago Review Press, the publisher of "Golden,"  was cautioned to be diligent in their pre-publishing fact-checking of the reporters' book.

All indications are that the publishing company did not thoroughly fact-check the book. We wonder: Why that didn't happen?

Unfortunately, Chicago Review Press spokesperson, Cynthia Sherry, was unavailable for comment


-----Original Message-----

From: (Redacted)

To: csherry

Cc: jen

Sent: 2012-08-19 19:19:54 +0000

Subject:Fwd: Fact check "Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself Out of the Governor's Office and Into Prison,"

Ms. Cynthia Sherry

As a person of considerable first hand knowledge concerning John Chase's and the Chicago Tribune's role in the investigation and trials of Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko. Knowledge including but not limited to John Chase's and the Tribune's cooperation with the U.S. Attorney and their intentional distortion of the facts in their newspaper. I extend to you my offer below.

(Name redacted)

-----Original Message-----

From: (Redacted)

To: sbetz

Cc: daisybuchman, jen

Sent: 2012-08-15 16:10:36 +0000

Subject: Fact check "Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself Out of the Governor's Office and Into Prison,"


My offer to fact check the Jeff Coen and John Chase book  "Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself Out of the Governor's Office and Into Prison,"  still stands.  As we discussed, you do not want to put yourself in a position of publishing false information when verification from someone who has first hand knowledge is readily available to you.  If you get me an advanced copy of the book to review, it may save both Chicago Review press and IPG a great deal of embarrassment.

(Name redacted)

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: (Redacted)


Sent:Sun Apr 3 06:35:58 UTC 2011

Subject: Chicago Review Press clients John Chase and Jeff Coen


I will follow up with you on the discussion we had, and provide you with more details soon. I hope the inside information I provided helps you. If you have any question feel free to call me.
(Name redacted)

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: (Redacted)

To: "Jen Wisnowski"

Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:58:03 PM

Subject: Fwd: Jeff Coen on Blago (Attention Jen Wisnowski )


I think you might be missing the larger picture here, perhaps this email below will help you understand the gravity of the agreement John Chase and Jeff Coen have entered into with you and Independent Publishers Group.  While I do not know the particulars of your contract,  I feel confident it is that I can help you. I believe It will be very difficult if not impossible for Jeff Coen or John Chase to deliver a book based on the facts, due to legal reason's.  Jen, perhaps this should be of concern for IPG? Please advise
(Name redacted)


From: (Redacted)

To: Chase, John

Sent: Thu Dec 17 20:10:27 2009

Subject: The Chicago Tribune


do you have any comments

(Name redacted)

To whom it may concern John Thomas was a mole for the FBI in the case in Illinois against Tony Rezko and others.  The Chicago Tribune was aware of the fact and chose not to write a story about him at the behest of Patrick Fitzgerald (U.S Attorney Northern Dist IL). The Tribune eventually wrote a story about John Thomas, however the story they wrote was not accurate.  My source at the Chicago Tribune claims that when Patrick Fiztgerald asked the Chicago Tribune to sit on the Thomas story, claiming it could put his life in danger, the Chicago Tribune refused.  The Chicago Tribune told Mr Fitzgerald that they were going to run the story anyway.  It was only when Patrick Fitzgerald told the Chicago Tribune that if they ran the story that it would affect the Presidential election did the Chicago Tribune agree not to run the story.  My source at the Chicago Tribune confirmed this meant Obama. My source also informed me of other information that would be of interest to the people of Illinois that was not being reported in the Chicago Tribune.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jen Wisnowski"

To: (Redacted)

Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:00:00 PM

Subject: RE: Jeff Coen on Blago (Attention Jen Wisnowski )

Hi, (Name redacted), Thank you for your email. Sorry to have missed your phone call earlier today; unfortunately a few meetings have kept meaway from my desk today, but our customer service department let me know youcalled.  At this point, I'm afraid I can be oflittle help as we don't have any materials at this stage. But please feel freeto get in touch with Jeff Coen and John Chase directly about it.

Thanks again, Jen

Jen Wisnowski
Publicity Manager
Independent Publishers Group
814 N. Franklin St.
Chicago, IL 60610
312.337.0747 ext. 227
312.337.1807 faxwww.ipgbook.com

Expert distribution services for innovative publishers


From: (Redacted)

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:01PM

To: Jen Wisnowski

Subject:Fwd: Jeff Coen on Blago(Attention Jen Wisnowski )


As we discussed, not only would you like them to submit a book that is worth reading, it is important that it is accurate.That is where I can help you.

(Name redacted)


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: (Redacted)

To: "Jeff Coen" <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 2:07:19 PM

Subject: Jeff Coen on Blago


How is the Blagojevich book that you are writing with John Chase coming? Have you figured out how you are going to get around the sticky problem below, and the problem the Tribune's involvement in the John Thomas scandal presents for you, as well as all the other obstacles we discussed? My offer to help still stands, please advise.

(Name Redacted)

-----Forwarded Message -----

From: (Redacted)

To: "John Chase" <[email protected]>

Cc: "Gerould Kern" <[email protected]>, "John Kass" <[email protected]>,"Eric Zorn" <[email protected]>

Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 7:02:15 PM

Subject: Our most recent conversation 3/25/11


Recapping our conversation yesterday, I want to give you yet another opportunity to answer the following questions. (1)  Who informed you that the FBI was recording Rod Blagojevich, and when were you informed? (2)  Who informed you that John Wyma was cooperating with the U.S. Attorney's Office and when were you informed? John, you expressed in our conversation yesterday that you will not reveal your source involving the recordings and John Wyma's co-operation.  Furthermore, you informed me that I can speak to the Chicago Tribune attorney's about this issue, and that you already have spoken to them regarding this issue.  Your stated position is that this is a first amendment case, and I would have to take you to court. John, as we discussed yesterday a crime was committed by the person or persons that leaked this information that originated within the U.S.D.O.J., and was under seal. Ultimately, you will not have the protection of our 1st amendment in this case. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with Patrick Fitzgerald's opinion on the subject as it related to one of your colleagues, Judith Miller (New York Times Reporter) If your position has not changed, please let me know the names and contact information of the attorney's that you consulted with at the Tribune, so that they may be contacted.

(Name Redacted)

cc Gerould Kern


Chicagogate: Cover-up Exposed


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Reporters John Chase, Jeff Coen, their employer the ChicagoTribune and the U.S. Attorney's Office (USAO) of the Northern District of Illinois are, and have long been, involved in a criminal cover-up.

Chase and Coen have published information they know to be false, both in their newspaper, and in their co-authored, recently-released book entitled Golden.

The spreading of false information is being done with co-operation and guidance from the USAO and Holder’s DoJ. 

ILP2P has received information from a credible source suggesting the involvement of members of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressional Oversight Committee in this cover-up.

Furthermore, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s recent resignation is an element of thcover-up.
Conveniently, the Ethics Committee will no longer be investigating Jackson’s attempted purchase of Obama's vacated senate seat. 

Its time for John Chase, Jeff Coen, Jesse Jackson Jr and Patrick Fitzgerald to answer question.

Time to answer to We the People.



When will the Chicago Sun Times get their copies of the Blagojevich tapes and transcripts?


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

When is the Department of Justice going to give other news outlets access to the Blago tapes and transcripts-startng with the Chicago Sun Times? They deserve a copy, don't they?

After all, the feds gave copies to John Chase and Jeff Coen of the Chicago Tribune.


In-fact, according to an article published by the Indiana University School of Journalism, Jeff Coen revealed that the Tribune had access to wiretap tapes and transcripts before Blagojevich's second trial in 2011.  Quoting from that journal:


"Even though they were working on the book outside their day jobs, the two said the Tribune required that if any information surfaced that could be considered breaking news, they had an obligation to bring it before the newspaper first. For example, as current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was running for office, the pair’s editors wanted to know the two had turned up anything about Emanuel as they researched their book.


'We got all the tapes for this project now, but even before that, I had to go get Rahm-specific tapes to try to make sure we wouldn’t get beat on something, Coen said. We were kind of working both jobs at the same time.' "


So far, ILP2P has not succeeded in securing our copies. But it’s is only a matter of time; the feds wouldn't just give them to only the Trib - would they?


We wonder – are other news outlets around the country, and in Chicago, experiencing trouble getting their copies, too?


They must be, or we’d be reading the transcripts in their newspapers, or be hearing the tapes on their local or national TV and radio programs.


There’s nothing stopping the Chicago Tribune from making the tapes, and transcripts, available to the public. At least, nothing legally preventing that from happening.


So why is the Trib stashing the Blago tapes in a vault like the Tribune owned LATimes did with the Rashid Khalidi tape?


Why don’t you ask Tribune Editor Gerould Kern:  Email  [email protected]  Tel  312-222-5555


Those concerned about preserving the fourth estate should demand the same access to the Blago files that the feds granted Chase and Coen.  


If you believe that, tell it to the spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago:  Samborn contact info here:  Email  [email protected] Tel 312-353-5318   Cell  312 613-6700


And, ask Congressman Darrell Issa’s office if it’s even legal for the feds to only give access to the tapes & transcripts to the Trib:

                                      Email   [email protected]

                                      Ca        760-599-5000

                                      Wash    202-225-3906 

All they can say is…nothing.  And that alone will tell you something.

