Judith Miller’s book canceled due to recent Plamegate confession
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Fox News contributor and author Judith Miller recently confessed that Dick Armitage was not the person who exposed Valerie Plame as CIA, and that "a lot of people" in Washington knew this.
Miller went on to say that she was going to tell the story of what really happened during the Plamegate scandal her way in a book due out this spring.
Keep in mind that at that time, Miller had not planned to make a confession about Plamegate. When she realized what she had done, she immediately contacted Scooter Libby in hopes that he could do damage control.
Anyone want to guess what happened next?
Suddenly, with absolutly no warning and no explanation, the release of Miller's book was canceled.
Ouch. It's gotta hurt when you write your memoir and you can't release it because of your own big mouth.
Now Miller is refusing to answer any questions about Plamegate or the cancellation of her eagerly awaited book.
And she's not alone.
Her publisher, Simon & Schuster, and Fox News are also refusing to answer any questions.
The good news: former CIA attorney John Rizzo's recent willingness to discuss Plamegate and his acknowledgment that it was a CIA disinformation campaign could very well make hearing Miller's version of events unnecessary.
We'll see, won't we?
In any case, it might be a good time for you to consider another career change, Judith.
Just a suggestion.
Former CIA attorney John Rizzo confirms Plamegate was a disinformation campaign
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Former acting general counsel for the CIA, John Rizzo, was recently provided articles from IP2P that state clearly and unequivocally that Plamegate was a CIA disinformation campaign, and he was asked to comment on them.
After reading these reports, Rizzo conveyed his compliments, adding that "Mr. Souchak is obviously a good, dogged reporter".
So not only did Rizzo not dispute my reports that Plamegate was a CIA disinformation campaign, he actually praised me for them.
Thank you, John.
Now we're getting somewhere. Valerie Plame, it's your turn to tell the truth.
Please start by explaining your relationship with Marc Grossman, the man who really exposed your cover, Brewster Jennings & Associates, as a CIA front.
And while you're at it, Valerie, why don't you tell everyone exactly what your husband, Joe Wilson, was doing for the American Turkish Council.
And I am sure that your adoring fans would also love to hear why you're actively campaigning to elect Hillary Clinton president after she appointed Marc Grossman special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2011.
Remember it was Grossman that got caught on a FBI wiretap peddling nuclear secrets on the black market that ultimately wound up in Pakistan.
Or was that sanctioned by the CIA as well?
What say you, Valerie? You were supposed to be watching out for that kind of activity, weren't you?
In any case the good news is that we can now once and for all dispense with the ridiculous notion that Dick Armitage was the person who exposed Valerie Plame as CIA.
The Armitage cover story was so easily disputed that it was downright embarrassing for us as a nation to have swallowed such a feeble lie.
And best of all, now that John Rizzo has confirmed for us that Plamegate was a CIA disinformation campaign, will someone please lower the curtain on the nauseating "Valerie Plame Show"?
Chicago Tribune reporter Jeff Coen’s own personal “Tell-Tale Heart” got him arrested
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
The recent arrest of Chicago Tribune reporter Jeff Coen for deliberately causing $1,500 worth of damage to a CTA train has many asking: Why?
What makes a 43-year-old "adult" do such a bizarre thing?
We at IP2P have every reason to believe the answer is very simple: it's a cry for help. Coen is experiencing his own version of the ageless Edger Allen Poe classic "Tell-Tale Heart" and it is taking its toll on him.
You see, Coen is living a big lie, and he fears his secret will soon be fully exposed.
Coen's troubles started when he agreed to fabricate stories surrounding the Blagojevich investigation and consequent trials.
Remember, Coen was the co-author of the article used as an excuse to warn Rod Blagojevich that his friend and former chief-of-staff, John Wyma, was cooperating with the feds and that Blagojevich was being recorded.
From there, Coen sought to cash in on lies he was asked to tell by telling even bigger whoppers in a book.
You might remember that work of fiction: "Golden". You know, the one in which Coen and his co-author, John Chase, claimed they had copies of all the Blagojevich wiretap recordings and that they had listened to all of the them.
Well as those lies have begun to unravel, so has Jeffrey.
The thought of being exposed for writing a book filled with lies has been weighing heavily on Coen's mind. (We know this for a fact. ) And there is a real possibility that Coen has come to realize that being exposed as a habitual liar is inevitable.
The fear of being found out resulted in Coen's obvious mental breakdown, causing him to go ballistic on a CTA train.
Let's all hope that Jeff accepts the counseling that has been offered to him, and heeds the wisdom of another ageless classic, "The truth will set you free", before it is too late and he seriously hurts someone.
Jeff, we hear your cry for help. Now just tell the truth...
Human Behavior Consultant Virginia Clemm Contributed
The interviews Valerie Plame and her “publicity-seeking, preening blowhard” husband do not want you to know about
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Former CIA attorney John Rizzo was correct when he called Valerie Plame's husband, Amb. Joe Wilson, a "publicity-seeking, preening blowhard".
However, we can tell you that there are at least two interviews that both Plame and her "publicity-seeking" husband do not want you to know about.
The first: In 2005 Valerie and Joe welcomed French film director Mathieu Verboud into their home to interview Wilson for the documentary Verboud was filming about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds entitled "Kill The Messenger".
At the time, Wilson was presenting himself to the world as a proxy whistleblower of sorts for his wife. So when the opportunity arose for Wilson to go in front of the camera to claim that Plame was somehow a heroric figure just like Edmonds, he jumped at the chance.
According to Verboud, that's exactly what Wilson spent nearly 90 minutes doing. That is until he was caught off guard when Verboud began asking him questions about Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman's involvement in exposing his wife's cover, Brewster Jennings & Associates, as CIA.
That's when the interview came to a screeching stop and Wilson made it very clear to Verboud that he would not answer any question about Marc Grossman.
Wow. Talk about a "60 Minutes" moment. Wilson was clearly not expecting any questions about Grossman.
Remember, Edmonds had already been silenced by the Dept. of Justice under States Secrets Privilege Act., so Wilson thought no one knew about Grossman's involvement in the outing of his wife.
So Verboud now had Joe Wilson on film refusing to answer questions about the man Sibel Edmonds swore under oath had exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame as CIA back in 2001. And that man was none other than Wilson's friend and former college classmate Marc Grossman.
For a filmmaker making a documentary about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, this was pure gold!
Clearly Verboud thought so as well - demonstrated by the fact that a short clip of the Wilson interview was included in the film's official trailer.
View Trailer: Kill The Messenger
The second interview that Plame and Wilson do not want you to know about is: Verboud's interview with Grossman himself for "Kill The Messenger".
In this interview, conducted in 2006 at an American Turkish Council event. Verboud asked Grossman a question about Valerie Plame and he pretended not to know who she was.
Even though he testified under oath during the Scooter Libby trial about his friendship with Wilson and enjoying breakfast at Joe and Valerie's house.
Here's Verboud in his own words:
Mathieu Verboud: Coming back to Grossman, exposing his role would have been interesting for the film, but the guy being what he is, there was no way that he would have given an interview if we had brought up any kind of charges. So we decided to just let him talk, give us his vision of Turkey...
Then we tested him - we asked him about Valerie Plame - and it was amazing to see his face change! He had the nerves to say that he didn’t know anything about Valerie Plame, or about Brewster Jennings - which is simply false! As mentioned earlier, his name had already appeared publicly in the Valerie Plame's case! Anyway, we didn't point out to that simple fact and fended off.
But Grossman was not finished lying on camera yet.
Verboud: Next, we just mentioned that there was this little woman of Turkish origin whose name was mentioned in an article in Vanity Fair speaking about FBI and Turkey… His face changed again, and he came up with this answer: "Vanity Fair? I am afraid it is not a magazine I read!" We then asked him directly about Sibel Edmonds and he said that he didn't know anything about her. Even the name was "unfamiliar".
Verboud must have been leading a charmed life to get such interviews on film. This is pure documentary filmmaking gold.
So, now the only question is why did Mathieu Verboud and co-direct Jean R. Viallet exclude this amazing footage of both interviews from their film?
Wilson appears in the trailer but not the film itself, and the film credits posted by IMDb list the Grossman interview as being "deleted" from the film. Repeat: "Deleted".
We know that Plamegate was a disinformation campaign. But what we would like to know is who applied the pressure to keep these two interviews out of the film?
To this day, both co-directors and Zadig Productions still refuse to release footage of either the Grossman or Wilson interviews.
And Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame and their friend, Marc Grossman, while not denying these facts as stated, also refuse to answer any questions about the interviews.
Watch the full 82-minute final version of "Kill The Messenger" here:http://www.cultureunplugged.com/play/5629
Blagojevich attorney caught on wiretap fixing case!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Blagojevich attorney Michael Ettinger was caught on a wiretap trying to bribe a cop in order to fix a criminal case in Illinois.
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff,
John GERVASI, Michael Ettinger, and Charles Soteras, Defendants.
WILLIAM T. HART, District Judge.
The August 1982 Grand Jury returned a seven count indictment against the defendants John Gervasi ("Gervasi"), Michael Ettinger ("Ettinger"), and Charles Soteras ("Soteras"), charging violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1343 and 1952. Gervasi and Ettinger are attorneys admitted to practice in the State of Illinois. In 1977, Soteras was a defendant in a criminal case in the Circuit Court of Cook County, charged with car theft. Gervasi and Ettinger represented Soteras on the car theft charge.
The federal indictment alleges that the three defendants conspired to bribe a police officer, Daniel Furay ("Furay"), to arrange for the dismissal of the car theft charges against Soteras. The defendants have filed a number of pretrial motions attacking the indictment, and also have moved to suppress key evidence in the case. All of the parties have filed excellent briefs in support of their positions. The Court rules on these motions as follows.
Read more.. http://www.leagle.com/decision/19831194562FSupp632_11072.xml
Michael Ettinger was caught so red-handed, all he could do was argue to suppress the evidence of the wiretap transcripts in his criminal case.
Well, it being Chicago, coupled with the fact that Ettinger was represented by a team of the Chicago Mob's favorite lawyers - Samuel V.P. Banks, Edward Genson, Jeffrey B. Steinback - Ettinger did escape going to prison.
However, he did not entirely escape consequences.
After a long, drawn-out-battle, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) had no choice but to suspend Michael D. Ettinger's law license for two years.
Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings:
Case(s) below are identified by caption and Commission case number. If there is more than one case, the cases are listed in an order from most recent to oldest. A case may have more than one disposition or more than one component to a disposition, in which situation each disposition and component is also listed separately within that case record, again in an order from most recent to oldest.
Click on Rules and Decisions ("R & D") to access any documents regarding this lawyer that are in Rules and Decisions. R & D contains all disciplinary opinions of the Supreme Court and most other Court orders and board reports issued since 1990. If R & D does not contain the decision that you are seeking, contact the Commission's Clerk's office for assistance. Contact information for the Clerk's office is available at Office Hours.
In re Michael David Ettinger, 86CH0175
Disposition: Suspension for a specified period
Effective Date of Disposition: April 21, 1989
End Date of Disposition: April 21, 1991
Definition of Disposition: Suspension for a specified period reflects a determination that the lawyer has engaged in misconduct and that the misconduct warrants an interruption of the lawyer's authority to practice law during the suspension period, which is a fixed period of time identified in the Supreme Court's order. The lawyer is not authorized to practice law during the period of the suspension.
Two years? Ettinger got off easy!
FYI, Blagojevich attorney Sam Adam Sr. represented Ettinger in the ARDC case.
After his suspension, it did not take Ettinger long to reunite with his old pal, Ed Genson.
In 1993 Ettinger joined Genson and his band of cohorts in representing a couple of their fellow Chicago lawyers who, like Ettinger, had a proclivity to participate in the illegal practice of fixing court cases. Ettinger, Genson, and the fellas represented Judge Adam Stillo Sr. and his nephew, attorney Joseph Stillo in a case that featured FBI informant Robert Cooley as the prosecution's star witness.
NOS. 94-2678, 94-2679.
Defense attorney Robert Cooley first met Judge Stillo at a party in 1976. Cooley asked the judge whom he should see to fix a criminal case assigned to Judge Stillo. Judge Stillo, knowing that Cooley was a frequent supplier of bribes to other judges and public officials, told Cooley that he would deal with him directly. Not long after the party, Judge Stillo accepted a bribe from Cooley to fix a misdemeanor case. Judge Stillo met with Cooley before trial and agreed to find Cooley's client not guilty. After the trial Cooley met with Judge Stillo in his chambers. Cooley asked the judge whether $100 was an appropriate payment. Judge Stillo responded: "Whatever you think" and accepted the $100 in cash.
Read more... http://www.leagle.com/decision/199561057F3d553_1543.xml/U.S.%20v.%20STILLO
Considering Michael Ettinger's past and his unique set of friends, is it really plausible that Ettenger did not know that Invest Financial Corporation, a company that Robert Blagojevich was CEO of, was investing money for Betty Loren Maltese and the town of Cicero?
Not only did Robert Blagojevich dodge a bullet by not going to prison, so did his attorney.
But the media has shamelessly let Robert Blagojevich and his attorney get away with claiming victim status.
Perhaps it's time to correct that notion..... more to come.
The Blagojevich legal team just can’t get their story straight
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
The Blagojevich legal team just can't get their story straight. Most notably, they're having a difficult time coming up with a reasonable explanation for why they did not make Chicago Tribune reporter John Chase tell a jury how he knew that the FBI had a wiretap on Blago.
Such a difficult time, in fact, veteran attorney Sheldon Sorosky actually said that if he had called Chase to testify, "They would have just blamed an FBI agent" for leaking the information about the wiretap.
Let's take a minute to fully appreciate what a truly remarkable statement that is for a defense attorney to make.
Clearly Sorosky is at a loss to explain why he did not call the one witness whose testimony could discredit the very people that Blago needed to discredit, namely the FBI.
Good thing you chose not to discredit the FBI, Shelly. Otherwise the prosecutors would have regretted calling FBI agent Dan Cain as their first witness to testify against your client in BOTH of Blagojevich's trials.
Remarkable, Shelly, truly remarkable! Can anyone spell malpractice?
Blago's other legal eagles, Sam Adam and Sam Adam, Jr., have been contacted by IP2P but have not responded. If they have anything to add to Sorosky's explanation just let us know?
As for Robert Blagojevich's attorney, Michael Ettinger, his previous position was that they would have put Chase on the witness stand had they thought of it. But that has now become "I don't recall who John Chase is."
Really Michael, now you don't remember who "Golden" author John Chase is? That's peculiar considering you've publicly declared John Chase a liar.
Apparently Ettinger has now decided to rejoin the rest of the Blagojevich legal team in their silence on the subject of John Chase knowing about the FBI wiretap and receiving copies of the sealed tapes from the feds.
When you add all of the above to the fact that the media in Chicago is completely ignoring everything while posting "poor Patti Blagojevich" stories, you can only come to one conclusion:
The feds and Blago have finalized their deal, and you can expect the announcement of his early release from prison very soon.
Oh, and don't be surprised if you hear that WLS Radio has a job waiting for Blago when he gets out.
More to come......