
Judith Miller’s “trial and error” approach to journalism!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

While on a tour hawking her new book "The Story" Judith Miller admitted to James O'Keefe that she takes a "trial and error" approach to journalism.

Miller's exact quote: "That's what journalism is, trial and error."

Wow! That's the most incredible thing I have ever heard a person who purports to be a journalist say. For Miller, journalism is a - crapshoot!

Add that to the fact that she claims to have written her new book to correct the record, and you have unadulterated stupidity.

But wait, it gets even better.

Miller, while being interviewed by Ed Morrissey, gave the following explanation for why she now believes that she gave false testimony in the U.S. v Libby trial:

"My memory failed me, in part because the prosecutor withheld information I needed to decipher my own notes."

Really Judy, reporting is trial and error, and you need someone else to decipher your own notes? Truly remarkable!

More remarkable is that Miller now credits Scooter Libby with deciphering her notes correctly for her in 2010. Libby's interpretation of her notes was that he's innocent. Imagine that!

Miller has yet to offer an explanation for her waiting five years to profess Scooter's innocence after her epiphany that she gave false testimony.

I'll come back to Miller's notes and the importance of her relying on others to decipher them in a more in-depth  follow up article that will detail Libby's behind-the-scenes involvement in her book.

Unlike Miller, I do not believe journalism is done by trial and error, I believe you just report the facts and let the chips fall where they may.

With that in mind, here are some of the facts that Miller and friends do not want you to know.

Fact: Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame as an employee of the CIA in 2003.

It was Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman who exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Plame in 2001. (Remember, Miller confessed to me in 2013 that she knew it was not Armitage.)

Grossman not only outed Plame, at the same time he was also caught on an FBI wiretap bragging that he would fax articles to the New York Times and they would just print them under someone's byline.

Judith's byline? Perhaps.

Fact: On October 1, 2003 when Armitage came forward to claim he was the leaker of Plame's identity, it was not Patrick Fitzgerald that asked him to keep it to himself. It was the FBI - under the direction of Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller who instructed Armitage, Colin Powell and then State Department Counsel William H Taft who was present in the room - not to tell anyone.

Fact: Attorney General John Ashcroft did not recuse himself in the Plame case because of his close ties to the White House. Ashcroft recused himself because at that time he was in front of FISA court Judge Reggie B. Walton enforcing a gag order on the one person who could tell the world that Plamegate was all a sham! That person being FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds.

Walton was also the judge who presided over the Libby case. What a coincidence.

So you see Judith, there's no trial and error. It's simple. A real journalist just states the facts from the get-go.

And since you admit you can't do that, we're not interested in anymore of your false narratives!

By the way, how many times do you feel you're allowed to be wrong?


Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Clarice Feldman is a writer for the American Thinker who has taken the position that Dick Armitage is a liar, except when his lies fit her agenda. Then you can believe him over all others.

Feldman's agenda: Keep Americans from learning that "Plamegate" is a cover-up, and that her friends in Washington, DC were not victims. They were participants.

Remember we said "Now that the lie is out in the open, individuals involved in the "Plamegate cover-up" are having difficulty answering the simplest of questions."

That's because once Armitage's lies are fully exposed to the public, the "Plamegate cover-up" comes crashing down, exposing the granddaddy of all scandals. And, that will explain a plethora of scandals. Including current ones!

-----Original Message-----

From: (redacted)
To: Clarice Feldman
Cc: Thomas Lifson
Sent: November 17, 2013 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Are we clear on this?


Subject: Plamegate

August 30, 2006 - What President Bush Should Do about Plamegate by Clarice Feldman


You state your belief that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey were co-conspirators against President George W Bush. The conspiracy you accuse them of orchestrating was commonly known as "Plamegate"

Fast forward to today.

Judith Miller exposed “Plamegate” as a cover-up


FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has since testified under oath that Valerie Plame's CIA front Brewster Jennings & Associates was exposed in 2001 by Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, who coincidently reported directly to Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage.

And, Judith Miller is now on record stating that she knew Dick Armitage was not who exposed Valerie Plame as CIA, and that a lot of people knew that.

Clarice, so we are clear on this.

Now that you have full knowledge of Miller's confession, and Edmonds testimony.

You're telling me that you still believe Dick Armitage, a man you accused of conspiring against The President of the United States, was telling the truth when he confessed (in 2006) that he exposed Valerie Plame in 2003.

And, you believe Judith Miller and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds are both lying when they say Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame.

However, you refuse to offer a reason for this peculiar belief.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Or, are we clear on this?

(name redacted)

What Feldman refuses to tell her readers is, that there were hoards of people in Washington, DC who knew that Marc Grossman exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates in 2001.

Including: FBI Director Robert Mueller, Dept. of Justice Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Patrick Leahy.

Clarice Feldman would like you to believe that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey conspired against President George W. Bush while Mueller, Fine, Grassley, Leahy and others in positions of power just watched.

Really? Wouldn't that make them all co-conspirators?

Clarice, when a conspiracy involves this many people in Washington, the conspiracy is not against anyone in Washington, it's against We the People

Clarice Feldman is right about one thing--Dick Armitage is a liar!

Thanks to Sibel Edmonds, that is a well documented fact.

Much more to follow......


ALERT: Obama’s nominee for FBI Director in jeopardy!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

James B. Comey's confirmation as FBI Director may be in jeopardy due to one unanswered question:

How many times can you out a CIA operative?

This question arises from sworn testimony given by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who was gagged by the federal government under the State Secrets Privilege.

However, Edmonds testified under oath that Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman originally outed Valerie Plame as a CIA employee. Grossman did this in 2001 when he warned Turkish operatives to stay away from Plame’s employer, Brewster Jennings & Associates, because it was a front for the CIA.

Marc Grossman at an American-Turkish Council meeting

In other words, stay away from Valerie Plame – she works for the CIA.

According to Edmonds’ sworn testimony, given in a deposition in 2009 for Schmidt v. Krikorian, Grossman revealed Plame's identity as a CIA operative in the summer of 2001, and DoJ Inspector General Glenn A. Fine was briefed by Edmonds concerning these assertions while she was still an FBI employee.

Edmonds was fired from her job as an FBI translator on March 22 2002.

So, if Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA employee was blown in the summer of 2001 by Marc Grossman, and Inspector General of the DOJ, Glenn A. Fine was fully briefed on this crime, why did then Attorney General John Ashcroft recuse himself from overseeing the Plame case and allow his deputy Comey to appoint U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel, tasked with finding the culprit who outed a CIA employee who had already been previously outed?

Incidentally, court records confirm Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, and Grossman were friends.

Listen to a portion of Edmonds’ sworn testimony below.

Testimony regarding Brewster Jennings & Associates starting at 6:00


Transcript of full testimony here:


We at IP2P believe that it’s important that Comey be asked - and answer - questions about his appointment of a Special Counsel in the Plame charade.

Let your congressional representatives know you want answers before they confirm any new DOJ officials.

Senate Judiciary Committee Members here:



The “James B. Comey Show”


B. C. Woodstein, Guest Writer

Below, watch James B. Comey's performance at a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on May 15, 2007 concerning warrantless wiretaps, and the alleged stand-off between the Bush II administration and his Department of Justice (DOJ). Comey's performance is aided by Sen. Chuck Schumer playing the straight man in their skit. Enjoy their depiction of hospital room heroics, worthy of Saturday Night Live.


Now, when you're done laughing at Comey's Schumer-assisted performance that helped scrub clean all the top people at the Bush DOJ, who were just about to be outed by DOJ whistleblower Thomas Tamm for conducting warrantless wiretaps on American Citizens, consider this: After the hospital room "skit," Deputy Attorney General James Comey, Attorney General John Ashcroft, and FBI Director Robert Mueller all went right back to work conducting warrantless wiretaps on American citizens, just as though nothing had happened.

Today, the Hospital room comedy is touted by the regime as the main reason we should accept Comey as the next FBI Director.

If that doesn't get your attention, remember this: On December 30, 2003, Comey appointed U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to be Special Counsel on what is commonly known as the Valerie Plame Case. Fitzgerald was given extraordinary powers to hunt down the source of a leak to a newspaper reporter who (1.) never wrote a story using the information while (2.) Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald, and half of Washington DC, knew who did leak the information before...yes, before...Fitzgerald was even appointed! The reporter was Judith Miller of the New York Times. The self-confessed leaker was Richard Armitage, the Deputy Secretary of State to Colin Powell.

In retrospect, the whole Plame saga was a surrogate whizzing contest between Powell and his-not-so-good friend Dick Cheney.

Now feature this: Shortly after appointing his buddy Fitzgerald to be Special Counsel in the Valerie Plame Case, Comey went to work as the top lawyer at Lockheed Martin. They do a lot of surveillance business with the feds.

Now factor in Mark Grossman. Remember him? He was the Undersecretary of State who reported to Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage. Grossman wrote the memo that started the whole Plame thing – as Gomer Pyle said, "Surprise, surprise."

Marc Grossman


Coincidently, two of Marc Grossman's colleagues at the Cohen Group (that would be Cohen as in Bill Clinton's former SecDef) – namely Vice-Chair Joseph Ralston and Senior Counselor James Loy – sit on the Board of Directors at Lockheed Martin.









Joseph W. Ralston                                                                                          James M. Loy

You suppose Ralston and Loy were so delighted with the job that Comey and his buddy Fitz were doing keeping the Chicago/Washington/Bagdad Railroad that John Shaw exposed running, that they recommended Lockheed Martin bring Comey on board and pay him a boat load of money?

Comey's total compensation in 2009 alone was $6,113,797, which was multiple times higher than the position ordinarily paid.

Oh, and did you know that Grossman was Fitz's star witness in the Scooter Libby trial? Gee, it's a small world!

Here's a question the media never did ask: Did Grossman know Valerie Plame's husband, Joe Wilson. If so, how did he know him, and for how long? After all, Grossman and Wilson went to the same college, at the same time, and were doing the same job in neighboring countries leading up to, and during, "Operation Desert Storm." Grossman was Deputy Chief of Mission in Turkey, and Wilson was Deputy Chief of Mission in Iraq.

Think maybe they knew each other?

Do you think Chuck Schumer or any of the Senator's on the Senate Judiciary Committee will look for answers to these important questions?

Tune in to find out on the next "James B Comey Show" coming to a Senate committee hearing on your TV.
