
Why was AE4HF founder Sherry Walker threatening patriots?


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Before suddenly disappearing from public view, Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) founder Sherry Walker behind the scenes threatened and harassed patriots who were trying to warn the public about the dangers of the covid-19 "vaccines".

Now why would she do that?

Well, the answer is simple:  She's a fraud! And her fraudulent non-profit, AE4HF,  is nothing but a Deep State operation to mislead people while the World Economic Forum (WEF) nazis tried to force their experimental gene therapy drug on as many people a possible before the truth was revealed. 

At the same time Walker and AE4HF were instructing their followers not to challenge the safety and efficacy of the "vaccines" or United Airlines' ability to enforce a vaccine mandate on its employees, they would only talk about religious accommodations.

But where is Walker and AE4HF now that the world is finally waking up to the death and suffering that the covid "vaccines" are causing?

Well, after raising a boatload of money and accomplishing absolutely nothing good with their intentionally pathetic lawsuit against United Airlines, Walker and her "do-gooder" pals at AE4HF just up and disappeared without explanation.

But Sherry Walker and her cohorts will soon learn that disappearing after playing a integral part in the WEF's evil plan is going to be far more difficult than they realize.

Left to right: Laura Cox, Sherry Walker, David Hogan

See you at the tribunals, Sherry!

Much more to come...


“Vaccine” Mandate News: The face of AE4HF refuses to answer any questions!


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Sherry Lynne Walker

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) founder Sherry Walker is refusing to answer any questions about her dubious fundraising and the highly suspect legal maneuvers in her organization's so-called fight against Airlines' "vaccine" mandates. As we have been reporting here at Illinoispaytoplay.com

With the help of Deep State actors, Walker has been trying to scarf up every single dollar and bit of media attention available out there for AE4HF. But suddenly Walker has fallen of the face of the earth and gone into hiding!

Walker's disappearing act is likely due to the fact that AE4HF is being exposed as a Deep State-run operation.

It is becoming more and more evident every day that AE4HF's real objective from the very beginning was to make it as difficult as possible for anyone who was serious about stopping the World Economic Forum's (WEF) "vaccine" mandates to do so.

To that point, AE4HF spokesperson Pastor David Hogan now refuses to even state who the "non-profit" organization is representing or whom they have a fiduciary responsibility to.

It doesn't take a genius to figure this scam out. Defeating "vaccine" mandates becomes difficult to do when a great deal of financial donations and media attention are being steered to these hucksters who work for the same Deep State actors that are responsible for implementing the mandates in the first place.

The WEF and the Deep State are very adept at misdirection like this.

However, the bad guys really did screw up when they decided that a mug like Sherry Walker's would be the face of their nefarious operation.

Sherry, you can run... but you can't hide.

Much more to come!


Sambrano v. United Airlines: AE4HF is not what it pretends to be!


Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) pretend to be a righteous group of do-gooders fighting for religious freedom against tyrants like United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby. The groups purported cause is to defeat United Airlines' employee vaccine mandate.

Sounds like a good cause, right? But confusingly they seem to want to lose.

Could it be that they are getting bad legal advice from their high-priced lawyers?

It sure looks that way considering the behavior of those same lawyers lately.

For example, AE4HF credits lead attorney John Sullivan with putting together its legal team for Sambarano v. United Airlines,  which includes attorneys from K Street lobbyist law firm Schaerr Jaffe in Washington, DC and Stewat Wiegand & Owens, PC out of Texas. Sullivan is the sole attorney at at little law firm, S/L Law PLLC, which operates out of a virtual office service located in Cedar Hill, Texas. 

But something is fishy here.Turns out that up until the day before AE4HF filed its lawsuit against United, S/L Law did not exist! And prior to that, the only firm John Sullivan ever worked for was Morgan Lewis & Bockius (MLB).

This is important because MLB's clients include both United Airlines and Pfizer - both want United employees to take the jab. Could that be why Sullivan does not name MLB in his S/L Law bio, and just said he was "a veteran of one of the world's largest law firms"?

Why would Sullivan erase his history at MLB? Sullivan won't say. In fact, no one at MLB or on the AE4HF team will answer any questions at all.
Is John Sullivan and his newly-formed law firm just a cut-out to hide the involvement of Morgan Lewis & Bockius? Sure looks like it.

Seems my questions have really struck a nerve. And even though they won't answer my questions, AE4HF and their lawyers are reacting to them like children throwing tantrums. For example, I contacted Robert Wiegand of Stewart Wiegand & Owens, PC and the minute I said who I was, he told me, "I have nothing to say to you. Go f**k off," and hung up.
Or take the truly bizarre emotional meltdown of David Hogan, AE4HF spokesperson and good friend of John Sullivan, when I questioned why he took down his YouTube podcast calling Senator Ted Cruz a liar and member of the Deep-State. 

After the email exchange above,  Hogan came to accept the fact that a recording of the Janurary 13th podcast was about to be published, so he immediately put his broadcast back up on YouTube. The really comical thing is that at the 17:40 minute mark, Hogan credits me for his decision to call Senator Cruz out in the first place. Really, you could not make shit like this up!


Hogan never really wanted to call Cruz out. And when he did, the video was only up for approximately 24 hours. Roughly 30 minutes after I sent the YouTube link toTed Cruz and asked him for a comment, Hogan made the YouTube video private and removed it from the archives.
I guess the AE4HF clan was none too happy with Hogan speaking the truth about Senator Cruz. That's understandable, considering that AE4HF was hailing Cruz as a hero for his so-called grilling of United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby on vaccine mandates during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing December 15, 2021.

That was not a grilling!. It was Cruz putting on a meaningless performance, the kind you get from Deep State Rino like Lindsey Graham. And I wrote about it here:

Is it just a coincidence that when Ted Cruz was a lawyer in the private sector, he was a partner at Morgan Lewis & Bockius? Or that AE4HF lead attorney Sullivan while with MLB donated over $13k to Senator Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign.

Luckily for Sullivan, after leaving MLB and starting his new law firm, cash flow has not been a problem due to the fact that the do-gooder folks at AE4HF agreed to pay all the lawyer's fees for Sambrano v United Airlines up front rather than handling it the typical way lawyers get paid in a class action lawsuit, which is on contingency. That’s where the lawyers get paid only if they win the case.

Why did the lawyers insist AE4HF pay the fees up front? Could it be that the lawyers planned on filing weak legal arguments in court and knew they were very unlikely to win the case?

And why would AE4HF agree to do so?

No doubt the fact that they are paying the lawyers with other people's money made that an easy decision!

And why is AE4HF hiding donation amounts to givetosend? 

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Until AE4HF starts answering some questions, no one should donate a single penny to them! After all, you could very well be funding the Deep State nefarious plans for us all.

Much more to come!!!
