
The interviews Valerie Plame and her “publicity-seeking, preening blowhard” husband do not want you to know about


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Former CIA attorney John Rizzo was correct when he called Valerie Plame's husband, Amb. Joe Wilson, a "publicity-seeking, preening blowhard".

However, we can tell you that there are at least two interviews that both Plame and her "publicity-seeking" husband do not want you to know about.

The first: In 2005 Valerie and Joe welcomed French film director Mathieu Verboud into their home to interview Wilson for the documentary Verboud was filming about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds entitled "Kill The Messenger".

At the time, Wilson was presenting himself to the world as a proxy whistleblower of sorts for his wife. So when the opportunity arose for Wilson to go in front of the camera to claim that Plame was somehow a heroric figure just like Edmonds, he jumped at the chance.

According to Verboud, that's exactly what Wilson spent nearly 90 minutes doing. That is until he was caught off guard when Verboud began asking him questions about Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman's involvement in exposing his wife's cover, Brewster Jennings & Associates, as CIA.

That's when the interview came to a screeching stop and Wilson made it very clear to Verboud that he would not answer any question about Marc Grossman.

Wow. Talk about a "60 Minutes" moment. Wilson was clearly not expecting any questions about Grossman.

Remember, Edmonds had already been silenced by the Dept. of Justice under States Secrets Privilege Act., so Wilson thought no one knew about Grossman's involvement in the outing of his wife.

So Verboud now had Joe Wilson on film refusing to answer questions about the man Sibel Edmonds swore under oath had exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame as CIA back in 2001. And that man was none other than Wilson's friend and former college classmate Marc Grossman.

For a filmmaker making a documentary about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, this was pure gold!

Clearly Verboud thought so as well - demonstrated by the fact that a short clip of the Wilson interview was included in the film's official trailer.

View Trailer: Kill The Messenger

The second interview that Plame and Wilson do not want you to know about is: Verboud's interview with Grossman himself for "Kill The Messenger".

In this interview, conducted in 2006 at an American Turkish Council event. Verboud asked Grossman a question about Valerie Plame and he pretended not to know who she was.

Even though he testified under oath during the Scooter Libby trial about his friendship with Wilson and enjoying breakfast at Joe and Valerie's house.

Here's Verboud in his own words:

Mathieu Verboud: Coming back to Grossman, exposing his role would have been interesting for the film, but the guy being what he is, there was no way that he would have given an interview if we had brought up any kind of charges. So we decided to just let him talk, give us his vision of Turkey...

Then we tested him - we asked him about Valerie Plame - and it was amazing to see his face change! He had the nerves to say that he didn’t know anything about Valerie Plame, or about Brewster Jennings - which is simply false! As mentioned earlier, his name had already appeared publicly in the Valerie Plame's case! Anyway, we didn't point out to that simple fact and fended off.

But Grossman was not finished lying on camera yet.

Verboud: Next, we just mentioned that there was this little woman of Turkish origin whose name was mentioned in an article in Vanity Fair speaking about FBI and Turkey… His face changed again, and he came up with this answer: "Vanity Fair? I am afraid it is not a magazine I read!" We then asked him directly about Sibel Edmonds and he said that he didn't know anything about her. Even the name was "unfamiliar".

Verboud must have been leading a charmed life to get such interviews on film. This is pure documentary filmmaking gold.

So, now the only question is why did Mathieu Verboud and co-direct Jean R. Viallet exclude this amazing footage of both interviews from their film?

Wilson appears in the trailer but not the film itself, and the film credits posted by IMDb list the Grossman interview as being "deleted" from the film. Repeat: "Deleted".

We know that Plamegate was a disinformation campaign. But what we would like to know is who applied the pressure to keep these two interviews out of the film?

To this day, both co-directors and Zadig Productions still refuse to release footage of either the Grossman or Wilson interviews.

And Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame and their friend, Marc Grossman, while not denying these facts as stated, also refuse to answer any questions about the interviews.

Watch the full 82-minute final version of "Kill The Messenger" here:http://www.cultureunplugged.com/play/5629



Did Clarice Feldman just say “Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq”?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

American Thinker writer Clarice Feldman is not only on record stating that Plamegate was a "hoax", she has also at one point or another accused half of Washington of being involved in a "conspiracy" against George W. Bush.

Right, Clarice. Poor George Bush and Dick Cheney were being picked on by all those bad people that worked for them. Ok. Got it.

While being questioned about her "conspiracy" theories, Feldman let loose with this unexpected gem:

" When do we get to Ernie's fantastical notion that Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq? "

Holy cow! Where did that come from?

Clarice, we never said that "Plamegate was a deliberate plot by Bush and pals to distract from Iraq." But now that you mention it, that scenario would explain a great deal of unanswered questions.

For example:

Why would the CIA send Joe Wilson to Niger to investigate Saddam Hussein's alleged attempt to purchase yellowcake uranium, when the CIA and George W. Bush knew Hussein had 550 tons of yellowcake 19 miles outside of Baghdad?

And why were the yellowcake documents that Wilson said he read long before they were actually ever made available to anyone in the CIA such poor forgeries? Were the forgeries designed to be easily discovered?

Would a President really tolerate any high-ranking officials in his administration keeping secrets from him, especially during wartime, as Feldman contends?

Of course he would not.

President George W. Bush meets with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2003.


So while IP2P was trying to get Feldman to explain how she came to the conclusion that the CIA, the State Department, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the DoJ Inspector General's Office were all involved in a "conspiracy" against President George W. Bush, she answered with this out-of-the-blue defense of Bush and his Defense Dept.

And in doing so could very well have helped solve the mystery of what the "Plamegate hoax" was really all about.

Coincidentally, the DoD is where Feldman's close personal friends Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith were practically running the show during the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.

Clarice, you may have really turned us on to something here. Thank You!


Valerie Plame lied and people died


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Valerie Plame lied about her cover as a covert CIA operative at front company Brewster Jennings & Associates being blown in 2003 due to an article written by Bob Novak.

And as a result, the U.S. invaded Iraq and people died!

You see, as we now know from documents and sworn testimony of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, the cover of Plame's CIA front company Brewster Jennings & Associates was blown in the summer of 2001 by Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman.

Grossman exposed Plame as CIA long before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 or Plame's husband Ambassador Joe Wilson's infamous trip to Niger in 2002.

In fact, Plame's CIA front company was exposed before the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 (the CIA's second largest complex) on September 11, 2001.

Thanks to Sibel Edmonds we now know that Valerie Plame, Lewis "Scooter" Libby and the White House were all fully aware of the fact that Brewster Jennings & Associates was exposed and shut down in 2001, and that Grossman was selling nuclear secrets at that time.

So, ask yourself this.

If in 2001, Valerie Plame or Joe Wilson would have told the truth about the fact that Marc Grossman (the third highest ranking official at the State Department) exposed Plame as a CIA operative to officials in Turkey and Pakistan, and was selling nuclear secrets on the black- market, would we still have invaded Iraq?

Of course not!

Remember, in 2001 Valerie Plame was purportedly in the CIA's counter-proliferation division. Plame's job was to catch people who were selling nuclear secrets on the black-market. People like Grossman!

And, "Special Counsel" Patrick Fitzgerald was head of special task force unit 49 in 2001, nicknamed the bin Laden unit. Unit 49 was a antiterrorism task force that operated out of the U.S. Attorney's Office Southern Dist. New York. (Manhattan)

Valerie, isn't Pakistan where the A.Q. Kahn network operated out of?

And Patrick, isn't Pakistan where Osama bin Laden operated out of?

Why is it that Valerie Plame and her husband Joe Wilson now refuse to answer any questions about a subject that in the past you could not get them to shut up about?

Why is it that Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson refuse to answer any questions about their friendship with Marc Grossman, the man who exposed Brewster Jennings and Valerie as CIA?

Answer: Plame and Bush lied - people died!

As for former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, there is some blockbuster news coming very soon.


“Plamegate” was a CIA/State Dept. disinformation campaign


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

"Plamegate" was a CIA/State Dept. disinformation campaign designed to distract Americans from Acts of Treason that had been, and were being committed.

And who better to carry out such a plan than Mr. Disinformation himself, Dick Armitage?


You see, the CIA, State Department, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, FBI, DoJ Office of Inspector General and the White House all knew by Feburary, 2002 that in the summer of 2001 Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman was caught on a FBI wiretap exposing Valerie Plame and Brewster Jennings as CIA to Turkish nationals.

So, with that being a documented fact, how could Valerie Plame possibly think she was a covert agent attached to the CIA front operation known as Brewster Jennings & Associates in 2003?

Answer: she couldn't. It's a lie. Or, as Plame would say, her tradecraft allows her to call it disinformation.

And did anyone seriously believe the bullshit story Mr. Disinformation Dick Armitage told?

Answer: of course not. Armitage planted the story with the unwitting Robert Novak to kick off the Plamegate disinformation campaign.

Oh, we forgot to mention that not only was Grossman captured on tape exposing Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front, he (Grossman) was also caught on tape selling America's nuclear secrets on the black-market.

Wasn't it Valerie Plame's job at the CIA to catch people that do things like that? You know, the bad guys dealing in nuclear proliferation?

The problem for Dick Armitage, Valerie Plame, Patrick Fitzgerald, James Comey, Judith Miller and a plethora of others connected to the "Plamegate cover-up" is that the plan relied on silencing FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

And as they learned the hard way, that was something that could only be accomplished temporarily.


As this unfolds you will find that nothing is as it seems, and that we really are dealing with a one party system in Washington, DC.

Remember, "the truth will set you free". And, there is no expiration date on the truth.


Plamegate “journalist” dis-owns book!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Murray Waas, up until now, was thought to be the "author" of the book titled United States v I. Lewis Libby. However, recent developments have Waas claiming that he did not write or edit the book. In-fact, Waas, in an effort to distance himself from the book (that names him as author and editor) has stated, that he only wrote the introduction for the book. Disowning the rest!

Waas further shared that Philip S.Turner the editor/publisher of the book, approached him to be involved in this project. A project that would ultimately be described as an 'instant' book by the Washington Post.

Philip S. Turner

While the name Philip S. Turner will not be immediately recognizable to most, the names of several clients Turner worked for before he picked Murray Waas to be a "beard" for his latest distortion, certainly will.











The word distortion accurately describes Turner's book about the Libby trial, due to the fact: Turner selectively edited the trial transcripts for the book.

Turner has yet to respond to inquiries.

-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: philipsturner
Sent: October 28, 2013 at 11:29 AM
Subject: Media Inquiry (Murray Waas assertions)

Mr. Philip Turner

Murray Waas, the "journalist" purported to have written and edited a book you published, titled 'United States v I. Lewis Libby' has gone on the record stating that he neither wrote, or edited the book.

Waas insisted that all he did was write the introduction.

Furthermore, Wass claims you approached him to be part of the project.

Mr. Turner, do you deny the assertions made by Murray Waas?

(name redacted)

-----Original Message-----
To: philipsturner
Sent: September 20, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Subject: Wilson and Waas


There is a problem with two books that you helped get published.

The Politics of Truth by Joe Wilson, and, U.S. v I. Lewis Libby by Murray Waas

Both books are being challenge on a factual basis. Would you comment on the evidence provided in the Illinois Pay to Play article (linked below) that disputes the claims made in both the Wilson and Wass books?

(name redacted)

Fitzgate: Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald guilty of “obstruction of justice” and lying to the court.


As for Murray Waas, he is talking, and IP2P will bring you more on what he had to say soon.



Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

We know, from sworn testimony given by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, that former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman committed treason when he divulged classified information to Turkish operatives in the summer months of 2001, included in that information was the fact that Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame were CIA.

We also know, from testimony given by Marc Grossman in the U.S. v. Libby trial, that he and the Wilsons are friends.

Here’s what we don't know:

(1) Will Joe Wilson pronounce Marc Grossman a traitor to his country for outing his wife as a CIA operative?

When Joe Wilson accuses Dick Cheney of being the person behind the outing of his wife, he calls Cheney a traitor to his country.

(2) Do Valerie and Joe expect an apology from Marc Grossman? They once wanted one from Cheney.

(3) When the Wilsons claim they want to “Hold Government to Account,” does that mean they support Sibel Edmonds efforts to do the same?

These are simple questions; however, the Wilsons refuse to answer them.

Here are a few questions you can answer for yourself:

(A) Would a real covert CIA agent not know that their cover was blown in 2001, and believe it was blown in 2003 as purported?

(B) Would the Department of Justice not tell the CIA that Plame's and Brewster Jennings & Associates’ covers were blown?

(C) Should it concern us that Marc Grossman's former boss at the State Department, Richard Armitage, claimed he originally outed Valerie Plame two years after Grossman actually did, and now Armitage is Chairman of the Board at the American-Turkish Council (ATC)

Turkish President Abdullah Gul meets with Richard Armitage, Chairman of the American Turkish Council in Ankara, Turkey

Keep these things in mind about the ATC:

• Our federal government doesn’t want FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds talking about the ATC.

• Grossman told ATC that Brewster Jennings was a CIA front.

• The ATC helps facilitate billions in defense contracts between the Turkish government and FBI Director James Comey's friends at Lockheed Martin, where Comey used to be VP and Senior Counsel. Lockheed Martin's Board of Directors also includes Joseph Ralston and James Loy who work with Grossman at the Cohen Group. (that would be Cohen as in Bill Clinton's former SecDef)

• And, the ATC hosted the function where Valerie and Joe Wilson claim to have first fallen in love.

So is that just a series of coincidences?

Crimes against the United States are also committed by those who help cover-up an act of treason.


It’s long past time for Sibel Edmonds to be heard, and for traitors to be held accountable by the Law.

Learn more at Edmonds website: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/


Valerie Plame is now “Fair Game”


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

Valerie Plame Wilson is now fair game for inquires by refusing to answer even the simplest of questions about the story and trial associated with her name.

So we ask: Valerie, how long have you known former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman?

Seems like a simple question, right?

Well, maybe not. You see, it turns out that, according to court records in U.S. v Libby, the Wilson's have long known Grossman.

According to sworn testimony in a deposition of Sibel Edmonds in 2009, Grossman was the man who outed Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front organization, and Valerie Plame, who worked there, as a CIA employee. That happened two years before Lewis "Scooter" Libby asked Grossman about Joe Wilson and about his famous trip to the nation of Niger on behalf of senior officials in the Directorate of Operations Counter-proliferation Division of the CIA.

Wilson's trip to Niger in the spring of 2002 was about determining the veracity of Saddam Hussein's alleged attempt to purchase enriched uranium (yellowcake).

For you true-history buffs, here’s the story around that event:

In the Summer of 2001, Marc Grossman, a friend of the Wilson's, illegally, according to the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, divulged to Turkish operatives that Brewster Jennings, and consequently Valerie Plame who worked there, were associated with the CIA. This is according to sworn testimony by Edmonds.

Then, in the spring of 2002, the CIA asked Valerie Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, to go to Niger and determine if Saddam Hussein purchased yellowcake.

On September 26, 2003, the CIA asked the Department of Justice to investigate who outed Brewster Jennings and Valerie Plame as CIA. This came after Plame had already been outed by Grossman in 2001.

On October 1, 2003, Grossman's boss at the State Department, Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage, took responsibility for outing Plame as CIA; however, he was told by the Dept. of Justice to keep the information secret..

On December 30, 2003, then U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed "Special Counsel" by current FBI Director Nominee James B. Comey. Fitzgerald then went on a forty-month, taxpayer-funded fishing trip that caught Libby for allegedly lying to the FBI.

It’s clear why Plame won’t answer the question: How long have you known former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman? Doing so would reveal how long she knew the man who actually blew her cover as a CIA “operative.” And that person wasn’t Libby or the late columnist, Robert Novak.

It was Mark Grossman.

All this begs the question: So what was the phony witch hunt that netted Libby really all about?

At IP2P, we’re trying to find out the answer to that question.


ALERT: Obama’s nominee for FBI Director in jeopardy!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

James B. Comey's confirmation as FBI Director may be in jeopardy due to one unanswered question:

How many times can you out a CIA operative?

This question arises from sworn testimony given by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who was gagged by the federal government under the State Secrets Privilege.

However, Edmonds testified under oath that Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman originally outed Valerie Plame as a CIA employee. Grossman did this in 2001 when he warned Turkish operatives to stay away from Plame’s employer, Brewster Jennings & Associates, because it was a front for the CIA.

Marc Grossman at an American-Turkish Council meeting

In other words, stay away from Valerie Plame – she works for the CIA.

According to Edmonds’ sworn testimony, given in a deposition in 2009 for Schmidt v. Krikorian, Grossman revealed Plame's identity as a CIA operative in the summer of 2001, and DoJ Inspector General Glenn A. Fine was briefed by Edmonds concerning these assertions while she was still an FBI employee.

Edmonds was fired from her job as an FBI translator on March 22 2002.

So, if Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA employee was blown in the summer of 2001 by Marc Grossman, and Inspector General of the DOJ, Glenn A. Fine was fully briefed on this crime, why did then Attorney General John Ashcroft recuse himself from overseeing the Plame case and allow his deputy Comey to appoint U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel, tasked with finding the culprit who outed a CIA employee who had already been previously outed?

Incidentally, court records confirm Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, and Grossman were friends.

Listen to a portion of Edmonds’ sworn testimony below.

Testimony regarding Brewster Jennings & Associates starting at 6:00


Transcript of full testimony here:


We at IP2P believe that it’s important that Comey be asked - and answer - questions about his appointment of a Special Counsel in the Plame charade.

Let your congressional representatives know you want answers before they confirm any new DOJ officials.

Senate Judiciary Committee Members here:

