
Hey Chicago Tribune: What’s on the secret Blagojevich tapes?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

A reliable source informs IP2P that Tribune Company spokesman Gary Weitman has stated, for-the-record, that the decision to publish or not publish the Blagojevich wiretap transcripts – given to the Chicago Tribune, and only to the Tribune, by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and never made public – is a decision that rests in the hands of Tribune editor Gerould Kern.

Weitman knows that the tapes and transcripts were under court seal, and have not been made available to the public. Upon further inquiry, Weitman repeated that the decision to publish, or not publish, is one that would have to be taken-up with Gerould Kern.

To date, Kern has refused to respond to multiple request seeking an explanation for his decision not to publish the Blago tapes.

We call on Gerould Kern to rethink his decision, and publish the transcripts. And, if Kern does not reconsider, and continues to keep secrets, rather than act as a responsible newspaper editor, then we call on the Tribune Co. to replace him with someone who understands the importance of an honest "Fourth Estate".

What is on the Blago tapes that the Feds and Trib editor Gerould Kern do not want the public to know?


What the Blago camp is saying....



Blagojevich attorney Sheldon Sorosky says Blago free to talk


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

A proven, reliable source informs IP2P that Sheldon Sorosky, Rod Blagojevich’s attorney, has confirmed what we’ve long suspected: Blago’s silence has been bought. The payoff is ahead.

Here’s how it stacks up.

Rod Blagojevich is free to talk publicly about any, and all, of the phone conversations recorded by federal agents. And, there’s no protective judicial order restricting him from doing so.

When asked why his client would pretend he’s prohibited from talking about the conversations, Sheldon had no clear explanation.

Sheldon was then asked: If the contents of the tapes prove Blago is innocent, why has Blago remained silent? Sheldon has no clear explanation.

When asked if Rod Blagojevich's pending appeal would be based on the claim that the defense could not play the tapes, Sheldon said that the appeal would focus on specific tapes.

Oh, okay.

Then, Sheldon was asked – why, if those specific conversations would prove Blago innocent, hasn’t Blago identified those with whom he had those conversation, and what those conversations were about, Sheldon acknowledged that nothing restricts Blago from revealing that information.

Oh, okay, nothing stops Blago from talking. We get that.

Asked why Blago hadn’t revealed what’s on the tapes, Sheldon had no clear explanation. (You see a pattern here?)

Here’s what we at IP2P suggest: Sheldon should just put Blago's recollection of those conversations in his appellate brief due May 30, 2013.

Absolutely nothing prevents him from doing that.

Nothing, that is, unless there’s a deal in place that assures that the public never knows what’s on those tapes, in exchange for a significant reduction in Blago’s jail time.

In short, we believe Blago's silence has been bought.

It is the Chicago Way. Right?

The underlying question is this: Besides getting himself an early Out-of-Jail Card, who is being protected by Blago’s silence?



Chicago Tribune reporters work for Federal Government


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

In an interview with veteran reporter Barbara Hollingsworth, Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen revealed that the Feds gave them the tapes and transcripts that the U.S Attorney's office still refuses to share with anyone else.

That begs this question: Why did the Feds give the Trib reporters, and only the Trib reporters, access to this incendiary material?

Here’s our answer: So that Chase and Coen could assure you that there’s "Nothing to hear on these tapes, folks. Move along now."

Consequently, we believe the Trib reporters colluded with the Feds, with the complicity of the Tribune management, in order to dupe you, the public.

We also question why we’ve heard no outrage from Rod Blagojevich or his attorneys. Do you suppose there’s a "back-room deal" to trade Blago's silence for his early-release from prison?

John Chase and Jeff Coen have revealed none of the taped conversations, they say the Feds gave them, that recorded Blago’s conversations with multiple prominent persons in the Washington D.C. halls of power.

To change that, why don’t Chase and Coen start by sharing the Rahm Emanuel-taped conversations with Chicagoans? He is our Mayor, after all.

As this story unfolds, and as the true reasons for Patrick Fitzgerald having been appointed U.S. Attorney Northern District of Illinois become clear, it will also become clear that this level and scope of corruption requires the co-operation of the Chicago media.

The struggle to remain a free people requires an honest "Fourth Estate." And today, Chicago doesn't have one.

Read Hollingsworth's article here:  Source of Leaked Transcripts of Blagojevich Tapes

H/T Chicago Daily Observer:


BREAKING NEWS: Blagojevich Attorney calls out Chicago Tribune reporters


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Kudos to the Chicago Daily Observer for their relentless pursuit of the truth. (Unlike the Tribune Co., which is largely responsible for the prostitution of the dead-tree "Fourth Estate" in Chicago.)

Today, at the Chicago Daily Observer, you’ll find an example of legitimate journalism displayed by Barbara Hollingsworth, as we learn that one of the Blagojevich attorneys has gone on-record stating that Chicago Tribune reporters Jeff Coen and John Chase are lying about having had access to the federal wiretap tapes and transcripts – material that was never made public.

And, furthermore, that the U.S. Attorney's Office was so concerned about the contents of the tapes being leaked, they insisted that the Blagojevich's and their attorneys return all copies of tapes and transcripts back to the government.


Michael Ettinger, one of the defense attorneys for Blagojevich’s brother, Robert, was even blunter: “If Jeff Coen said he listened to the 500 hours of tapes, he's a liar," Ettinger told me in a recent email. “The government wanted all tapes, copies and transcripts returned before [Robert’s case] was dismissed out.” Ettinger added in a follow-up phone conversation with me that, “Rod’s team had to give them back, too. No one kept them.”

Read more of Hollingsworth's article here: Just How Did those “Sealed” Blagojevich Tapes Get to the Tribune Reporters?

Hats off to Barbara Hollingsworth and the Chicago Daily Observer. An honest Fourth Estate is essential to fight corruption and remain a free people.


Rod Blagojevich: How could I be guilty of selling, if Jesse Jackson Jr. was not guilty of buying?


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

It's only a matter of time before we hear Rod Blagojevich's advocates ask the question: How could Blago be guilty of trying to sell the U.S. Senate Seat that Barack Obama vacated, if there was no buyer?That's coming, as part of the puppet show staring Blago.

There was a buyer. But the feds just put him on ice with an indictment that could have, should have, been issued years ago.

The timing of the U.S. Attorney's office (USAO) in Washington, DC decision to stop looking the other way as Jesse Jackson Jr and his wife Sandi broke campaign finance laws, could not have been better. That is, if your goal is to protect Barack Obama and his administration from Chicagogate.

Jesse Jackson, Jr. has presented a dilemma for the Obama administration since the USAO in Chicago gave the go-ahead to the Chicago Tribune to warn Rod Blagojevich that the feds were recording him.

It was a warning given in order to save Jesse Jackson, Jr. from being arrested in a trap set for Blago.  After all, not only did Jackson Co-chair Obama's 2008 Campaign Committee, Obama and Michelle are near Jackson family members.  And J.J., Jr. knows too much - way too much.

However, as the Jackson's are learning, even family members are expendable if it means protecting the Obamas.

When J.J., Jr. resigned from congress not only did his political career end (perhaps), the investigation into his attempt to buy a U.S. Senate Seat ended, too.

And, the reason Jackson resigned?  The USAO in D.C. decided to indict Jackson for crimes the Attorney General had known about for years: Jackson's violation of campaign finance laws.

Simultaneously, the DoJ is protecting Jackson from being indicted for a different crime that the Attorney General has known about for years: Jackson's attempt to purchase a U.S. Senate Seat from then Governor, now federal prisoner, Rod Blagojevich.

It is all part of the puppet show.

And the media is doing their part, by being complicit in covering up the entire story.

Here's a radical idea.  Suppose some media personality asks John Chase, and the Chicago Tribune editors, this question: Why did you warn Rod Blagojevich he was being recorded by the feds?

Any takers?


U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald “Most Dangerous Man”


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was right when he said this about Ali Mohamed: “This is the most dangerous man I have ever met. We cannot let this man out on the street.”

However, we believe that, in hindsight, Fitzgerald proved more dangerous than Ali Mohamed.

In-fact, Patrick Fitzgerald may be remembered by history as being a danger to the American way-of-life - depending, of course, on who writes the history of this alarming era.

We hear you thinking, "Why that's nuts!"  Really?

It's not nuts when you take into account the events involving Fitzgerald leading up to 9-11, as those events have been documented by Peter Lance, and others.
                                                               Amazon/Triple Cross

It's not nuts when you examine the chain-of-events set off by Fitzgerald's willing incompetence, and wonder what this era would have been like had he'd done the right thing.

So let's play...What if?

What if Patrick Fitzgerald had had Ali Mohammed arrested - the person he described as "...the most dangerous man I have ever met. We cannot let this man out on the street.”.

Would 9-11 have happened?

Would we have gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Would we have given up so many of our liberties under the guise of being more secure?

Would our financial institutions and the USD be eroding?

What if Patrick Fitzgerald had not been appointed U.S. Attorney of the Northern Dist. of Illinois?

Would John Chase have been instructed to call Rod Blagojevich and warn him that the feds were recording him?

Would Jesse Jackson, Jr. have been arrested for trying to buy the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barrack Obama?

Would Barrack Obama have been elected President without the help and protection of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald?

We agree with Patrick Fitzgerald's assertion that Ali Mohammed was dangerous, and should not have remained a free man.  (Did we ever find out why Mohamed remained free?)

If he had been arrested, would we have children being groped at airports by TSA agents?  Would we have warrantless wiretaps underway, or drones flying overhead?  Would there be American citizens on the President's kill list?

We think there's a good chance all that might not have happened.  And, consequently, we nominate Patrick Fitzgerald as America's "Most Dangerous Man."

To be continued.........


Chicago Review Press: Do they ignore the facts?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Since the release of the book "Golden," by authors and Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen, serious questions have been raised about the honesty of the book's claims.

IP2P has received information from several sources that lead us to conclude this: Someone is not telling the truth about the claims made in the Chicago Review Press publication.

These public assertions lead us to that conclusion:

(1) The man who warned Rod Blagojevich that the feds were recording him, Tribune reporter John Chase, was a co-author of the book.

(2) Chase and Coen claim, in their book, to have listened to, and read, the transcripts of all the Blagojevich wiretaps...that have never been made public.

(3) The U.S. Attorney's Office insists the wiretap tapes and transcripts were provided to no one - including Chase and Coen.  Even though Chase and Coen insist that the USAO did provide the material.

(4) Prior to Chicago Review Press publishing "Golden," a credible source made attempts to provide important information to the publisher that would have helped insure that their book was factual.

U.S. Attorney's Office claims author's of Blagojevich book "Golden" lying

(5) To date, Cynthia Sherry and the Chicago Review Press have refused to answer basic questions that a publisher should expect from the media: (A) Did Chicago Review Press fact-check the book they published as non-fiction? (B) Did the authors actually have access to the tapes and transcripts of the Blagojevich wiretaps that were not made public?

From: (Redacted)

To: csherry

Sent: 2013-02-01 21:00:02 +0000

Subject: Fwd: Publishing False Information

Ms. Cynthia Sherry

Did The Chicago Review Press verify that John Chase and Jeff Coen actually possessed and listened to all the Blagojevich wiretap tape recordings and read transcripts that were never made public, per their claim in the book you published titled "Golden" ?

If you did verify, please explain how.

(Name redacted)

-----Original Message-----

From: (Redacted)

To: csherry

Sent: 2012-12-08 23:15:43 +0000

Subject: Publishing False Information

Ms. Cynthia Sherry

The U.S. Attorney's Office Northern Dist. of Illinois has just gone on the record saying that John Chase and Jeff Coen are not telling the truth about having access to tapes a transcripts of the Blagojevich wiretaps that were never made public.

Ms. Sherry,  as publisher of Chase and Coen's book "Golden" you can clearly understand the ramifications if this is true.

Did Chase and Coen publish false information?  The USAO says yes.
Ms. Sherry, what do you say?

(Name redacted)

All of this begs the question: Was Chicago Review Press so concerned with telling the authors' version of the Blagojevich story that they ignored the facts?

Listen to Cynthia Sherry explain Chicago Review Press promotion of progressive  writings and social justice.


At IP2P we ask this: Did the truth about the Blagojevich case not work for their progressive agenda?

More on this soon............  



Robert Blagojevich dodged going to prison


Hugo Floriani,  Investigative Reporter

Jesse Jackson Jr. was not the only one saved when John Chase called the Blagojevich camp and warned them that the feds were listening.

Remember, it was Robert Blagojevich that would have been caught on surveillance tapes, meeting with Jackson's money man, Raguveer Nayak.  Chase not only saved Jesse Jackson, Jr. from prison, he also saved Robert Blagojevich.

Hold that thought. We'll come back to it later.

November 21, 2012: Within hours of Jesse Jr's resignation from Congress, Robert Blagojevich expressed his disappointment.  He felt he likely would never be able to clear his own name.

Why is that? you ask.

Well, R. Blagojevich assumed there'd be no ethics committee investigation of Jesse Jackson Jr's attempt to buy the U.S. Senate seat his brother, then Governor Rod  Blagojevich, was selling.

Robert was right.  The DC pols didn't want to investigate that attempted transaction.

However, there's nothing to stop Robert Blagojevich from making his case to the public.

That is, if Robert truly believes his name could be cleared.

Robert Blagojevich has all the FBI wiretap tapes that brother Rod and his attorneys have.

Robert has listened to all the government's wiretaps, and, as of today, he hasn't expressed any disagreement with Chase and Coen's assertion that the contents of the tapes show his brother is guilty.

Furthermore, Robert, Rod, and their respective attorneys have remained silent, while Chicago Tribune reporters Chase and Coen assert that the Blagojevich defense was built on a house of lies.

Remember, the entire Blagojevich entourage was screaming that "the tapes would set them free," if only everyone could hear them.

In their book "Golden," Chase and Coen claim they listened to all the wiretap tapes, and that there is nothing there that suggest Rod or Robert are innocent of attempting to sell a U.S. Senate seat.

So, in a nutshell:

In the past.

The Blagojevich brothers and their attorney's repeatedly professed that proof of their innocence is captured on the government's tapes.  And that, if the public were allowed to hear the tapes, the brothers would be found innocent.

Present day.

(1) John Chase and Jeff Coen claim that the Blago's and their attorney's were lying.

(2) The Blago brothers and their attorneys are not disputing Chase and Coen's claims.


The Blago's and their attorney's lied about what's on the tapes.

So, what will the Brothers and their attorney's want you to believe next? (coming soon)


(1) What was captured on roughly 400 hours of recorded Blago wiretap conversations?

(2) Why can't we hear them?

(3) Why are the Blagojevich's and the U.S. Attorney's Office hiding behind a phony protective order?

Developing  story...... 


Rod Blagojevich to be released from prison


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter


All indications are that the former governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich will be set free mid 2013.

This is being done in the usual Chicago Way - smoke and mirrors narrative put out by the Chicago media to deceive the public, while deals are made in the back-room.

The deafening silence you hear from Rod Blagojevich's legal team in the midst of John Chase and Jeff Coen running around town saying that they have listened to the never made public wiretap tapes, and that there is nothing on them, says it all, the deal is done.

This is the same legal team that consumed Blago's $3,000,000. campaign fund in his first trial, running around town screaming the tapes will prove Blago's innocent if only the people could hear them all.

Listen to what Sam Adam Jr. had to say on Dec 8, 2011, no doubt before the back-room negotiations were concluded.

Did Sam Adam, Jr. mean, if only John Chase and Jeff Coen could hear them his client would be exonerated?

And Mr. Sheldon Sorosky - aren't you in the process of an appeal for Blago?

How does John Chase and Jeff Coen, running around town claiming there is nothing on any of the government wiretap recordings of Blago that exonerates him, not concern you as his attorney?

Sheldon aren't you the least bit curious how John Chase and Jeff Coen got their hands on the non-public tapes and transcripts?

And then there's Rod's loving partner in crime and Dick Mell's daughter Patti, why is she silent on the matter?

Could it be because recently her husband has publicly asked her out on a date next August, and that she has stated she believes this will be the last holiday season he spends in prison?

So, Patti believes her husband is going to serve approximately 1 year of a 14 year sentence, at a time when Chase and Coen are claiming the tapes do not point to anything other than Blago's guilt.

There will be time for us to address how the "Blagojevich Show" got to this point, and what can be done to stop this back-room deal and insure that justice is served by Blago paying his debt to society behind bars.

However, what should be most concerning to honest law-abiding citizens at the moment is, why is the government involved in this back-room deal with Blago?

Most of all.  Why are we expected to take John Chase and Jeff Coen's word for anything?

Didn't the USAO just call them liars?

Time for the public to hear the tapes and read the transcripts that everyone keeps talking about.

Time for some honest answers.


Hey Chicago Tribune, what kinda Journalism is that?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

The traditional rules of journalism apparently don't apply to the Chicago Tribune.  Now it's the rules of "Forward Journalism" that they follow.

For example:

Basic rule #1 - When you get the inside scoop on a wiretap the government's running on a sitting governor, you don't make a decision at 10:20 p.m. to derail the government's investigation, while, at the same time, flushing the biggest news story of the year down the drain with a John Chase phone call warning Gov. Blagojevich that the feds are listening.

Unless you "report" for the Chicago Tribune.

Basic rule # 2 - When you write the self-described definitive book about the Rod Blagojevich affair, as reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen claim to have, and the U.S. Attorney's office publicly takes issue with the honesty of your claims, you back up your story with evidence that supports your words.

Unless you work for the Chicago Tribune

Basic rule #3 -  When the honesty of reporters is challenged by the U.S. government, the Editor stands by his or her reporters, or excepts responsibility for their mistakes and makes the appropriate changes to protect the integrity of the newspaper.

Unless you're an Editor at the Chicago Tribune.

Ever since the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Northern District of Illinois went on the record disputing claims made by Chase and Coen, the two Tribune reporters have been mute, refusing to comment.

Not only are they not responding to troubling accusations from the USAO, Tribune editor Gerould Kern, and the publisher of "Golden," the Chicago Review Press, are, also, hunkered down refusing to comment.

So is that the new style of "Forward Journalism"?

We, at IP2P, subscribe to the American traditional rules of journalism. We call for honest answers from the Tribune, on behalf of the citizens of Chicago, and Illinois.

They deserve the truth
