
Clarice Feldman believes Dick Armitage is a liar, except….


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Clarice Feldman is a writer for the American Thinker who has taken the position that Dick Armitage is a liar, except when his lies fit her agenda. Then you can believe him over all others.

Feldman's agenda: Keep Americans from learning that "Plamegate" is a cover-up, and that her friends in Washington, DC were not victims. They were participants.

Remember we said "Now that the lie is out in the open, individuals involved in the "Plamegate cover-up" are having difficulty answering the simplest of questions."

That's because once Armitage's lies are fully exposed to the public, the "Plamegate cover-up" comes crashing down, exposing the granddaddy of all scandals. And, that will explain a plethora of scandals. Including current ones!

-----Original Message-----

From: (redacted)
To: Clarice Feldman
Cc: Thomas Lifson
Sent: November 17, 2013 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Are we clear on this?


Subject: Plamegate

August 30, 2006 - What President Bush Should Do about Plamegate by Clarice Feldman


You state your belief that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey were co-conspirators against President George W Bush. The conspiracy you accuse them of orchestrating was commonly known as "Plamegate"

Fast forward to today.

Judith Miller exposed “Plamegate” as a cover-up


FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has since testified under oath that Valerie Plame's CIA front Brewster Jennings & Associates was exposed in 2001 by Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, who coincidently reported directly to Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage.

And, Judith Miller is now on record stating that she knew Dick Armitage was not who exposed Valerie Plame as CIA, and that a lot of people knew that.

Clarice, so we are clear on this.

Now that you have full knowledge of Miller's confession, and Edmonds testimony.

You're telling me that you still believe Dick Armitage, a man you accused of conspiring against The President of the United States, was telling the truth when he confessed (in 2006) that he exposed Valerie Plame in 2003.

And, you believe Judith Miller and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds are both lying when they say Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame.

However, you refuse to offer a reason for this peculiar belief.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Or, are we clear on this?

(name redacted)

What Feldman refuses to tell her readers is, that there were hoards of people in Washington, DC who knew that Marc Grossman exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates in 2001.

Including: FBI Director Robert Mueller, Dept. of Justice Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Patrick Leahy.

Clarice Feldman would like you to believe that Dick Armitage, Colin Powell, John Ashcroft and James Comey conspired against President George W. Bush while Mueller, Fine, Grassley, Leahy and others in positions of power just watched.

Really? Wouldn't that make them all co-conspirators?

Clarice, when a conspiracy involves this many people in Washington, the conspiracy is not against anyone in Washington, it's against We the People

Clarice Feldman is right about one thing--Dick Armitage is a liar!

Thanks to Sibel Edmonds, that is a well documented fact.

Much more to follow......


Is President Barack Obama being blackmailed ?


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay


It appears that Mr Jerome Corsi is one person who can speak to the very real possibility that Barack Hussein Obama ,The President Of The United States Of America, is being blackmailed


Update:  Daniel T Frawley's date to report to prison has now been pushed back to after the presidential election , and Frawley's attorney Thomas M Durkin will likely be made a federal judge within days. Barack Obama nominated Mr Durkin to be a federal judge and Sen. Dick Durbin has given his strong support to Durkin's nomination.



-----Original Message-----

From: (redacted)

To: Jerome Corsi

Cc: (redacted)

Sent: 2012-08-29 13:49:55 +0000

Subject: Re: Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with Barack Obama




So that we're clear, are you seriously telling me that you have changed your reason for not releasing the information about Obama's secret meetings with Auchi from the one you stated below ? Now the reason you will not release the information is because you gave total control of what you do with that information to Daniel T Frawley, a convicted felon.  Really ?  Are you serious ?


(name redacted)


-----Original Message-----

From: Jerome Corsi


Sent: 2012-08-29 12:32:14 +0000

Subject: Re: Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with Barack Obama


(name redacted)

You can beg, I couldn't care less.  I gave my word to Dan that I only did

the tape on the condition Dan had to OK its broadcast.  I will keep my

word to Dan.  Besides, Auchi may be important to you, but he is truly

yesterday's news.

I don't plan to answer you emails again if you merely repeat what you have

already sent me.






On 8/29/12 8:09 AM, (redacted) wrote:





Nahdmi Auchi's ability to deploy his pitbull lawyers against American

authors has been greatly diminished, if not altogether eliminated by new

laws passed here in the last two years. American authors no long have to

adhere to the libel laws of the U.K.


Auchi's role in helping Barack Obama obtain the most powerful position in

the free world must be exposed. You, sir, are in a position to help do just that.


Jerry, there is very little difference between you refusing to release

the information you have pertaining to Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with

Barack Obama, and what the LATimes is doing in their refusal to release

the tape of Obama toasting Rashid Khalidi.


Many of us never expected that the LATimes would do the right thing. But

your readers, sir, do expect you to do the right thing. And so did (name withheld)

and I when we sent Bob Cooley and Dan Frawley to you.

So Jerry, it's time you tell what you learned in that Chicago interview,

for the good of the nation. After the election, no one will care what you know.


(name redacted)



----- Forwarded message -----

From: (Name and address withheld)

To: "Jerome Corsi"

Subject: Re: Frawley

Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 3:19 pm


Jerry I understand, however the play we are making is about U.S. Attorney

Patrick Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is the focus here.



----- Reply message -----

From: "Jerome Corsi"

To: (redacted)

Subject: Frawley

Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 2:29 pm


(Name redacted)

I went back over my video with Frawley ‹ much of it was about Auchi.   I

understand how Auchi fits in, but it has to be really critical to go after

him.  He is a billionaire and he hires a battery of lawyers every time he is

mentioned in print.  I've already been through that with THE OBAMA NATION.

I will do it again, but only when I know the article will make a big impact.



Jerry Corsi
