Attorney for Hastert’s extortionist makes crazy argument in court
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

(L to R): James Doe attorney Kristi Browne, Hastert attorney John Ellis and Judge Robert Pilmer (photo by WSPY's Jim Wyman)
The attorney representing James Doe in the "hush money" case against Dennis Hastert is claiming that Hastert paid her client $1.7 million in cash because he wasn't trying to hide anything.
(Access to Dennis Hastert Bank Records an Issue in Kendall County Lawsuit Hearing)
This is one of the most insane arguments that I have ever heard come from an attorney, and that's saying a lot!
Kristi Browne, who is representing Curtis T. Williams aka James Doe, told Judge Robert Pilmer that she needs Hastert's bank records so that she can establish that by being paid in cash, her client was also open about the "hush money" payments and not trying to keep them a secret.
Now I have heard it all!
Browne ludicrously contended that if Williams and Hastert were trying to keep the "hush money" payments secret, Hastert would have paid Williams by check.
Don't checks leave a paper trail, Ms. Browne? Or are most criminals just paranoid?
By the way, since Williams was supposedly not trying to hide anything by accepting the $1.7 million "hush money" in cash, perhaps Browne will show us the "hush money" deposits slips from his bank.
And while she is at it she can also tell us if he reported his cash windfall to the IRS?
Or did he just transparently stuff the $1.7 million under his mattress?
IP2P asked Ms. Browne if her client reported his cash windfall to the IRS, but she did not respond.
Interestingly, if Hastert had written checks instead of paying by cash he would not have gone to prison for structuring.
If all of this wasn't crazy enough, Browne told reporters after the court hearing that she plans to file a motion asking Judge Pilmer to close the courtroom to the public in order to keep James Doe's identity a secret even though he has already been identified as Curtis T. Williams.
Could Hastert Case be Heard in Secret?
The question is: Will Judge Pilmer continue to tolerate such insanity in his courtroom?
United Airlines unveils laughable “Safe to Say It” campaign
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Just three days after United Airlines lead counsel Brett Hart was confronted about threats that he allegedly delivered to whistleblowing employees at United's former World Headquarters (WHQ), Hart had the unmitigated gall to announce the laughable "Safe to Say It at United" campaign.
United Airlines manager to employees: “it would be difficult to prove” United was removing asbestos
Hart reportedly delivered the threats to an attorney representing the employees who were blowing the whistle on criminal asbestos removal at United's former WHQ.
It is clearly not "Safe to Say it at United" because speaking up could result in a threat and that does not make anyone feel safe.
Communications Re: Threats
From: Marty Watters
To: Brett Hart
Cc: Oscar Munoz, Richard Leamy, Michelle Booth
Sent: February 9, 2018 at 4:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: United Airlines threatened whistleblowers!
Mr. Brett Hart
Would you care to comment on allegations that [attorney redacted] has made?
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: [Attorney redacted]
Cc: [Attorney redacted], [Attorney redacted], [Attorney redacted]
Sent: February 3, 2018 at 6:17 PM
Subject: United Airlines threatened whistleblowers!
Would you care to comment on the fact that United Airlines had you deliver a threat to your clients?
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [United Airlines whistleblower redacted]
Date: Nov 1, 2017 8:06 AM
Subject: Follow-up Conversation
To: [Attorney redacted]
From my conversation with [redacted] I understand that Brett Hart instructed Richard Leamy to warn us to stay away and not talk to Marty Waters.
We have some questions:
Did Richard explain what United intends to do to us is we did not listen to Brett's warning?
Has United sent any threats to Marty?
Communications Re: Hart memo
From: Marty Watters
To: Brett Hart
Cc: Oscar Munoz, Scott Kirby, [email protected]
Sent: February 16, 2018 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
No it's not safe to say it at United. As you know!
Call me.
Marty Watters
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: [email protected]
Sent: February 15, 2018 at 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
Please tell Brett Hart to call me, there are few things that United employees would like say to him.
United Airlines asbestos scandal
Marty Watters
A message from Brett Hart: It’s safe to say it at United
By Brett Hart
Posted February 12, 2018
Dear United team,
As a company, we've always aimed to have a culture in which employees can share their ideas, questions and concerns with us. And we're now renewing our commitment to reinforcing that culture. As Oscar and I mentioned at our Earnings "Live" event at the end of January, we're introducing a "Safe to Say It" campaign to reaffirm with all of you that you are empowered to speak up. We want you to always feel comfortable voicing your thoughts, especially if you think something isn't right.
Tools like Runway, Org Pulse and United Voices are examples of ways that we've already made it easier, on a tactical level, to share different types of feedback. These tools have allowed us to more reliably gather and act on employee feedback, so you know that, as a company, we're listening. We'll continue to look for new ways to streamline those processes, but now we want to go beyond that and focus on making sure that all employees truly feel that they can share their thoughts without fear.
We've started by asking all leaders to make sure that their employees know it's safe to speak their minds. Each leader holds in his or her hands the power to build employees' trust. And we want all of our employees to trust that their feedback and ideas are valued.
Our promises to you
As leaders, we will take ownership
We promise to work hard to continue building a culture where thoughts and ideas are exchanged freely. And if you find that we're not doing that, we want you to hold us accountable.
Our doors are open
This phrase is used a lot, and sometimes superficially, but it needs to ring true here at United. We as leaders promise you that we will give you the time, space and permission to speak up.
There are no repercussions
If any employee has questions or concerns about a project, a policy, or anything else going on at United, they should feel empowered to say so. And as long as it's done in a way that's respectful and appropriate, that will never bring on negative repercussions.
What's next?
The Ethics and Compliance Office and various other teams across the company will contribute to the "Safe to Say It" campaign, highlighting the importance that speaking up holds in their areas. And you'll hear more in the coming months about all the ways that you can speak up and why it's important to do so.
If you have questions or comments about the "Safe to Say It" campaign, please email the HR Communication team at [email protected].
Best regards,
Mr. Hart, after the multiple threats I myself have also received from United, I don't feel "Safe to Say It" to United - and I'm not even an employee!
United employees will be better served by the Brett Hart-inspired "Say it Anyways" campaign.
Details to come...
Look who is calling IP2P “unprofessional”
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Kristi Browne, the attorney for 'James Doe' in the civil lawsuit against former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, told a WSPY radio reporter that Illinois Pay to Play acted "unprofessionally" when IP2P revealed the true identity of her client, who is extorting Hastert.
Who are you to call anyone "unprofessional", Ms. Browne?
Let me educate you on what truly is "unprofessional" behavior.
It was "unprofessional" of you as Curtis T. Williams' attorney to repeatedly ignore IP2P's legitimate questions about his civil lawsuit.
------ Original Message ------
To: Kristi Browne
Sent: May 2, 2017 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Call your client
Ms. Kristi Browne
If you are not going to return my phone call.
Call your client.
------ Original Message ------
To: Kristi Browne
Sent: June 2, 2017 at 9:06 AM
Subject: Doe vs. Dennis Hastert
Ms. Kristi Browne
If you truly do wish to keep the identity of your clients in the Hastert case masked.
Perhaps it would be prudent for you to stop dodging members of the media that you know can unmask them.
That is unless for some reason you do want them unmasked?
Either way. Have you shared your strategy in this matter with your clients?
Keep in mind Browne's client is now a 58 year old man who was caught red-handed extorting Hastert.
It is also "unprofessional" of the Chicago Tribune to keep his identity secret even though the serious subject of extortion of the former Speaker has not been honestly addressed.
Why did Dennis Hastert agree to pay Curtis T Williams $3.5 million?
And It is "unprofessional" for the Chicago Sun Times to ignore the fact that Hastert victim Williams, aka 'James Doe', at age 38, helped his molester become Speaker of the House.
How “Individual A” helped Dennis Hastert become Speaker of the House
But the most "unprofessional" behavior of all was by FBI Director Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice, who concealed the fact that Hastert was a known pederast - thus ensuring that the blackmailable Congressman would become one of the most powerful people in Washington, D.C.
You won’t believe the latest in the United Airlines asbestos scandal
Marty Watters, Invesigative Reporter
Get a load of this:
A&E Services Inc., the company that United Airlines insists was not removing asbestos from its former World Headquarters in suburban Illinois, now wants United to return its asbestos removal equipment!
United contracted A&E Services to remove asbestos from United's former WHQ. From July of 2014 through May of 2015 A&E Services illegally removed, and then illegally dumped the asbestos in open dumpsters clandestinely placed in a residential driveway in Rolling Meadows IL.
United management and their attorneys swear that this did not happen. They claim that A&E was paid over $1.1 million to remove some fiberglass insulation.
Now why would United remove and replace perfectly fine fiberglass insulation? Answer: they wouldn't. Nobody would!
And why would United pay asbestos removal prices to remove fiberglass insulation? Again, they wouldn't. Nobody would!
The fact is that United only began claiming that A&E was removing fiberglass insulation after A&E was caught red-handed illegally removing and dumping asbestos. But prior to A&E being caught committing these crimes, United told its maintenance mechanics that A&E was there to remove asbestos.
Both claims cannot be correct.
Now A&E is in a fight with United over equipment that was never returned to owner Robert Nykaza after his company was banned from the property.
Unfortunately for United, the list of equipment that Nykaza is demanding United return to him is clearly asbestos removal equipment. It can now be added to the mountain of irrefutable proof that A&E illegally removed asbestos from United's WHQ. Brilliant move, Robert!
I look forward to seeing how United's attorneys will try to spin this one.
As for the mentally unstable Robert Nykaza, he might want to start working on his explanation for why he had asbestos removal equipment at United, and why he hired Rich Hayes, the owner/operator of a little power washing business in Rolling Meadows, to supervise a multimillion dollar asbestos removal project at United.
But the explanation I am most looking forward to is the one from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration explaining why they are still allowing United to willfully expose its employees and anyone else who walks into the former WHQ to deadly airborne asbestos.
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
How “Individual A” helped Dennis Hastert become Speaker of the House
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Curtis T. Williams (Individual A), a former star wrestler and victim of Dennis Hastert's proclivity to molest under-aged boys, was instrumental in helping his former coach become Speaker of the House.
On December 19, 1998 Congressman Bob Livingston, who was slated to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House, was forced to announce his resignation from Congress. This was due to the fact that illegal FBI surveillance on him had uncovered Livingston's adulterous affair.
Thus clearing the path for Hastert to become Speaker instead.
On December 21st, just two days later, the Chicago Sun Times trotted out Curtis T. Williams to say a few nice words about the man (Hastert) who he now says had molested him nearly 25 years earlier.
Chicago Sun Times December 21, 1998 by Jim Ritter
Lawmaker also on top as coach
Now had Williams divulged the fact that Hastert had molested him when he was a child in that suspicious interview with the Chicago Sun Times, Hastert would not only not become Speaker, he too would have had to resign from Congress in disgrace. And quite possibly would have faced criminal prosecution.
I wonder if that had anything to do with Hastert's decision to secretly pay Williams $3.5 million in cash?
More importantly, did that have anything to do with the Feds' decision to keep Curtis T. Williams' identity a secret and not have him testify against Hastert?
You bet it did!
As for Scott Cross (Individual D), he did testify against Hastert. And then in a March 2017 phone interview with IP2P, Cross was asked, “Do you think Hastert stopped his pederast activities when he left Yorkville High School to get into politics?” He immediately responded with an emphatic "No!"
But how does what Cross said square with this picture?
It doesn't. What is Cross not telling us?
More to come...
Why did Dennis Hastert agree to pay Curtis T Williams $3.5 million?
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in Chief
Why did former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert agree to pay Curtis T. Williams (Individual A), a former student and son of a close family friend, $3.5 million?
According to Hastert, it was because Williams was blackmailing him!
However, the Feds and their sock puppets at the Chicago Tribune insist that Williams was just extracting "hush money" in return for remaining silent about the fact that Hastert molested him decades ago.
Is there a difference?
The action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding money from a person in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person.
Synonym: extortion.
The only difference is that if they called it what it really was, blackmail, Curtis Williams would have been charged with a crime and been forced to testify that Hastert, a known pederast, gave him cash-stuffed envelopes totaling $1.7 million.
Now why would the Feds, including former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey, not want Williams to testify against a known pederast?
Could it be that the Deep State was trying to hide something big?
ALERT: The Hastert story is about to take a wild turn!
The “REAL” Dennis Hastert Scandal!
United Airlines’ asbestos house of cards – OSHA falsely claims OIG investigated them
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
In the latest chapter of United Airlines' asbestos house of cards, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is now falsely claiming that an investigation of corruption at OSHA's North Chicago office has been completed by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Chicago.
In her attempt to whitewash OSHA's complicity in the criminal cover-up of United's illegal asbestos removal and dumping, OSHA Director Kimberly Locey has made the false claim that the OIG in Chicago has done an investigation.
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
Well that was news to James Vanderberg, Special Agent in Charge of the OIG in Chicago, who knew nothing about this alleged investigation.
What Ms. Locey apparently did not know when drafting this letter is that I have been in communication with Special Agent Vanderberg and that I can unequivocally state that at no time did the OIG in Chicago investigate this case of public corruption at OSHA.
Oops! What now, Kim?
Well, now Ms. Locey wants to play hide and seek. Locey refuses to return phone calls from me and the person who made the latest allegations of systemic corruption at the North Chicago office of OSHA.
No surprise there.
However, I am a little surprised that Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, Loren Sweatt, has not taken the opportunity afforded to her to get out in front of this scandal. She is also not returning phone calls.
As for the OIG, James Vanderberg, call me. It's high time that you really do that investigation that OSHA director Locey falsely claims you have already done
What are you waiting for?
The Department of Justice Blueprint for Fake Investigations
Posted by Ernie Souchak
The Department of Justice Blueprint for Fake Investigations
By Lee Cary
A National Review article, posted December 4, 2017, written by former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, entitled “It Is Now an Obstruction Investigation: Which means that it’s an impeachment investigation,” affirmed what’s long been obvious to many.
The purpose of the Mueller Investigation is not now, nor has it ever been, to prove collusion between Russia and the Trump Presidential Campaign. That stated objective was, and remains, a red herring.
What the McCarthy article fails to address is the real motive behind the Mueller investigation.
Mueller’s investigation, based on the choreographed dissemination of a fake dossier, was designed to: (1) discredit the election of Trump and hinder his efforts to govern, and (2) misdirect the media’s attention – easily done – in order to distract attention away from an investigation related to Uranium One, as well as several other questionable behaviors that suggest possible criminal acts conducted by the Clintons.
In short, the Mueller Investigation is a set piece, misdirection-by-distraction operation.
And daily, more Americans are beginning to see that it is – fake.
The pattern for the current operation was used in a previous “special counsel” puppet show: Plamegate. Two of the same players, Comey and Mueller, who starred in that marathon special counsel investigation that led to the process-crime indictment of “Scooter” Libby, kicked-off this latest show.
Here’s how the operation runs:
Rod Rosenstein, as Assistant Attorney General appointed by President Obama to serve under then Attorney General Loretta Lynch, has a history concerning Uranium One. According to The Hill, leading the news outlets exposing the Uranium One scandal, “Obama administration figures involved in the 2009-15 investigation of [the Uranium One deal] include Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe — all of whom are involved in some fashion in the current investigation of President Donald Trump alleged collusion with Russia.”
The closer President Trump moves toward accomplishing major tax reform, the bigger the media headlines will chant the mantra of his inevitable impeachment. Daily, they become more desperate to damage Trump, as The Swamp runs scared.
And, all those involved in the current and past DoJ Blueprint are Swamp creatures.
Related articles:
Judith Miller blows the whistle on “Special Counsel” Patrick Fitzgerald
United Airlines: Breathing airborne asbestos fibers is just part of the job!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
If you think the way Oscar Munoz and United Airlines treat their customers is deplorable, wait until you see how they treat their own employees.
United has for years been doing everything in its power to hide the irrefutable fact that employees working at and visiting its former World Headquarters in Elk Grove Village, IL are being exposed to large amounts of airborne asbestos fibers.
In an incredible new development in this saga, United attorneys have just taken the position that being exposed to asbestos is just a work place hazard that employees must endure as part of working for United.
Consider the fact that employees were not being told about the asbestos hazard. And that United did nothing to eliminate the dangerous conditions created by its reckless disregard for the laws governing asbestos removal.
Here's United's latest position concerning the ongoing asbestos hazard: employees can just file a worker's compensation claim after they are exposed to the asbestos hazard United intentionally created and tried to cover up.
Knowing all this, it is painfully clear that the health and well-being of employees at United means absolutely nothing to the airlines' top decision makers.
Wow Oscar, makes me wonder if you underwent a heart transplant or just a removal. Perhaps a brain transplant is in order.
Does United understand that workman's comp covers accidents, not deliberate acts?
Do United attorneys think that they can claim that lying to the EPA and OSHA were accidents as well?
United Airlines manager caught lying to OSHA in asbestos case
Good luck with that strategy, Oscar.
There is no word yet on United's position regarding non-employees who were and are being exposed to airborne asbestos fibers. But I'm sure when they finally come up with one, it will be a gem.
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
Fly the friendly skies of United? No thanks, Oscar. If this is how United treats people on the ground, there is no reason at all to think the treatment gets any better in the air.
More to come..
United Airlines also illegally dumped asbestos next to children’s playground!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Mr. Oscar Munoz, beating up paying customers whose only crime was to choose to fly United Airlines is one thing.
But an airline that illegally dumps asbestos next to a children's playground and then does everything in its considerable power to conceal the crime?
That's going way too far. Even for United!
----- Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Megan McCarthy, Brett Hart
Sent: April 12, 2017 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Oscar Munoz "It's never too late to do the right thing"
Thank you for that quote. I agree wholeheartedly.
Now when can I expect to hear from you to discuss United's considerable asbestos problem?
Marty Watters
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: April 10, 2017 at 2:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos next to children's park
I have not heard from anyone at United. Today is your deadline.
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: April 7, 2017 at 8:34 AM
Subject: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos next to children's park
Mr. Oscar Munoz
Illegally parking open dumpsters full of asbestos next to a children's park is not the behavior of a company that cares.
Contact me at <redacted>
Marty Watters
Investigative Reporter
------ Original Message ------
From: Marty Watters
To: Oscar Munoz
Cc: Christina Landgraf, Brett Hart
Sent: March 27, 2017 at 10:21 AM
Subject: United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos in suburban neighborhood
Oscar Munoz
Would you care to comment?
Marty Watters
United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos in suburban neighborhood
Oscar, you have finally expressed your shame and have accepted responsibility for United's thug-like actions that sent 69-year-old Dr. David Dao to the hospital.
Now it's time for you and United to accept the shame and responsibility for exposing untold numbers of men, women and children to airborne asbestos fibers.
They also deserve an apology from you, along with a commitment from United to voluntarily provide them the proper medical attention.
Like you said, Oscar: "It's never too late to do the right thing".
Or was that just lip service?