
Feds finally announce probation “deal” for Obama associate


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


We told you in September 2012 that Obama associate Daniel S. Mahru would receive a sentence of probation instead of jail time for his silence.

After delaying the inevitable for 18 months, the U.S. Department of Justice has proven IP2P right once again by sentencing Mahru to probation.

Like we said in 2012:

DoJ silences Obama associate Daniel S. Mahru with his freedom

Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay

Illinoispaytoplay.com (IP2P) has learned that Daniel S. Mahru, former business partner of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, made a deal with the Department of Justice (DoJ) for his silence.

IP2P is the first to report that on, October 4 2012, Daniel S. Mahru will receive probation at his sentencing hearing. IP2P has also learned that this is being done to insure Mahru will not speak of crimes, of which he has knowledge, that implicate Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Allison Davis, Tony Rezko and others. (Remember Tony recently saying he committed crimes for which Fitzgerald did not charge him.)

IP2P is also investigating the circumstances surrounding meetings that took place where Daniel T Frawley and Daniel S Mahru (both convicted felons) met with author Jerome Corsi in Chicago to discuss secret meetings between Barack Obama, Nadhmi Auchi, Tony Rezko, (now Governor) Pat Quinn, and others.

Mahru is unwilling to talk about what was discussed at those meetings. Could that have anything to do with his probation deal?

The DoJ and (now former) U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald protected Eric Holder, Barack Obama and a host of other criminals that occupy high offices in our state and federal government.

Brenda J Elliot at rbo2.com recently posted an article suggesting how important Mahru’s silence is to the DoJ.

Where's that special prosecutor when you need him?


The real question is why announce Mahru's probation now?

Well, because it's time to tie up all those loose ends.

So, the only announcement left that Eric Holder's Dept. of Justice needs to make is Rod Blagojevich will be released early from prison.

In other words, it's time to complete the "deal" that will insure Blago's continued silence.

It's the Chicago way.

And remember, the Chicago way is not just "who you know". It's also "what you know about who".


The real reason the Blagojevich tapes won’t be unsealed


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

The real reason the Blagojevich tapes won't be unsealed is because it would expose the widespread corruption at the highest levels of our government.

Like we at IP2P have been telling you for a long time, Blago will be set free. In other words, he is successfully blackmailing his way out of prison!

Here's how it will work:

A three-judge panel hearing Blago's appeal has already taken the first step by announcing that the Blagojevich tapes would remain sealed.

Next, the same three-judge panel will find that Blago did not try to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. The court will say that Blago was just engaged in "political horse trading."

Blago's conviction for trying to sell the Senate seat will be overturned, and combined with a few other slick legal maneuvers, his sentence will be drastically reduced. Instead of spending 12 more years in federal prison, Blago will most likely be home for the holidays this year.

Time served! Which will make Dick Mell's daughter, Patti, very happy.

But more importantly for people like Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel, the court will have bought the silence of Rod and Patti Blagojevich.

As IP2P has been pointing out all along, the issue has never been whether or not the wiretap tapes would prove Blago's innocence. From the very beginning, the real issue for Blago has been leverage, and who else would go down with him if the tapes were played.

And that's why Blago never really wanted the tapes to be played. If they were, he would lose his leverage. It's that simple.

If not for the fact that Patrick Fitzgerald was protecting other guilty parties, Blago would have most certainly faced even more charges and most likely would have been found guilty of them as well.


Playing the tapes would not prove Blago's innocence or get him out of prison. It would just get him company in there.

However, not playing the tapes ensures that those who would join Blago in prison if the tapes were played will do everything in their power to get him out of prison so the tapes won't be played.

And just as we expected, there was no objection to the tapes remaining under seal from Blago and his attorneys. Even though all we've heard for years from them was "Play the tapes, play all the tapes."

There's nothing complicated about it. This is BLACKMAIL 101.

And clearly Eric Holder and the DoJ is onboard.

Much more to come ..... including how John Chase and Jeff Coen of the Chicago Tribune are complicit in this corruption cover-up. And wait until you hear Blago attorney Sheldon Sorosky's incredible explanation of why Chase was never called to testify in the Blagojevich trial.

You won't believe what Shelly had to say!


Cover-up Update: Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office delivers a “Fast and Furious” bombshell


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

Sen. Chuck Grassley and his staff refuse to answer any questions or give a statement to the media regarding the documented fact that the senator was actively involved in what is now being called the "Plamegate cover-up".

However, in a very odd conversation with Grassley staff members Tristan Leavitt and James Donahue, in which they changed the subject from "Plamegate cover-up" to the gun walking scandal "Fast and Furious" and its Chicago connections, Leavitt dropped this bombshell:

Sen. Grassley's investigation into "Fast and Furious" is in the civil courts, in an attempt to get information.

So, an investigation into the deaths of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, Immigration and Customs agent Jaime Zapata, and an untold number of Mexican citizens is now in civil court. Really?

In other words, Sen. Grassley's office has confirmed what we suspected:

Congressman Darrell Issa was only putting on a show for us in the Congressional Oversight Committee hearings. And, that he always intended to bury this scandal.

Here are our words for Sen. Grassley and Congressman Issa:

Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and their families deserve better.

And, We the People are going to insist they get better.


Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald takes the Fifth


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who is a close, personal friend of Obama's choice to be the next FBI Director, James Comey, refuses to answer questions pertaining to the leaks from his U.S. Attorney’s Office to the Chicago Tribune.

Remember, it was Fitz who acknowledged that a leak to the Tribune had revealed the existence of a federal wiretap on then Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The next words out of Patrick Fitzgerald's mouth were incredible – as in not credible.

He said the leak was information he knew, so he couldn’t investigate the leak, nor did he know who could or would.

In other words: Because I might be the leaker and cannot investigate myself, I’m not going to do anything. And because I don’t know who to call to investigate me, I can’t ask anyone to investigate me.

The recipient of the leak, and the man who called Rod Blagojevich's people to warn them that Blago was being recorded, was Tribune reporter John Chase. Chase was sitting three feet in front of Fitzgerald when Fitzgerald made the incredible comments in a press conference.

John Chase

All the while, the Chicago Media was…silent. Are they complicit, incompetent, or both?

The John Chase mentioned above is the same Tribune reporter who got the sealed Blago tapes and transcripts from the feds.

Now, it seems, former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald may feel his close personal friendship with Obama's choice for FBI Director allows him to continue ignoring questions about the entire Blago saga. Immunity by association.

Patrick Fitzgerald once said, "The truth is the engine of our judicial system. If you compromise the truth, the whole process is lost." That was when he wanted Scooter libby to go to jail for lying to the government.

When a citizen lies to a U.S. Attorney, they go to jail.

What should happen to a U.S. Attorney who lies to the citizens?

So, former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald: Did you really not know who to call to investigate you?




U.S. Attorney’s office protected Rezko friend Dr. Ronald Michael


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) Carolyn McNiven was the attorney-of-record in the government's case against Obama friend and fundraiser, Antoin "Tony" Rezko.

McNiven was also lead attorney in the government's case against Rezko's partner in the enterprise called Companion Security, Daniel T. Frawley.  It was a venture designed to, allegedly, train, in the U.S.,  Iraqi security workers for the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity.

At IP2P we've also recently learned that Patrick Fitzgerald put McNiven in charge of suppressing evidence that Rezko friend and associate, Dr. Ronald Michael, committed multiple felonies.

One of those felonies was an act of fraud that involved the law firm Piper Rudnick, currently known as DLA Piper.

That's the same Piper Rudnick that:

(A) employs Obama's friend and backer, Peter Bynoe, as a senior partner;

(B) is aligned with The Cohen Group where Patrick Fitzgerald's star witness in the Valerie Plame investigation, Marc Grossman, is Vice Chairman; and

(C) was dealing with Rezko and Frawley pertaining to Companion Security's 50 million dollar Iraq security contract.

Isn't it interesting how the dots connect

Isn't it also interesting how the Chicago media serially ignores the dots?

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dan Frawley<Address redacted>

To: Robert Cooley <Address redacted>

Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 12:54 PM


And, as luck would have it, the same DLA Piper/Piper Rudnick that made Carolyn McNiven a full partner when she left the U.S. Attorney's office. Imagine that.


Carolyn McNiven joins Litigation practice in San Francisco

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: (Redacted)

To: [email protected]

Sent:Tue May 11, 2010

Subject: Follow up on our meeting


Let me know when you are available to finish our conversation about Dr. Ronald Michael being on the Terrorist watch list, and the circumstances that led him to send Paul Dubuque to Jordan on his behalf.  Dr Michael's involvement with Tony Rezko and the contracts that came out of Iraq will need to be disclosed.  It is starting to appear unlikely that your office is going to proceed to trial against Rod Blagojevich this June, making the truth of John Thomas even more important than ever. I look forward to our follow up.

(name redacted)

The most disturbing aspect of Assitant U.S. Attorney Carolyn McNiven suppressing evidence of crimes committed.

It nearly cost someone their life.

Coming soon....Marc Grossman, The Cohen Group, DLA Piper

* Robert Nichols joined Eric Holder's former law firm Covington & Burling

The Valerie Plame case: The man who was appointed to appoint Patrick Fitzgerald “Special Counsel”


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter


U.S. Attorney James B. Comey  was appointed Deputy Attorney General for the purpose of appointing U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as "Special Counsel" to lead the investigation into who "leaked" Valerie Plame's identity as a C.I.A. employee to the press.  It was all choreographed.

It was known that Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage leaked Plame's identity as a CIA employee to the press - even before Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed "Special Counsel".  Go figure.

And, it was known that Armitage was the "Leaker" before Comey was chosen for his job, and before he appointed Patrick Fitzgerald as "Special Counsel," and before Fitzgerald was tasked to find out what the government already knew.

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up! Here's a sequence of key dates:

Oct 1, 2003:  Bob Novak published an article that causes Richard Armitage to go immediately to the FBI and confess to being the "Leaker" in the Valerie Plame case.

Oct. 3, 2003:  George W. Bush nominates Patrick Fitzgerald's peer and close friend, U.S Attorney James B. Comey, to be Deputy Attorney General.

Oct. 29, 2003: During Comey's senate confirmation hearing, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) questions Comey about the possibility of Attorney General John Ashcroft  recusing himself in the Plame case and Comey appointing a Special Counsel to that case.

So, what happened next?

Comey was confirmed Deputy Attorney General.

Ashcroft recused himself, putting Comey in charge of the Plame case.

Comey appointed his close friend, Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel in charge of finding the "Leaker".

And, this was all done after Armitage confessed to being the "Leaker," said he wouldn't seek legal representation, and claimed to be prepared to accept the consequences of his actions.

Fitzgerald asked Armitage to keep his guilt to himself.

Armitage complied.

Judith Miller went to jail, and Scooter Libby was prosecuted and found guilty...of something other than leaking.

Shortly after appointing Fitzgerald to the Plame case, Comey left the Attorney General's office to become lead counsel at Lockheed Martin. We'll explain the significance of that move later.

And where's Comey today? He's a partner and general counsel at Bridgewater Associates.

Stay tuned.....


Chicagogate: Cover-up Exposed


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


Reporters John Chase, Jeff Coen, their employer the ChicagoTribune and the U.S. Attorney's Office (USAO) of the Northern District of Illinois are, and have long been, involved in a criminal cover-up.

Chase and Coen have published information they know to be false, both in their newspaper, and in their co-authored, recently-released book entitled Golden.

The spreading of false information is being done with co-operation and guidance from the USAO and Holder’s DoJ. 

ILP2P has received information from a credible source suggesting the involvement of members of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressional Oversight Committee in this cover-up.

Furthermore, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s recent resignation is an element of thcover-up.
Conveniently, the Ethics Committee will no longer be investigating Jackson’s attempted purchase of Obama's vacated senate seat. 

Its time for John Chase, Jeff Coen, Jesse Jackson Jr and Patrick Fitzgerald to answer question.

Time to answer to We the People.



Weekly Standard reviews Tribune reporters’ book on Blago


Annabel Kent, Chicago Media Critic  

Washington Examiner local opinion editor, Barbara Hollingsworth, has written a review of the recently released book about former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich, entitled Golden, written by Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen.

Hollingsworth’s review appears in the Weekly Standard here.  It is entitled “The Blago File, and states that,

“[M]ore serious readers seeking answers to questions raised about former U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s multiyear, multimillion-dollar investigation will not find them here. Major omissions in Coen and Chase’s otherwise meticulously detailed narrative regarding the Tribune’s own role in tipping off Blagojevich that he was under wiretap surveillance ultimately render their account incomplete.

Hollingsworth exposes several of the book’s “major omissions” in her 1,200-words review, and refers to

“incredulous bloggers” at Illinoispaytoplay.com who have been openly skeptical about the Tribune reporters’ account of the Blago Fitzgerald episode.



Dead Meat Walks the Plank December 6th


Jontel Kassidy, Senior Capital Correspondent

Blago is next to be sentenced, on December 6.  Conventional wisdom among the Crook County media pundits is that, since Tony Rezko drew 10½ years, Dead Meat is facing the realistic prospect of even more time.

The prosecution said that Tony was “uncooperative”; even though he volunteered to go to jail before he was sentenced.  (Who gave him that advice?)  If the intent was to rack up goodwill points at his sentencing, it didn’t work.  All it did was give him a preview of the future – at least until his friend Barack springs him with a commutation of his sentence.  (Is Vegas posting odds on that yet?)

But for Dead Meat, there’s no commutation, no pardon, no escape on the horizon coming from the White House.  Blago and Barack didn’t have that special, symbiotic relationship built, literally, on bags of cash that once linked Tony and Barack at the wallet.

So what’s Dead Meat to do to mitigate the depth of the water he’s to fall into when he walks the plank on December 6th? How might he, unlike Tony, “cooperate?”

He can’t relate details about the former Chicago corruption days of the POTUS, and, thereby, shave off jail time. The U.S. Attorney’s Office has done a stalwart job of protecting Chicago’s favorite son through the whole sordid affair that’s whirled around Tony and Rod.  Blago starts talking about Chicago Obama and he might get life without parole!

He can’t squeal on Attorney General Eric Holder’s association, once upon another time, with the effort to endorse a mobbed-up casino in Rosemont. Holder is Patrick Fitzgerald’s boss. How would that work? – Blago fessing up that Holder’s law firm was to get $300 g’s for certifying that the people behind the casino were all former Eagle Scouts and fine, church-goin folks, when he knew otherwise. No joy there for Blago.

So does he tell on the current Governor’s Chief of Staff for what he might have done as Tony’s Chief Financial Officer? Naw, that’d be small potatoes. Besides, who cares? He has some dirt on the current Gov himself? Yawn.

Or, maybe he details how Rezko’s close business associates Dan Frawley and Dan Mahru participated in…oh, serial bad behaviors of interest?  Nope. You don’t use a big fish to catch smaller ones.

Okay, suppose Blago does a core dump on Illinois corruption, names names, give dates, outlines plots and pinpoints where the bones are buried, metaphorically speaking, of course.

Maybe he exposes details of the nefarious world of a longtime, high-profile, corrupt, senior alderman.  Or, tell true tales about the Daley’s.  Rahmbo might like that, but it wouldn’t help Blago.

So just what information, what “cooperation”, does Blago have to offer now that he knows how deep the water may be when he walks off the plank on December 6th?

Is there even anything he can tell that will make the outcome any less catastrophic for him?  Or, would his prosecutors just as soon he say nothing and vanish quietly into the federal penal system? Sort of like Norman Hsu did – remember him? You probably don’t, and that may be just what the U.S. Attorney’s office is hoping for. That Dead Meat disappears down the federal rabbit hole and in, say, 15 years, no one notices when he walks out with short gray hair, his children grown, Patty remarried, a self-defeated man. Not a pretty picture.

Not looking good for Dead Meat.


Patrick Fitzgerald: Intrepid Crime Fighter? Or, Politically-Driven Leaker? The Regime’s Undertaker (Part 7)


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

When the Obama Regime wants a story buried who does Eric Holder’s Department of Selective Justice call? Fitz, the Undertaker. For example…

Fitz’s Alleged Investigation into the John Adam’s Project

On March 19, 2010, Newsweek (linked by The Daily Beast) was among the MSM outlets that ever-so-briefly reported that “Holder Taps Fitzgerald for Gitmo Photo Probe.”

“Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. has tapped the Justice Department's most feared [reinforcing the Untouchable Myth] prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, to lead a sensitive investigation into whether defense lawyers at Guantánamo Bay compromised the identities of covert CIA officers. The probe was triggered by the discovery last year of about 20 color photographs of CIA officials in the cell of Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, an alleged financier of the 9/11 attacks, say three current and former government officials who asked not to be identified talking about an ongoing case.”

The subject of the alleged investigation was the ACLU’s John Adam’s Project.  Don’t remember it?  That’s understandable. It only briefly popped up on the lame stream media’s radar, and then – presto – it vanished.

FOX’s Bill O’Reilly covered the story at the time.

O’Reilly followed up in this interview with conservative pundit Ann Coulter.

It seems there was, and probably still is, a dispute between the Regime and the CIA. On May 27, 2010, in a piece written by Marc Thiessen for the Journal of the American Enterprise Institute, Thiessen stated,

“The Justice Department reportedly clashed with the CIA over investigating the John Adams Project—with the CIA complaining that Justice did not take seriously enough the threat the ACLU’s actions posed to CIA officials.

The Left is—of course—up at arms over the Miller amendment, calling it a “McCarthyite attack” on the al Qaeda lawyers and criticizing House Democrats for going along with the amendment.”  [Follow the links for details]

That would, of course, be the same “Left” that heralded Fitz’s dogged pursuit of the leaker in the Valerie Plame case, long after Richard Armitage confessed.

The question is: In the last 19 months what’s become of the Undertaker’s dogged pursuit of the truth in the John Adam’s Project?  Answer: Zip, zero, nada. It’s been buried by an administration politically amenable to the project’s objectives – i.e., exposing the identities of the CIA interrogators of terrorists.  Buried by Fitz, the Regime’s Undertaker.
