United Airlines’ political protection in Chicago – EPA and OSHA refuse to enforce their own laws
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Brett Hart
(Acting CEO - United Airlines)
United Airlines executives were so confident of the protection racket they enjoy in Chicago that they continued to break asbestos laws - right in plain view of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspectors.
This display of arrogance is so unbelievably brazen considering the fact that the EPA and OSHA put other people in prison for breaking these same asbestos laws.
In March of 2015, the EPA and OSHA received multiple complaints that United was illegally removing and dumping asbestos from its former World Headquarters (WHQ) in suburban Chicago.
So they begrudgingly opened a so-called " joint investigation".
What followed is a blatant display of government corruption that is hard to fathom even for Chicago.
For example: During the EPA's and OSHA's so-called "joint investigation" of illegal asbestos removal at United's former WHQ, government officials were given the exact time and location of crimes in progress at the very same facility they were supposedly investigating.
From: Marty Watters
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:28 PM
To: Linda Rosen (EPA)
Subject: United Airlines (illegal asbestos removal & dumping)
A&E Services, Inc. is presently removing asbestos illegally by the dry removal method at United Airlines' campus located at 1200 E. Algonquin Rd. Elk Grove Village IL.
The work that I am bringing to your attention this time, is being done in machine room 1 (boiler room) of the south building. A&E is scraping the friable spray-on asbestos fireproofing material off the ceiling deck. Again, no notice was given and regulations are not being followed. And once again, the asbestos that was removed from the ceiling is being transported to another location for undisclosed dumping.
And as we discussed, the illegal dumping of asbestos is definitely with-in your purview.
The attached pictures are of the area where this illegal abatement is happening.
The work is being done in the evening.
You said you need to catch them in the act. Well go do so.
As required by whistleblower protection mandates I must insist that the attached pictures and the existence of them not be disclosed to United Airlines or anyone outside of the EPA until consent is given.
Marty Watters
United Airlines Warned Employees: ‘Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers’
United Airlines Told Employees to “Avoid Breathing Airborne Asbestos Fibers”? We’d Call That #MissionImpossible
In the days to follow, United's asbestos contractor, A&E Services Inc., completed this particular illegal asbestos removal project and then moved on to another without even one visit from EPA or OSHA inspectors.
Clearly the EPA and OSHA didn't really want to catch United in the act.
Luckily someone else caught them in the act - on video.
Oops! The bad guys didn't see that coming.
And now corrupt government officials are trying their best to escape the fact that a video recording of this illegal asbestos removal project exists.
They also did not anticipate me obtaining A&E Services' invoices for all the illegal asbestos removal work it was doing for United.
Over the course of ten months, A&E submitted 68 separate illegal asbestos abatement invoices and was paid immediately upon completion of each job.
Under normal circumstances, where a company is not politically protected and the law is enforced, each and every one of those 68 separate illegal asbestos jobs would have garnered a minimum of at least one $70K "willful violation" citation from OSHA. That's a total of $4.7 million in fines just for starters.
In addition, A&E Services owner Robert Nykaza - along with numerous United managers - would be singing like canaries to stay out of prison.
And most troubling of all for the big-shots at United, this would all lead to the opening of a very big can of worms involving financial records, corporate filings and false disclosure statements.
That's when the fun would really begin!
Of course, United executives could not afford to let that happen. Not when they could just buy political protection.
Needless to say, this kind of corruption causes government officials to go completely deaf and blind to all things bad. And also explains why Nykaza has been threatening me and a United Airlines whistleblower because we are exposing them. I'll have more on Nykaza at a later date.
Even in Chicago, only big well-connected corporations like United are afforded this level of political protection.
Put simply, United Airlines enjoys above-the-law status for the moment.
The Question is: With more proof of United's criminal behavior on the way, how long will that last?
More to come....
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: EPA and OSHA officials as stupid as they are corrupt
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
If it wasn't bad enough that the officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in Chicago are corrupt, it turns out that they're complete half-wits to boot.
It's as though these agencies put a moratorium on hiring employees with triple-digit IQ's.
For example, take EPA criminal investigator Eric Hann's brain-dead assertion that video recordings of illegal activity are "hearsay". An assertion that OSHA director Angie Loftus agrees with.
Almost as dumbfounding is the fact Hann thought nothing of putting that little intellectual gem in writing!
-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Eric Hann (EPA)
Cc: Nathan Frank (EPA), Randall Ashe (EPA), Linda Rosen (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent: June 13, 2015 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Rules of evidence
Mr. Hann
Before you are so bold as to presume you can teach me about the rules of evidence in a criminal case. I suggest you seek counsel on what the criminal courts consider "hearsay" and what they do not.
It is very disturbing that the person leading the EPA's criminal investigation of United Airlines has made the determination that video recordings of crimes being committed are "hearsay" before he has even viewed said recordings
Mr. Watters
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Eric Hann (EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Sat Jun 13 09:40:02 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: Proof of criminal activity!
Mr Watters
We are going back and forth. I not sure if your familiar with the rules of evidence for criminal cases. Those are the rules I must follow to use anything in my investigation. That is that. While I am trying to move forward, I explained before. Since you are obviously not willing to provide me with your sources(as you called the), I suggest that the hearsay evidence all be presented to the civil side of ILEPA, OSHA and USEPA - they will respond in the appropriate manner. Since you earlier stated that you have been speaking with these agencies, you have their telephone numbers. I hope this helps and I wish you luck.
On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:45 PM, "Marty Watters" wrote:
Mr. Hann
You continue to show no interest in seeing video recorded proof of criminal activity.
Why is that?
----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Hann (EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Cc: Linda Rosen (EPA), Randall Ashe (EPA), Nathan Frank (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent:Sat Jun 13 06:35:34 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: Proof of criminal activity!
Mr Watters
A unfair statement. I am trying to speak to the individuals that have first hand knowledge - the ones who were at the alleged site as things allegedly occurred. It seems that you do not want to provided them to me. That is your decision. I can only use information from those individuals (sources). Once again, I ask that you email me their names and phone numbers. That is the rules I must follow.
On Jun 13, 2015, at 12:49 PM, "Marty Watters" wrote:
Would someone explain why the EPA has expressed zero interest in obtaining the definitive proof (offered below) of United Airlines illegal removal and dumping of asbestos from their former World Headquarters, while conversely the EPA is fixated on learning the identity of the people who have compiled that same proof of criminal activity that you have shown zero interest in seeing?
Marty Watters
-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Watters
To: Eric Hann
Cc: Randall Ashe (EPA), Linda Rosen (EPA), Nathan Frank (EPA), Justin Oesterreich (EPA)
Sent: June 11, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Subject: United Airlines illegal asbestos removal and dumping (boiler room - south building)
Mr. Eric Hann
Are you interested in a video recording of the illegal removal and dumping of asbestos from United Airlines facilities located at 1200 E. Algonquin Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL?
Marty Watters
What makes this exchange even more amazing is that I did not contact the EPA's criminal division. It was the EPA's civil division that had Mr. Hann contact me after seeing some of the evidence I compiled against United.
Aside from not wanting to see any of the irrefutable evidence against United, Mr. Hann later refused to talk to another person with direct knowledge of United's illegal activities who offered to come forward.
Seems that Mr. Hann's real objective from the beginning was to learn who my sources were so the EPA could rat them out to United.
Nice try, Eric. If only you were half as smart as you are corrupt, you might have succeeded.
Not to be outdone when it comes to being stupid, Nathan Frank, the director of EPA's region V civil division, had this to say after Hann kicked the investigation back to him:
"When a corporation decides to lie to us there is really nothing we can do about it, that's why we refer it to the criminal division."
As you can clearly see, these government "servants" are mentally challenged.
These are just a few examples why Illinois can now claim to have both the dumbest and most corrupt government officials in the nation.
Did I mention that this was all happening after the EPA insisted that both they and OSHA were closing their investigations after two weeks without even looking at the evidence?
Obviously closing their so-called "investigations" has not worked out quite the way they planned.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Robeen (IL EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Wed Apr 15 03:19:52 UTC 2015
Subject: Re: phone cal
I was told that by Cook County. I would ask them who it was.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 15, 2015, at 10:18 AM, "Marty Watters wrote:
When we last spoke you told me that OSHA was closing their investigation of United Airlines illegal asbestos removal at United's former world headquarters located in Elk Grove Village, IL.
Who was it at OSHA that told you that?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Robeen (IL EPA)
To: Marty Watters
Sent:Wed Apr 15 01:47:25 UTC 2015
Subject: phone call
Hi Marty,
Sorry I haven’t called you back from yesterday. Not sure if I will get the chance today either. Please email me with any issues or questions and I will try to email you back.
Ron Robeen
Acting Field Operations Section Manager
Illinois EPA, Bureau of Air
1021 N. Grand Ave. East, MC #41
Springfield Illinois 62702
Phone: 217/524-0229
Fax: 217/782-1875
Since then, both the EPA and OSHA have been going deeper and deeper down the United Airlines' asbestos cover-up hole.
Stay tuned! This story of corruption gets even better. Or should I say even dumber.
United Airlines’ asbestos cover-up: OSHA Director commits perjury
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
The fact that United Airlines is claiming to have lost all records of its illegal removal and disposal of asbestos from its former World Headquarters in suburban Chicago should come as no surprise.
Did anyone really think United was going to confess to willfully exposing people to a known carcinogen? Of course not.
What did surprise me and what should trouble anyone who believes in honest government is this:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is accepting United's "lost records" defense even though I personally provided OSHA with copies of the very same records United claims are missing. Records that clearly would be considered inculpatory evidence in a criminal case against United.
Even more disturbing, OSHA area director Angeline Loftus has now signed a sworn declaration that was filed in Administrative Law Judge Dennis Phillips' court stating that these damning asbestos records do not exist. An assertion that Loftus knows is a complete falsehood.
Ooops! That's called perjury, Angie. That's a crime.
And so is covering up United's criminal behavior.
Here's an excerpt from Loftus' sworn declaration:
Loftus refuses to acknowledge the existence of the so-called "missing records" because they prove that United was illegally removing asbestos from its former WHQ
Loftus also knows that the so-called "missing records" reveal that United officials were committing accounting fraud in a quest to conceal the airlines' asbestos liabilities and related criminal behavior.
Over the course of ten months, A&E Services Inc. of Barrington, IL (Robert Nykaza) was paid over $1.1 million to illegally remove asbestos-containing insulation from United's former WHQ.
Here's how the scam worked:
A&E would submit differently worded invoices with the same invoice number for work performed. The more descriptive invoice, which deceptively referred to asbestos-containing material as "fiberglass insulation", would get buried in facilities manager Sylvia Empen's file.
Meanwhile the less descriptive line item invoice would be submitted for payment in full on the personal company credit card of one of several United managers - in many cases before the work was even completed.
Paying by credit card allowed United to circumvent internal controls, thus concealing its illegal asbestos abatement and forgoing all the nasty liabilities that go with it.
Ms. Loftus was made aware of all of this before signing the sworn declaration.
There is no question that United would have liked these records to just disappear.
Unfortunately for United, they did not.
The questions to ask now are:
Why is OSHA protecting United Airlines when it should be prosecuting it for endangering employees and the public?
Does OSHA area director Angie Loftus have a summer home in South Carolina like United's friend at the New Jersey Port Authority?
I called Ms. Loftus for comment. She did not deny that she had committed perjury. She did refer me to attorneys in the Secretary of Labors office. I am still waiting to hear back from them.
Much more to come.....
United Airlines’ illegal abatement at former World Headquarters exposing employees to airborne asbestos fibers
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
United Airlines has been illegally removing asbestos from its former World Headquarters and training center, knowingly exposing its employees to airborne asbestos fibers.
Wow! If United can do something this deplorable to its own employees, how seriously do they take the safety of the flying public?
The laws and regulations governing the removal and disposal of asbestos are expensive, burdensome and impose substantial liabilities.
Who needs that headache? Certainly not a Chicago-based, politically-connected, large corporation like United Airlines.
United management apparently determined that it is better for their bottom line to simply ignore those pesky laws!
For example, United recently proceeded to secretly remove asbestos spray-on fire proofing material from classrooms at its training center in Elk Grove Village, IL.
Here's how they went about it:
United hired outside contractor A&E Services, Inc. to come in and scrape the asbestos-containing material from the classroom ceilings. This was done without the mandated notifications and safety measures required by law.
In addition, A&E was clandestinely bagging the asbestos material and related contaminated waste. Then the contractor illegally transported the bags filled with asbestos to a dumpster that Robert Nykaza, the owner of A&E, had secretly placed in a friend's residential driveway miles away from the United training center.
This was clearly an egregious violation of EPA regulations.
While all this was going on, United employees were unwittingly being exposed to cancer-causing airborne asbestos fibers.
But wait, it gets even better.
A&E left behind piles of the friable asbestos material on top of the duct work for the building's ventilation system..
United employees were then directed to enter the asbestos contaminated classrooms and install a suspended ceiling below the duct work where large amounts of loose asbestos fibers came to rest, concealing them from view.
End result: United classrooms are now ready for more unsuspecting employees to fill their lungs with airborne asbestos fibers.
This is just one of the many examples of how United disregards the safety and health of its employees when dealing with the serious asbestos problem it has at its former World Headquarters in suburban Chicago.
Although United was contacted multiple times, corporate officials have so far declined to respond to my request for comment.
Instead, through their attorneys at Seyfarth Shaw LLP, these same United officials have made convoluted arguments to a judge trying to impede my investigation.
Does United Airlines really believe that the federal courts should suspend the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and infringe on the freedom of the press to cover up their own wrongdoing?
Scooter Libby helped Judith Miller concoct the fairy tale titled “The Story”
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
It's no surprise that Judith Miller's long overdue book, "The Story", is permeated with falsehoods and flat-out lies.
What is as a surprise is that Scooter Libby has been so clumsy in concealing his intimate involvement in the writing and selling of Miller's latest fairy tale.
In August of 2013, roughly eight months before her book was originally due to be released, I interviewed Miller about her upcoming "memoir." My focus was primarily on the Libby trial.
During that interview, Miller confessed to me that she knew that Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage was not the person who exposed Valerie Plame as a CIA employee.
But Miller forgets to mention that fact in her book. Instead, she sticks to the government's false version that Armitage exposed Plame's identity.
Here's another fact that Miller forgets to mention in her book: She was aware of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' sworn testimony that Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman was actually the one who exposed Plame as a CIA employee in 2001.
However, Miller refused to answer any questions regarding Edmonds - stating she would address Edmonds' important testimony in her book.
Surprise, surprise. Miller apparently forgot to mention Edmonds or Grossman in her book.
What Miller did do immediately following our discussion was to inform Libby how poorly the interview went for her.
And just one hour later, I heard from Scooter himself:
-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis Libby
To: (redacted)
Sent: August 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM
Subject: RE: Media inquiry (clearing your name)
(name redacted),
Thanks for your e-mail. My apologies for the delay in responding; I have been on the road a fair amount and have had difficulty catching up.
I am grateful to you and the many others who have expressed outrage at how I have been treated and who have offered help. While I appreciate such offers, I have consistently let others know that this is not the way that I wish to proceed. That remains the case.
There may well come a time when this will shift, but for now I continue to think that this would not be a good time for others to address my case. This does not change that I remain grateful for your interest and kind inquiry.
Scooter Libby
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:06 AM
To: Lewis Libby
Subject: Media inquiry (clearing your name)
Are you OK with my attempting to clear your name?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Joseph Tate
Sent: August 13, 2013, 4:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Media inquiry (U.S. v Libby)
Mr. Tate
Can I get a statement?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Joseph Tate
Sent: August 12, 2013, 8:04 PM
Subject: Media inquiry (U.S. v Libby)
Mr. Joseph A. Tate
Were you aware of the fact that FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds had documented for the Dept. of Justice that, "Special Counsel" Patrick Fitzgerald's star witness in U.S v Libby, Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, was the man who had blown Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame's CIA cover in 2001? The government has it on tape.
Did Patrick Fitzgerald withhold this information from you and Mr. Libby?
What does Dechert partner Glenn A. Fine say about it? Glenn had this information before Fitzgerald was appointed "Special Counsel"
(name redacted)
American Thinker
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Patrick Fitzgerald
Sent: August 4, 2013, 12:24 PM
Subject: Media inquiry (Sibel Edmonds)
Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald
In the course of your investigating the leak of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA employee.
(1) Was Sibel Edmonds interviewed?
(2) Were you provided, or did you have access to information about Sibel Edmonds, and the information that she provided Glenn Fine and the Office of Inspector General regarding Brewster Jennings & Associates?
(name redacted)
Writer, American Thinker website
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: (redacted)
Sent: August 3, 2013, 8:12 PM
Subject: Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!
Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!
First things first. I never expressed any outrage about how Scooter was treated. Although I will admit I did not like being lied to.
As you can clearly see, Libby did not want me to clear his name by stating facts. This was due to the fact that he was already working closely with Judith Miller to concoct a story that was in complete contradiction of those same facts.
Here's another underreported fact that Libby, Miller and many others in Washington would rather the public not know: The judge in the Libby case - Reggie B Walton - was the same judge who imposed a gag order on Edmonds under the State Secrets Act.
What are the odds of that?
Here's a news flash for Scooter: I was already aware of the fact that Libby's attorneys had arranged for Edmonds to meet them late one night at the Willard Hotel, where she offered to testify on his behalf.
However, Libby's attorneys never did call Edmonds to testify at his trial.
Why in the world would they refuse to call a witness who could blow the government's whole case out of the water?
After all, Judge Walton considered Edmonds so credible that he gagged her, supposedly for the sake of national security.
So unless Libby himself insisted that Edmonds not be called as a defense witness his attorneys are guilty of legal malpractice.
And if he did, you have to ask yourself why Libby would insist that the one person whose testimony would result in his case being dismissed not be called as a witness for the defense?
Even more ridiculous, Judge Walton allowed the Libby trial to proceed when he knew that Grossman exposed Plame's identity two years prior to the start of the Libby investigation.
As for Miller's decision to exclude Edmonds' testimony from her so-called "correct the record" book, she should at the very least explain why she chose to ignore evidence that would have averted her well-publicized 85 day incarceration .
One thing is for certain "The Story" deserve far more scrutiny from the media than it has been subjected to so far.
Deja vu - Judith Miller is once again spreading false narratives and the complicit media is letting her get away with it.
Up next: My communications with Libby and the PR team he assembled behind the scenes to sell us Miller's latest literary work of fiction.
Judith Miller’s “trial and error” approach to journalism!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
While on a tour hawking her new book "The Story" Judith Miller admitted to James O'Keefe that she takes a "trial and error" approach to journalism.
Miller's exact quote: "That's what journalism is, trial and error."
Wow! That's the most incredible thing I have ever heard a person who purports to be a journalist say. For Miller, journalism is a - crapshoot!
Add that to the fact that she claims to have written her new book to correct the record, and you have unadulterated stupidity.
But wait, it gets even better.
Miller, while being interviewed by Ed Morrissey, gave the following explanation for why she now believes that she gave false testimony in the U.S. v Libby trial:
"My memory failed me, in part because the prosecutor withheld information I needed to decipher my own notes."
Really Judy, reporting is trial and error, and you need someone else to decipher your own notes? Truly remarkable!
More remarkable is that Miller now credits Scooter Libby with deciphering her notes correctly for her in 2010. Libby's interpretation of her notes was that he's innocent. Imagine that!
Miller has yet to offer an explanation for her waiting five years to profess Scooter's innocence after her epiphany that she gave false testimony.
I'll come back to Miller's notes and the importance of her relying on others to decipher them in a more in-depth follow up article that will detail Libby's behind-the-scenes involvement in her book.
Unlike Miller, I do not believe journalism is done by trial and error, I believe you just report the facts and let the chips fall where they may.
With that in mind, here are some of the facts that Miller and friends do not want you to know.
Fact: Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage did not expose Valerie Plame as an employee of the CIA in 2003.
It was Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman who exposed Brewster Jennings & Associates and Plame in 2001. (Remember, Miller confessed to me in 2013 that she knew it was not Armitage.)
Grossman not only outed Plame, at the same time he was also caught on an FBI wiretap bragging that he would fax articles to the New York Times and they would just print them under someone's byline.
Judith's byline? Perhaps.
Fact: On October 1, 2003 when Armitage came forward to claim he was the leaker of Plame's identity, it was not Patrick Fitzgerald that asked him to keep it to himself. It was the FBI - under the direction of Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller who instructed Armitage, Colin Powell and then State Department Counsel William H Taft who was present in the room - not to tell anyone.
Fact: Attorney General John Ashcroft did not recuse himself in the Plame case because of his close ties to the White House. Ashcroft recused himself because at that time he was in front of FISA court Judge Reggie B. Walton enforcing a gag order on the one person who could tell the world that Plamegate was all a sham! That person being FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds.
Walton was also the judge who presided over the Libby case. What a coincidence.
So you see Judith, there's no trial and error. It's simple. A real journalist just states the facts from the get-go.
And since you admit you can't do that, we're not interested in anymore of your false narratives!
By the way, how many times do you feel you're allowed to be wrong?
Patrick Fitzgerald withheld damning evidence against Robert Blagojevich
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Robert Blagojevich is on a book tour trying to sell the idea that former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was using him to secure a conviction of his brother, former Governor Rod Blagojevich.
What Robert fails to realize is that his book, "Fundraiser A", tells a completely different story.
In fact, Robert's book confirms for us that the prosecutors withheld damning evidence against him and his brother, Rod, from the jury and the American public.
Case in point: Robert states in his book that he was playing a "game of chicken" with prosecutors.
Here is an excerpt from Robert's book that proves that to be true:
"Day Nineteen: Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Noted in my journal this day:
'Mike [Ettinger] spoke with [Assistant U.S. Attorney Reid] Schar again this morning, Schar wanting to know if I was going to testify. Mike told him I was. Schar's response was that he had other tapes that haven't been played that he could play if he needed. Mike told him to bring it on. I told Mike I won't testify if they drop the charges against me. That was a nonstarter for Mike, he just looked at me. This means they are threatening to use more tapes to get me not to testify."
Normally prosecutors salivate over the prospect of a defendant taking the witness stand.
Ask yourself this: Why would a prosecutor threaten a defendant in hopes of preventing him from taking the stand?
Why would Robert think the prosecutors would drop the case against him rather than see him take the stand?
Well, Robert took the stand, and the prosecutor delivered on his threat, as illustrated by this excerpt from Sun Times reporter Natasha Korecki's book.
"Rob was convincing on direct examination. Next was cross-examination by Niewoehner, who tore into the pristine image Ettinger created. Rob stumbled as Niewoehner asked about a tape that hadn't been played - a November 5, 2008 discussion. 'If you can get Obama to get Fitzgerald to close the investigation on you, it completely provides you with total clarity,' Niewoeher qouted Rob telling his brother.
Rob testified that this exchange had nothing to do with [Valerie] Jarrett's appointment and that it was instead meant 'in context of what politicians do'. He seemed caught off guard, though, and the tension in the courtroom was palable. If the prosecution could do this to Rob in less than 15 minutes, what would they do to his brother?"
So Robert, the day after getting elected president, you and Rod thought Obama would get Fitzgerald to close the investigation just because that's "what politicians do"?
Really Robert? Don't you mean crooked politicians?
And Robert, do you really expect us to believe that asking Obama to get Fitzgerald to close the investigation on your brother had nothing to do with the offer to appoint Valerie Jarrett to the U.S. Senate seat Obama vacated?
Like they say, let's go to the tape!
Here's a question that Fitzgerald was asked but he refused to answer.
Why did the prosecution not present such a damning recording in their case against Robert and Rod?
They obviously did not want that tape on record because it would implicate other well known politicians who were being protected by Fitzgerald.
If Robert did not take the stand, we would have never known that he and Rod had reason to believe Obama would call off Fitzgerald and close the investigation if Rod appointed Jarrett to the U.S Senate.
But Robert did take the stand and Fitzgerald's office met him head on by using a single quote from the wiretap tape that they are still withholding to this day. The quote the prosecutors used can only be found in trial transcripts due to the fact that they never entered the tape or transcripts of it into evidence.
Clearly both the prosecutors and the defendants in this case do not want the full contents of that wiretap tape to be made public. Thus the "game of chicken" Robert referred to in his book.
By the way Robert, you spent a good part of your book calling Patrick Fitzgerald a liar. While I do not disagree with you on that assertion, I would like to point out that when you say "you beat him at his own game" and you were playing a "game of chicken" with him, that you are in fact boasting that you're a better liar!
Since you like to play games Robert, how about we play a game of truth or dare?
If you won't tell the truth, I dare you to release the full transcript of that November 5, 2008 conversation between you and your brother.
Or would that take away the leverage that you are using to get Rod out of prison?
More to come...
Alert: Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn caught telling the truth!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn recently was caught doing something that has his employer and the U.S. Attorney's Office very upset.
He told the truth!
In an unguarded moment of honesty, Zorn let fly that the Chicago Tribune did in fact warn Rod Blagojevich that the feds were recording him.
You might say Zorn had a "Gruber" moment, and like Jonathan Gruber, he hoped it would go un-noticed.
Here's what Zorn had to say about IP2P's reporting of what he said:
"Not that it matters, really, but I didn't know I was speaking on the record for 'Ernie Souchak,' the brave blogger who has adopted the pseudonym of a John Belushi character. Next time you might want to say you're seeking a quote for publication. Though scrolling through the last year's worth of entries there is not a single reader comment on any of the posts on this blog, so I'm not sure anyone is going to see what I said anyway."
So Zorn claims he thought he was speaking off the record when he said that the Tribune warned Blago.
And now that he's clearly on the record, he's hoping no one will see what he had to say.
God forbid Zorn print the truth in his own column at the Tribune.
No, instead Eric "Gruber" Zorn is praying for a "Change of Subject."
Hey Eric, here's an idea: let's talk about the sealed Blago wiretap tapes the Tribune won't share with the public.
Developing story...
Related: Chicago Tribune reporters work for Federal Government