AE4HF spokesperson says United Airlines is in bed with the Deep State!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

How's this for a bizarre turn of events.
A spokesperson for Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) responded to questions about the groups lawsuit against United Airlines by acknowledging that United is in bed with the Deep State. Wow, didn't see that coming.
David Hogan, a United Airlines employee, gave me this stunning response when I asked him about his close friend and AE4HF attorney John Sullivan's history with the law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius.
Here's Hogan's emailed response:
"The reality is that we probably both understand that United is in bed with the United States government and the deep state. We might hate what they are doing for different reasons, but that doesn’t mean that we are on opposite sides. Food for thought."
Wait, it gets better. Now Hogan, who is also the executive pastor at Spring First Church in Harris County, Texas is attacking me for asking questions about Sulivan (52:00 minute mark). In fact he just went as far as to muse publicly about me being hunted down by an emotionally troubled member of his church. (1:05:00 minute mark)
Why would pastor Hogan do that? Could it be that Pastor David Hogan is in a panic because the facts are coming out that AE4HF is nothing other than controlled opposition orchestrated by United Airlines?
David Hogan, United Airlines, Spring First Church, AE4HF and its attorneys were all contacted for comment. Other than Hogan's irrational attack on me, no responses as of yet.
Much more to come...
It’s time for patriots to boycott United Airlines!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines is working hand in hand with our federal government to do as Barrack Obama promised and "fundamentally change" the United States of America. But the changes Obama and his comrades which include the top brass at United Airlines, have in mind are nothing short of evil.
That's why I'm calling for a long over due boycott of United Airlines!
One of Obama's tools for fundamentally changing our way of life in the U.S. was to poison the minds of our children with the racist garbage known as Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Set aside for a moment the law breaking vaccine mandates United was working with our federal government to implement and focus on another aspect of United's diabolical partnership with corrupt officials that is not receiving the attention it deserves.
In the room with Obama when the racially divisive CRT plan was hatched was none other than the first African-American president of United Airlines, Brett Hart.
Go to 4:30 minute mark
What we don't know yet is this: Who were the other seven or eight people that joined Brett Hart in Obama's color revolution strategy meetings at the University of Chicago?
Wanna bet that they are now highly placed in either the federal government or "woke" corporations like United Airlines?
“Woke” the United Airlines way
I'll go double or nothing that Brett Hart and Scott Kirby are taking their orders directly from Klaus Schwab and his evil cauldron at the World Economic Forum (WEF).

It's time to send Klaus and the WEF crowd a strong message by boycotting United Airlines and dumping UAL stock!
Go "woke," go broke!
Sambrano v. United Airlines: AE4HF is not what it pretends to be!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) pretend to be a righteous group of do-gooders fighting for religious freedom against tyrants like United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby. The groups purported cause is to defeat United Airlines' employee vaccine mandate.
Sounds like a good cause, right? But confusingly they seem to want to lose.
Could it be that they are getting bad legal advice from their high-priced lawyers?
It sure looks that way considering the behavior of those same lawyers lately.
For example, AE4HF credits lead attorney John Sullivan with putting together its legal team for Sambarano v. United Airlines, which includes attorneys from K Street lobbyist law firm Schaerr Jaffe in Washington, DC and Stewat Wiegand & Owens, PC out of Texas. Sullivan is the sole attorney at at little law firm, S/L Law PLLC, which operates out of a virtual office service located in Cedar Hill, Texas.
But something is fishy here.Turns out that up until the day before AE4HF filed its lawsuit against United, S/L Law did not exist! And prior to that, the only firm John Sullivan ever worked for was Morgan Lewis & Bockius (MLB).
This is important because MLB's clients include both United Airlines and Pfizer - both want United employees to take the jab. Could that be why Sullivan does not name MLB in his S/L Law bio, and just said he was "a veteran of one of the world's largest law firms"?

Why would Sullivan erase his history at MLB? Sullivan won't say. In fact, no one at MLB or on the AE4HF team will answer any questions at all.
Is John Sullivan and his newly-formed law firm just a cut-out to hide the involvement of Morgan Lewis & Bockius? Sure looks like it.
Seems my questions have really struck a nerve. And even though they won't answer my questions, AE4HF and their lawyers are reacting to them like children throwing tantrums. For example, I contacted Robert Wiegand of Stewart Wiegand & Owens, PC and the minute I said who I was, he told me, "I have nothing to say to you. Go f**k off," and hung up.
Or take the truly bizarre emotional meltdown of David Hogan, AE4HF spokesperson and good friend of John Sullivan, when I questioned why he took down his YouTube podcast calling Senator Ted Cruz a liar and member of the Deep-State.

After the email exchange above, Hogan came to accept the fact that a recording of the Janurary 13th podcast was about to be published, so he immediately put his broadcast back up on YouTube. The really comical thing is that at the 17:40 minute mark, Hogan credits me for his decision to call Senator Cruz out in the first place. Really, you could not make shit like this up!
Hogan never really wanted to call Cruz out. And when he did, the video was only up for approximately 24 hours. Roughly 30 minutes after I sent the YouTube link toTed Cruz and asked him for a comment, Hogan made the YouTube video private and removed it from the archives.
I guess the AE4HF clan was none too happy with Hogan speaking the truth about Senator Cruz. That's understandable, considering that AE4HF was hailing Cruz as a hero for his so-called grilling of United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby on vaccine mandates during a Senate Commerce Committee hearing December 15, 2021.
That was not a grilling!. It was Cruz putting on a meaningless performance, the kind you get from Deep State Rino like Lindsey Graham. And I wrote about it here:
Is it just a coincidence that when Ted Cruz was a lawyer in the private sector, he was a partner at Morgan Lewis & Bockius? Or that AE4HF lead attorney Sullivan while with MLB donated over $13k to Senator Cruz's 2016 presidential campaign.

Luckily for Sullivan, after leaving MLB and starting his new law firm, cash flow has not been a problem due to the fact that the do-gooder folks at AE4HF agreed to pay all the lawyer's fees for Sambrano v United Airlines up front rather than handling it the typical way lawyers get paid in a class action lawsuit, which is on contingency. That’s where the lawyers get paid only if they win the case.
Why did the lawyers insist AE4HF pay the fees up front? Could it be that the lawyers planned on filing weak legal arguments in court and knew they were very unlikely to win the case?
And why would AE4HF agree to do so?
No doubt the fact that they are paying the lawyers with other people's money made that an easy decision!

And why is AE4HF hiding donation amounts to givetosend?
Are you beginning to see a pattern here?
Until AE4HF starts answering some questions, no one should donate a single penny to them! After all, you could very well be funding the Deep State nefarious plans for us all.
Much more to come!!!
Apparently Senator Ted Cruz is for vaccine mandates
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Senator Ted Cruz wants the public to think he is against vaccine mandates, but it now appears as though he is all for them.
Here's how I know this:
Cruz never misses an opportunity to inform people that he and his family have taken the COVID-19 "vaccines" and that he thinks everyone should get the jabs.
But Cruz has always insisted that he believes it should be your choice and that you should not be forced to get the injections.
But that position does not square with Cruz's pathetic performance at the Senate Commerce Committee hearing on December 15, 2021.
If Cruz really believed people should not be forced to take the jabs, he would have taken the time to school United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby on the fact that the COVID "vaccines" that are being pushed are experimental and that none of them are FDA approved.
Then he would have asked Kirby why United Airlines is not grounding the pilots who have received the unapproved experimental injection as FAA regulations require for safety reasons.
From there, Cruz would have proceeded to excoriate Kirby with the fact that the so-called "vaccines" don't prevent you from catching or transmitting the COVID virus, according to the CDC.
And last but not least, Cruz would have beat Kirby over the head with the fact that the government's own VAERS data shows that the so-called "vaccines" that United is forcing on its employees are dangerous and are causing illness and death in alarming numbers.
Instead, Cruz chose to chastise Kirby for not recognizing his employees religious rights.
But that was just a classic move of misdirection because "Lyin' Ted" knows full well that legally, you don't have to be a person of faith to be exempt from taking a dangerous experimental drug.
Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
And you don't need to be a legal scholar to understand that no one should ever be forced to take any drugs much less dangerous ones.
So take your pick, Ted.
You can claim to be a really "sloppy" lawyer...
Or just admitt that you are really for unconstitutional vaccine mandates.
Which is it going to be?
Coming up: Senator Cruz is hiding from the OSHA/United Airlines scandal!
Why is OSHA hiding from real journalist?
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which the Biden Administration is strategically using to enforce its unconstitutional "vaccine" mandate, is so corrupt that the federal agency has now been forced to completely ignore a legitimate FOIA request.
It's nothing new for a government agency like OSHA to make getting information they don't want the public to see extremely difficult by playing legal games and heavily redacting the information that the public is entitled to by law.
That happens every day Judicial Watch can tell you all about it.
What is new is this: OSHA has become so brazenly corrupt that it couldn't even play these games when it came to the United Airlines asbestos scandal. In this case, OSHA was forced to completely ignore a FOIA request in hopes that it would all just go away.
Here's what's happening:
OSHA is ignoring multiple requests for records of a meeting held at its office in Des Plaines, IL where United Airlines employees testified to the fact that United management was willfully exposing them to massive amounts of airborne asbestos fibers.

In this meeting, OSHA officials Sukhvir Kaur and Shawn Hughes admitted that United Airlines was willfully committing serious crimes, but that OSHA was not going to do anything about it.
How do I know this?
Simple. I was there in the room at OSHA when this incredibly transparent act of government corruption transpired!
OSHA officials now have a real dilemma. Do they deny this meeting ever took place? Do they destroy the records of this meeting?
Conversely, if OSHA officials were to admit that this meeting took place, they would then have to explain why they allowed United Airlines to break the law and willfully expose people to a dangerous cancer-causing toxin.
If they destroyed the records, that's yet another violation of federal law.
That probably would not bode well for OSHA's recent bid to be the enforcer of what chemicals the working class is forced to inject into their bodies if they wish to be gainfully employed.
Is it just a coincidence that "woke" corporate giant United Airlines is leading the way for OSHA's vaccine mandate power grab?
No, I'm sorry to say it most certainly is not a coincidence!
OSHA and United Airlines know that their big government/big business evil alliance is being exposed. But so far the best they can think to do to combat that is to try and hide!
Trouble for them, I know exactly where to find them. And I can prove their perfidy.
Rolling Meadows Mayor admits to keeping deadly secret from residents!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

The mayor of Rolling Meadows, IL, Joe Gallo, has admitted that he is keeping the deadly fact that United Airlines illegally dumped a cancer-causing toxin (asbestos) next to a children's playground in Rolling Meadows from the residents he represents.
Wait, it gets better.
Gallo is contending that he is keeping this dirty little secret in order to protect his constituents from what United Airlines would do to them if he were to tell them the truth!
The best part:
On July 15, 2021 this jackass of a Mayor put that ridiculous excuse in writing!

And then Gallo sat silent when a concerned Rolling Meadows resident, Sara Boucher, confronted him about the nefarious situation at a townhall meeting on August 4, 2021.
Go to -- 12:50 minute mark.
Makes you wonder what else United Airlines is illegally dumping in Rolling Meadows, IL.
Up next - Corrupt EPA and OSHA get caught red-handed
Asbestos scandal: Rolling Meadows alderman thinks constituents don’t need to know!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Picture this: Rollling Meadows 5th Ward Alderman Jon Bisesi spent his morning today screaming at the top of his lungs at me that the people he represents don't need to know that United Airlines willfully exposed them to a dangerous cancer-causing toxin.
And why was Bisesi screaming at me?
Because I kept insisting that his constituents be informed of what Bisesi has already acknowledged did in fact happen: that United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos in his ward next to a children's playground.
Bisesi insisted that now is not the time to tell the residents.
So, Alderman, when is the time?
Why would Jon Bisesi freak out over the prospect of the resident of Rolling Meadows learning these facts?
And why would he scream at the top of his lungs at the reporter who provided him the documented proof and witnesses?
What is Bisesi trying to hide?
What or who is he afraid of?
Could it have anything to do with Bisesi's claim that City Manager Barry Krumstok recently warned him to "let it go"?
These are questions he will have to answer.
So, Alderman Bisesi, pull yourself together, put your big-boy pants on and tell the residents of your ward what United Airlines did to them!
The longer you wait to do so, the harder it will be for you to explain why you waited so long.
“Woke” the United Airlines way
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

United Airlines just announced a new pilot training program that celebrates choosing pilots for its cockpits based on race and gender rather than talent, ability, education and experience.
Good for you, United, because as any "good" person knows, "wokeness" trumps safety.
And the "good" decision makers at United have always figured out a way to make their brand of "wokeness" work for them.
Take, for example, the savings United realized when it made the "woke" decision to hire an unqualified pressure washer and his crew of Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove cancer-causing asbestos from United's former World Headquarters, and dump it next to a children's playground in suburban Rolling Meadows, IL.
How very "woke" of them to employ those minority day laborers to do their hazardous criminal dirty work.
But both these demonstrations of United's virtue-signaling "wokeness" most likely will result in the death of many of its customers and employees. But apparently that's okay with United's top brass.

However, is the "woke" crowd that United is pandering to these days okay with under-qualified minority pilots dying in the plane crash along with the airlines' customers and employees?
And will they be okay when the Mexican day-laborers die of cancer along with United's customers and employees?
Can they even make those kind of cold-blooded exceptions and still be considered "woke"?
I don't think so.
No, United's decision to put less-qualified pilots in the cockpit and use Mexican day-laborers to illegally remove its asbestos problem is not about being "woke" at all.
Like everything else United does, these are just sleazy ways to obtain cheap labor in order to further line the greedy pockets of United's top brass and their corrupt political allies.
Do us a favor United, go back to sleep.
You're not fooling anyone.
Daily Herald editors think they can hide from the truth!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Daily Herald editors John Lampinen and Jim Baumann have been called out for their refusal to report on United Airlines' illegal dumping of asbestos in suburban Rolling Meadows, IL.
And their response was to run and hide
Not only are they trying to hide the truth from Daily Herald readers, they now are hiding as well.
But they can't hide from the truth.

Good luck with that strategy, boys
Lampinen and Baumann have yet to even try to dispute the accusations made against the Daily Herald.
There is a good reason for them to run and hide. These Daily Herald editors know that if they poke their heads out and try to dispute what I have written about the United scandal, it would only further expose what truly despicable people they really are.
Case in point: Lampinen and Baumann are currently in possession of a bombshell recording of United Airlines facilities manager Sylvia Empen discussing her own felonious actions in this scandal.
In the recording, Empen not only puts herself into serious legal jeopardy by revealing lies she told to federal agents, she also dragged many others, including corrupt government officials, with her.
This recording is one of the many pieces of evidence provided to Lampinen and Baumann that Herald reporter Chris Placek refered to as a "smoking gun." But his editors won't let him write about.
In fact, the well-documented proof of crimes committed by United Airlines that Lampinen and Baumann already have in their possession is enough to send United muckety-mucks and their corrupt government enablers to prison for a considerable length of time. That is, as soon as the FBI and US. Attorneys Office get off their asses and round these criminals up.
So why is the Daily Herald still hiding the truth?
Simple answer: The Daily Herald is a "fake news" organization that needs permission from their corporate and government overlords to print the truth.
And they certainly are not going to give the Daily Herald the go ahead to publish a story that would cost them tons of money and land some of them in prison.
These people may be immoral and greedy, but they're not stupid.
Or are they?
What happens when "fake news" media outlets like the Daily Herald get caught red-handed covering up the truth about public corruption?
I'll answer that.
The editors of that rag will go down on the same ship as their corrupt overseers.
Bet on it!