Feds finally announce probation “deal” for Obama associate
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
We told you in September 2012 that Obama associate Daniel S. Mahru would receive a sentence of probation instead of jail time for his silence.
After delaying the inevitable for 18 months, the U.S. Department of Justice has proven IP2P right once again by sentencing Mahru to probation.
Like we said in 2012:
DoJ silences Obama associate Daniel S. Mahru with his freedom
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay
Illinoispaytoplay.com (IP2P) has learned that Daniel S. Mahru, former business partner of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, made a deal with the Department of Justice (DoJ) for his silence.
IP2P is the first to report that on, October 4 2012, Daniel S. Mahru will receive probation at his sentencing hearing. IP2P has also learned that this is being done to insure Mahru will not speak of crimes, of which he has knowledge, that implicate Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Allison Davis, Tony Rezko and others. (Remember Tony recently saying he committed crimes for which Fitzgerald did not charge him.)
IP2P is also investigating the circumstances surrounding meetings that took place where Daniel T Frawley and Daniel S Mahru (both convicted felons) met with author Jerome Corsi in Chicago to discuss secret meetings between Barack Obama, Nadhmi Auchi, Tony Rezko, (now Governor) Pat Quinn, and others.
Mahru is unwilling to talk about what was discussed at those meetings. Could that have anything to do with his probation deal?
The DoJ and (now former) U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald protected Eric Holder, Barack Obama and a host of other criminals that occupy high offices in our state and federal government.
Brenda J Elliot at rbo2.com recently posted an article suggesting how important Mahru’s silence is to the DoJ.
Where's that special prosecutor when you need him?
The real question is why announce Mahru's probation now?
Well, because it's time to tie up all those loose ends.
So, the only announcement left that Eric Holder's Dept. of Justice needs to make is Rod Blagojevich will be released early from prison.
In other words, it's time to complete the "deal" that will insure Blago's continued silence.
It's the Chicago way.
And remember, the Chicago way is not just "who you know". It's also "what you know about who".
As Obama’s cover story comes down, the curtain goes up on the USAO’s cover-up of J.J., Jr.’s role in the Blago story
Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter, Illinois PaytoPlay
Previous Illinois PaytoPlay (IP2P) articles have proposed that the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO), once led by former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, timed the arrest of former Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich in order to prevent persons representing Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. from paying a bribe to Blago in exchange for Blago appointing J.J., Jr. as the new U.S. Senator for the seat vacated by recently-elected President Barack Obama.
A recent article in World Net Daily, written by best-selling author Jerome Corsi entitled “Jesse Jackson, Wright 'arranged' Obama marriage,” adds credibility to what IP2P has alleged; namely,that the timing of Blago’s arrest was not motivated by a desire to stop a “crime spree,” but was meant to save J.J., Jr., from being complicit in the crime associated with purchasing a Senate seat.
The primary assertion of Corsi’s article is this:
“As a young single woman, Michelle Robinson was a fixture in the home of civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who along with Rev. Jeremiah Wright ‘arranged’ her marriage to Barack Obama, according to sources in Chicago who know the couple.
‘If you want to understand Michelle Obama, you’ve got to go back to Jesse Jackson, a woman called “Robyn” for this article told WND.
Robyn, who spent several years working for Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition, explained to a WND investigator in Chicago that Michelle Obama ‘just about grew up in Jesse Jackson’s home.’
‘Jesse should have charged her rent and board for the amount of time she spent in his home instead of her own,’ she said.”
This article is the second in a series. In the first installment, Corsi claimed that Obama was part of an “underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living ‘straight’ lives in public.” And, that Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church was a facilitation center for this underground subculture.
Putting that assertion aside, the close relationship between Michelle Robinson and the Jackson family adds weight to IP2P’s suggestion that the newly elected President would have taken all necessary steps to protect J.J., Jr., who was not only the Co-Chair of his Presidential Campaign Committee, but also a member of a family with a long and close personal relationship with Michelle Obama.
Then there’s also the possibility that J.J., Jr. would be knowledgeable of Barack Obama’s alleged involvement in the “Down Low” community.
Update: Obama associate Daniel S Mahru sentence delayed until after election.
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay
The Department of Justice will not disclose Daniel S. Mahru's probation deal publicly until after the Presidential election.
Mr. Mahru was scheduled to be sentenced on Oct 4, however to no surprise to anyone paying attention, that date has now been reset to November 15.
Are reporters at the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times covering this scandal, or are they drafting fairy tale books about it?

llinoispaytoplay.com (IP2P) has learned that Daniel S. Mahru, former business partner of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, made a deal with the Department of Justice (DoJ) for his silence. IP2P is the first to report that on, October 4 2012, Daniel S. Mahru will receive probation at his sentencing hearing.
IP2P has also learned that this is being done to insure Mahru will not speak of crimes, of which he has knowledge, that implicate Barack Obama, Valarie Jarrett, Allison Davis, Tony Rezko and others. (Remember Tony recently saying he committed crimes for which Fitzgerald did not charge him.)
IP2P is also investigating the circumstances surrounding meetings that took place where Daniel T Frawley and Daniel S Mahru (both convicted felons) met with author Jerome Corsi in Chicago to discuss secret meetings between Barack Obama, Nadhmi Auchi, Tony Rezko, (now Governor) Pat Quinn, and others.
Mahru is unwilling to talk about what was discussed at those meetings. Could that have anything to do with his probation deal?
The DoJ and (now former) U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald protected Eric Holder, Barack Obama and a host of other criminals that occupy high offices in our state and federal government.
Brenda J Elliot at rbo2.com recently posted an article suggesting how important Mahru’s silence is to the DoJ.
Where's that special prosecutor when you need him?
Is President Barack Obama being blackmailed ?
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay
It appears that Mr Jerome Corsi is one person who can speak to the very real possibility that Barack Hussein Obama ,The President Of The United States Of America, is being blackmailed
Update: Daniel T Frawley's date to report to prison has now been pushed back to after the presidential election , and Frawley's attorney Thomas M Durkin will likely be made a federal judge within days. Barack Obama nominated Mr Durkin to be a federal judge and Sen. Dick Durbin has given his strong support to Durkin's nomination.
-----Original Message-----
From: (redacted)
To: Jerome Corsi
Cc: (redacted)
Sent: 2012-08-29 13:49:55 +0000
Subject: Re: Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with Barack Obama
So that we're clear, are you seriously telling me that you have changed your reason for not releasing the information about Obama's secret meetings with Auchi from the one you stated below ? Now the reason you will not release the information is because you gave total control of what you do with that information to Daniel T Frawley, a convicted felon. Really ? Are you serious ?
(name redacted)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Corsi
Sent: 2012-08-29 12:32:14 +0000
Subject: Re: Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with Barack Obama
(name redacted)
You can beg, I couldn't care less. I gave my word to Dan that I only did
the tape on the condition Dan had to OK its broadcast. I will keep my
word to Dan. Besides, Auchi may be important to you, but he is truly
yesterday's news.
I don't plan to answer you emails again if you merely repeat what you have
already sent me.
On 8/29/12 8:09 AM, (redacted) wrote:
Nahdmi Auchi's ability to deploy his pitbull lawyers against American
authors has been greatly diminished, if not altogether eliminated by new
laws passed here in the last two years. American authors no long have to
adhere to the libel laws of the U.K.
Auchi's role in helping Barack Obama obtain the most powerful position in
the free world must be exposed. You, sir, are in a position to help do just that.
Jerry, there is very little difference between you refusing to release
the information you have pertaining to Nahdmi Auchi's secret meetings with
Barack Obama, and what the LATimes is doing in their refusal to release
the tape of Obama toasting Rashid Khalidi.
Many of us never expected that the LATimes would do the right thing. But
your readers, sir, do expect you to do the right thing. And so did (name withheld)
and I when we sent Bob Cooley and Dan Frawley to you.
So Jerry, it's time you tell what you learned in that Chicago interview,
for the good of the nation. After the election, no one will care what you know.
(name redacted)
----- Forwarded message -----
From: (Name and address withheld)
To: "Jerome Corsi"
Subject: Re: Frawley
Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 3:19 pm
Jerry I understand, however the play we are making is about U.S. Attorney
Patrick Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is the focus here.
----- Reply message -----
From: "Jerome Corsi"
To: (redacted)
Subject: Frawley
Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 2:29 pm
(Name redacted)
I went back over my video with Frawley ‹ much of it was about Auchi. I
understand how Auchi fits in, but it has to be really critical to go after
him. He is a billionaire and he hires a battery of lawyers every time he is
mentioned in print. I've already been through that with THE OBAMA NATION.
I will do it again, but only when I know the article will make a big impact.
Jerry Corsi
Besides the Postman Video, Jerome Corsi has another about Obama
Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter & Annabel Kent, Chicago Media Critic
Illinois PayToPlay has learned that, in addition to the Postman video recently released by Jerome Corsi on World Net Daily, Corsi also holds a 2011 recorded interview with former Rezko associate Daniel T. Frawley.
The recording was made late last year in Chicago in a meeting that involved Corsi, Frawley and three other persons who gathered to discuss the possibility of writing a book.
The recording reportedly includes a description of how, in 2004, during Nadhmi Auchi’s visit to Chicago, Auchi, Antoin “Tony” Rezko, and Barack Obama met in the basement “cigar room” inside Rezko’s 30-room mansion in Wilmette, Illinois where they discussed, among other things, the purchase of a 62-acres plot in the South Loop.
A January 2012 lawsuit pitting a Chicago investor in the land purchase, Semir Sirazi, against Auchi was linked in a previous Illinois PayToPlay article.
In response to an inquiry concerning access to the Frawley video, Corsi confirmed that Auchi’s ’04 Chicago visit was discussed but that the video would only be released with Frawley’s approval.
A recent post on Illinois PayToPlay reported that Frawley claims that he gave Rezko $400,000 in cash that Rezko then gave to Obama.
Frawley faces sentencing in mid-April on a bank fraud charge to which he pled guilty in February 2011.
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