
Robert Blagojevich ‘comes clean’ and gives up Jesse Jackson, Jr.


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

<Breaking News>

Robert Blagojevich has come clean during an interview with CNSNews.com reporter Barbara Hollingsworth. Blagojevich told Hollingsworth that Jesse Jackson, Jr. offered a "bribe" to him and his brother, Rod Blagojevich, for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.


And, that it's time for the U.S. Attorney of the Northern District of Illinois to charge him with that crime.

Well, it doesn't get any simpler than that, folks.

Robert Blagojevich just handed Jesse Jackson, Jr. to the feds on a silver platter for attempting to purchase a seat in the U.S. Senate.

The only question that remains is this:

Will Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder allow acting U.S. Attorney Gary S. Shapiro to enforce the law, and indict Jackson?

We will keep you posted.


Valerie Plame Wilson’s friend, Marc Grossman, guilty of Treason!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

We know, from sworn testimony given by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, that former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman committed treason when he divulged classified information to Turkish operatives in the summer months of 2001, included in that information was the fact that Brewster Jennings & Associates and Valerie Plame were CIA.

We also know, from testimony given by Marc Grossman in the U.S. v. Libby trial, that he and the Wilsons are friends.

Here’s what we don't know:

(1) Will Joe Wilson pronounce Marc Grossman a traitor to his country for outing his wife as a CIA operative?

When Joe Wilson accuses Dick Cheney of being the person behind the outing of his wife, he calls Cheney a traitor to his country.

(2) Do Valerie and Joe expect an apology from Marc Grossman? They once wanted one from Cheney.

(3) When the Wilsons claim they want to “Hold Government to Account,” does that mean they support Sibel Edmonds efforts to do the same?

These are simple questions; however, the Wilsons refuse to answer them.

Here are a few questions you can answer for yourself:

(A) Would a real covert CIA agent not know that their cover was blown in 2001, and believe it was blown in 2003 as purported?

(B) Would the Department of Justice not tell the CIA that Plame's and Brewster Jennings & Associates’ covers were blown?

(C) Should it concern us that Marc Grossman's former boss at the State Department, Richard Armitage, claimed he originally outed Valerie Plame two years after Grossman actually did, and now Armitage is Chairman of the Board at the American-Turkish Council (ATC)

Turkish President Abdullah Gul meets with Richard Armitage, Chairman of the American Turkish Council in Ankara, Turkey

Keep these things in mind about the ATC:

• Our federal government doesn’t want FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds talking about the ATC.

• Grossman told ATC that Brewster Jennings was a CIA front.

• The ATC helps facilitate billions in defense contracts between the Turkish government and FBI Director James Comey's friends at Lockheed Martin, where Comey used to be VP and Senior Counsel. Lockheed Martin's Board of Directors also includes Joseph Ralston and James Loy who work with Grossman at the Cohen Group. (that would be Cohen as in Bill Clinton's former SecDef)

• And, the ATC hosted the function where Valerie and Joe Wilson claim to have first fallen in love.

So is that just a series of coincidences?

Crimes against the United States are also committed by those who help cover-up an act of treason.


It’s long past time for Sibel Edmonds to be heard, and for traitors to be held accountable by the Law.

Learn more at Edmonds website: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/


Keepers of the Blagojevich Tapes Under Investigation


Thomas Barton, Investigative Reporter

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the Inspector General are looking into the circumstances surrounding the Chicago Tribune's role in the Blagojevich case.

Here’s why.

The federal government granted Chicago Tribune employees John Chase and Jeff Coen the power to decide whether the public gets to hear the court-sealed Blagojevich wiretap tapes, or read any of the transcripts.

So far, they’ve decided that we can neither listen to the audio tapes, nor read the transcripts, of any of them.

Oh, they did refer to a couple of inane, innocuous conversations in their book. However, so far, they’ve decided that they, the Keepers of the Blago Tapes, and only they, should hear the tapes or read the transcripts.

They don’t want us to hear, for example, the conversation Blagojevich had with former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert on November 5, 2008.

They don’t want us to hear the conversation Blago had with former Obama Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on November 8, 2008.

They don’t want us to hear the conversation Blago had with Obama's political consultant Bill Knapp on November 12, 2008.

Rod Blagojevich’s lawyers consider these conversations important enough to be included in their Appellate Brief filed on behalf of their client. Curiously though, Blago's attorneys are not asking that those conversations be made public either.

If Appeals Attorney Len Goodman believes these conversations are important enough to include in an Appellate Brief for his client Rod Blagojevich, why wouldn’t the two fed-appointed Keepers of the Blago Tapes take advantage of the public’s interest in those conversations and increase the circulation of their employer’s newspaper by printing the transcripts?

Instead of digging for the truth, the “Keepers” have gone underground. Meanwhile, Blagojevich’s legal team has essentially endorsed the idea that the tapes should never be played for the public.

What’s up with that?

The DoJ investigators are on the case: Don't expect much from them.

However, IP2P has learned of a developing front that should concern those who have colluded to keep the truth from We the People.


Illinois U.S. Attorney’s Office caught lying


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Shared Ethics in Government Breakfast Meeting- March 14, 2013


On May 6, 2013, veteran reporter Barbara Hollingsworth, who now writes for CNS News, reported that Chicago Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen revealed that the feds were their source for the sealed Blagojevich wiretap tapes and transcripts the reporters refer to in their book "Golden."

Following that story, IP2P has just learned this:

Months before Chase and Coen's source was revealed, Randall Samborn, spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's Office, insisted that the government did not give Chase and Coen access to the Blago tapes or transcripts. That claim was documented in the email below.

From: [email protected]
To: < redacted >
Sent: Wed Dec 5 07:28:01 UTC 2012
Subject: RE: Media inquiry re USA v Blagojevich

Let me be clear, the government did not provide the authors access to any non-public materials and I reject your assertion. As I said, we are done with this.

From: < redacted >
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 1:25 PM
To: Samborn, Randall (USAILN)
Subject: Re: Media inquiry re USA v Blagojevich


Are you refusing to give me the same access that was given to John Chase and Jeff Coen?

(Name redacted)

Imagine Samborn's surprise when he learned that Chase and Coen "burned" their source by revealing that it was, in fact, the U.S. Attorney’s office that gave them access to the court sealed documents they refer to in their book. Below is Samborn's response when asked about the new development.

From: Randall Samborn (USAILN)
To: < redacted >
Sent: 2013-05-14 18:01:35 +0000
Subject: RE: Media inquiry (Tribune reporters)

No comment

From: < redacted >
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 12:49 PM
To: Samborn, Randall (USAILN)
Subject: Media inquiry (Tribune reporters)

Mr. Randall Samborn

Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen have revealed that the federal government was the source that provided them with the Blagojevich wiretap tapes and transcripts that were under court seal and never made public.

What is your response to Chase and Coen exposing the Federal Government as their source?

(Name redacted)

Chicago Tribune reporters work for Federal Government


So, after the feds insisted they did not provide access to the Tribune reporters, and Chase and Coen revealed that the feds did, the federal government has now changed its position to "No Comment."

It’s obvious that the feds gave Chase and Coen access to sealed material, and then lied about it. And that begs this question: Why the lie?

The Tribune won’t ask that question because they’re part of the lie. And the Sun Times won’t ask because they’re complicit in the lie. So we ask it here. Why the lie?

As well as: What other lies during the Blago saga were told by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and advanced by the Tribune?

Developing story......


CNS News gets Blagojevich story right


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Heads up reporting at CNSNews.com sets them apart from the rest of the media. CNS News is the only media outlet that picked up on what is the most important story surrounding the Blagojevich appellate brief filed with the court on Monday, July 15, 2013. THE TAPES! (You know, the ones that Blagojevich wants played and only Tribune reporters John Chase and Jeff Coen have copies of)

So, while the MSM put their stenographers on Blago's appeal, CNS News, who employs real Journalists, came away with an important story everyone else in the media is missing.

CNS News Excerpt:

Blagojevich’s lawyers also claimed that Zagel “misled” the jury regarding the legal standards needed to prove fraud, extortion and bribery by “excluding evidence of the defendant’s good faith” and “misstating" his defense in Zagel’s instructions to jurors.

Five days prior to Blagojevich’s arrest early on Dec. 9, 2008, Chicago Tribune reporter John Chase called his press aide and informed him that the governor was being wiretapped by the FBI. Blagojevich instructed his brother, Robert, to call off a meeting he had scheduled with Jackson supporter Raghu Nayak.

Prosecutors incorrectly characterized the cancelled meeting and Nayak’s “vague offer” to raise $1.5 million for Blagojevich if he appointed Jackson to the Senate as “soliciting a bribe,” Blagojevich’s lawyers contended.

However, the brief made no mention of the fact that Chase and fellow Tribune reporter Jeff Coen were given exclusive access to 1,800 pages of court-sealed federal wiretap transcripts that Blagojevich was not allowed to use for his defense. Blagojevich’s defense team never called Chase to testify about how he and Coen got access to the tapes, which they quoted extensively in their book, “Golden: How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself Out of the Governor’s Office and into Prison,” which was published last fall.

While on their book tour, the authors insisted there was “no legal ban” on publishing excerpts from the same tapes that Zagel would not allow Blagojevich to play in court.

Neither reporter responded to an inquiry by CNSNews.com about whether they would make the tapes publicly available.

Read entire CNS article here: Blagojevich Appeal: ‘One-Sided’ Rules Barred Defense From Playing Tapes

Bravo Barbara Hollingsworth and CNS News for getting it right.


Valerie Plame is now “Fair Game”


Hugo Floriani, Investigative Reporter

Valerie Plame Wilson is now fair game for inquires by refusing to answer even the simplest of questions about the story and trial associated with her name.

So we ask: Valerie, how long have you known former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman?

Seems like a simple question, right?

Well, maybe not. You see, it turns out that, according to court records in U.S. v Libby, the Wilson's have long known Grossman.

According to sworn testimony in a deposition of Sibel Edmonds in 2009, Grossman was the man who outed Brewster Jennings & Associates as a CIA front organization, and Valerie Plame, who worked there, as a CIA employee. That happened two years before Lewis "Scooter" Libby asked Grossman about Joe Wilson and about his famous trip to the nation of Niger on behalf of senior officials in the Directorate of Operations Counter-proliferation Division of the CIA.

Wilson's trip to Niger in the spring of 2002 was about determining the veracity of Saddam Hussein's alleged attempt to purchase enriched uranium (yellowcake).

For you true-history buffs, here’s the story around that event:

In the Summer of 2001, Marc Grossman, a friend of the Wilson's, illegally, according to the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, divulged to Turkish operatives that Brewster Jennings, and consequently Valerie Plame who worked there, were associated with the CIA. This is according to sworn testimony by Edmonds.

Then, in the spring of 2002, the CIA asked Valerie Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, to go to Niger and determine if Saddam Hussein purchased yellowcake.

On September 26, 2003, the CIA asked the Department of Justice to investigate who outed Brewster Jennings and Valerie Plame as CIA. This came after Plame had already been outed by Grossman in 2001.

On October 1, 2003, Grossman's boss at the State Department, Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage, took responsibility for outing Plame as CIA; however, he was told by the Dept. of Justice to keep the information secret..

On December 30, 2003, then U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed "Special Counsel" by current FBI Director Nominee James B. Comey. Fitzgerald then went on a forty-month, taxpayer-funded fishing trip that caught Libby for allegedly lying to the FBI.

It’s clear why Plame won’t answer the question: How long have you known former Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman? Doing so would reveal how long she knew the man who actually blew her cover as a CIA “operative.” And that person wasn’t Libby or the late columnist, Robert Novak.

It was Mark Grossman.

All this begs the question: So what was the phony witch hunt that netted Libby really all about?

At IP2P, we’re trying to find out the answer to that question.


ALERT: Obama’s nominee for FBI Director in jeopardy!


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

James B. Comey's confirmation as FBI Director may be in jeopardy due to one unanswered question:

How many times can you out a CIA operative?

This question arises from sworn testimony given by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who was gagged by the federal government under the State Secrets Privilege.

However, Edmonds testified under oath that Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman originally outed Valerie Plame as a CIA employee. Grossman did this in 2001 when he warned Turkish operatives to stay away from Plame’s employer, Brewster Jennings & Associates, because it was a front for the CIA.

Marc Grossman at an American-Turkish Council meeting

In other words, stay away from Valerie Plame – she works for the CIA.

According to Edmonds’ sworn testimony, given in a deposition in 2009 for Schmidt v. Krikorian, Grossman revealed Plame's identity as a CIA operative in the summer of 2001, and DoJ Inspector General Glenn A. Fine was briefed by Edmonds concerning these assertions while she was still an FBI employee.

Edmonds was fired from her job as an FBI translator on March 22 2002.

So, if Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA employee was blown in the summer of 2001 by Marc Grossman, and Inspector General of the DOJ, Glenn A. Fine was fully briefed on this crime, why did then Attorney General John Ashcroft recuse himself from overseeing the Plame case and allow his deputy Comey to appoint U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel, tasked with finding the culprit who outed a CIA employee who had already been previously outed?

Incidentally, court records confirm Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, and Grossman were friends.

Listen to a portion of Edmonds’ sworn testimony below.

Testimony regarding Brewster Jennings & Associates starting at 6:00


Transcript of full testimony here:


We at IP2P believe that it’s important that Comey be asked - and answer - questions about his appointment of a Special Counsel in the Plame charade.

Let your congressional representatives know you want answers before they confirm any new DOJ officials.

Senate Judiciary Committee Members here:



From the man U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald could not silence


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief

Order DEAL WITH THE DEVIL from online and indy booksellers + Read the Introduction


Peter Lance, award winning Investigative Reporter and Author, the man who stood his ground against U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's threats over his book Triple Cross, has done it again.

Lance's most recent work, Deal With The Devil, helps us understand the level of corruption that permeates what we at IP2P call the George W. Obama Department of Justice.

Deal With The Devil chronicles how officials at the DOJ not only believe they are above the law, they believe they can bestow the honor of being above the law on whomever they choose. And, in the case of Gregory Scarpa Sr., Lance titled the book appropriately.

While no one could make Whitey Bulger look like a Boy Scout, Scarpa tried, and the feds let him. What makes Lance’s latest book so important is that he holds accountable government officials for their actions and inactions – officials who are being held accountable nowhere else.

Lance highlights the corruption in the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York where many notable names such as former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, current FBI Director nominee James B. Comey and SEC Chairman Mary Jo White honed their controversial skills.

This is the same District that dropped the ball on 911. This is the same District that didn’t prosecute anyone involved in the collapse of Wall Street.

Deal With The Devil is a must read for those concerned about the on-going threat to the rule of law in America.

Hats off to Peter Lance, again!

To learn more, go to www.Peterlance.com


The “James B. Comey Show”


B. C. Woodstein, Guest Writer

Below, watch James B. Comey's performance at a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on May 15, 2007 concerning warrantless wiretaps, and the alleged stand-off between the Bush II administration and his Department of Justice (DOJ). Comey's performance is aided by Sen. Chuck Schumer playing the straight man in their skit. Enjoy their depiction of hospital room heroics, worthy of Saturday Night Live.


Now, when you're done laughing at Comey's Schumer-assisted performance that helped scrub clean all the top people at the Bush DOJ, who were just about to be outed by DOJ whistleblower Thomas Tamm for conducting warrantless wiretaps on American Citizens, consider this: After the hospital room "skit," Deputy Attorney General James Comey, Attorney General John Ashcroft, and FBI Director Robert Mueller all went right back to work conducting warrantless wiretaps on American citizens, just as though nothing had happened.

Today, the Hospital room comedy is touted by the regime as the main reason we should accept Comey as the next FBI Director.

If that doesn't get your attention, remember this: On December 30, 2003, Comey appointed U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to be Special Counsel on what is commonly known as the Valerie Plame Case. Fitzgerald was given extraordinary powers to hunt down the source of a leak to a newspaper reporter who (1.) never wrote a story using the information while (2.) Comey, Patrick Fitzgerald, and half of Washington DC, knew who did leak the information before...yes, before...Fitzgerald was even appointed! The reporter was Judith Miller of the New York Times. The self-confessed leaker was Richard Armitage, the Deputy Secretary of State to Colin Powell.

In retrospect, the whole Plame saga was a surrogate whizzing contest between Powell and his-not-so-good friend Dick Cheney.

Now feature this: Shortly after appointing his buddy Fitzgerald to be Special Counsel in the Valerie Plame Case, Comey went to work as the top lawyer at Lockheed Martin. They do a lot of surveillance business with the feds.

Now factor in Mark Grossman. Remember him? He was the Undersecretary of State who reported to Deputy Secretary of State Dick Armitage. Grossman wrote the memo that started the whole Plame thing – as Gomer Pyle said, "Surprise, surprise."

Marc Grossman


Coincidently, two of Marc Grossman's colleagues at the Cohen Group (that would be Cohen as in Bill Clinton's former SecDef) – namely Vice-Chair Joseph Ralston and Senior Counselor James Loy – sit on the Board of Directors at Lockheed Martin.









Joseph W. Ralston                                                                                          James M. Loy

You suppose Ralston and Loy were so delighted with the job that Comey and his buddy Fitz were doing keeping the Chicago/Washington/Bagdad Railroad that John Shaw exposed running, that they recommended Lockheed Martin bring Comey on board and pay him a boat load of money?

Comey's total compensation in 2009 alone was $6,113,797, which was multiple times higher than the position ordinarily paid.

Oh, and did you know that Grossman was Fitz's star witness in the Scooter Libby trial? Gee, it's a small world!

Here's a question the media never did ask: Did Grossman know Valerie Plame's husband, Joe Wilson. If so, how did he know him, and for how long? After all, Grossman and Wilson went to the same college, at the same time, and were doing the same job in neighboring countries leading up to, and during, "Operation Desert Storm." Grossman was Deputy Chief of Mission in Turkey, and Wilson was Deputy Chief of Mission in Iraq.

Think maybe they knew each other?

Do you think Chuck Schumer or any of the Senator's on the Senate Judiciary Committee will look for answers to these important questions?

Tune in to find out on the next "James B Comey Show" coming to a Senate committee hearing on your TV.


Obama nominates “Big Brother” lawyer to be FBI Director


Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief


In the midst of a host of scandals plaguing the FBI, ranging from spying on Americans to intimidating their political foes, the Obama regime's solution is to put James B. Comey, former Deputy Attorney General (AG) in the Bush II administration, in charge of the FBI.



Comey was the Deputy AG who, along with former AG John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller, was praised for taking an unsuccessful stand against including warrantless wiretaps in the Patriot Act.

What you will not hear from the Obama-friendly media, and our somnolent members of Congress, is this: Not only was the Patriot Act expanded under the supervision of Comey, Mueller and Ashcroft, when Comey left the AG’s office in 2005 he went to work as the top lawyer for…wait for it…"Big Brother" himself Lockheed Martin.

When most people hear Lockheed Martin they think military contracts. Well, welcome to 1984. "Big Brother" is another name for Lockheed Martin, and security and surveillance is their game. They've been working closely with the National Security Agency (AKA: NSA, as in No Such Agency) for many years.

So ask yourself: Why would the Obama regime appoint a new FBI Director who works for a prime contractor that sells NSA the technology to spy on Americans? Would PETA hire a fur coat distributor?

Oh, by the way, where’s John Ashcroft today? Why he’s on the Board of Directors of Blackwater USA, which now goes by the harmless sounding name – Academi – conjuring up images of ivy-covered buildings and lounging intellectuals.

So in the days ahead, when the media and politicians tell you that James B. Comey will stand up for your civil liberties as FBI Director (citing a hospital room performance over the Patriot Act), remember: If Comey didn't support spying on Americans, why would he work for a leading company that sells the government the tools to spy on Americans?

Are the manufacturers of hunting rifles against hunting?

Comey and Ashcroft - Lockheed Martin and Blackwater: Defenders of our civil liberties?


Ya think?
