Fake News Daily Herald chose to protect United Airlines over its own readers!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Does the health and well-being of Rolling Meadows residents matter to the Daily Herald? Apparently not!
The Daily Herald, the largest suburban news paper in Illinois, purports to serve its suburban readers, but that is clearly not true when it comes to the residents of Rolling Meadows.
When the decision was made on whether to inform Daily Herald readers in Rolling Meadows that United Airlines was illegally dumping a cancer-causing toxin next to a children's playground, the top brass at the Daily Herald chose to protect the criminals at United Airlines, and their corrupt enablers at the EPA and OSHA.
As far as the Daily Herald editors were concerned, the health and well-being of their readers did not matter!

Now the corporate lackeys at the Daily Herald find themselves scrambling to try and find a way to save face.
Well, I can help them with their predicament. It's really very simple, and it's amazing that they haven't already done so.
Just report the truth!
Your corrupt friends in the government and at United Airlines will not be happy, but they will eventually come to realize that you really had no other good option.
As for your readers, ask for their forgiveness. Who knows they might just forgive you if you do the right thing now.
Keep in mind that your own reporter, Chris Placek, had this to say after seeing a sample of the evidence against United and the corrupt government officials: "There are smoking guns here!" But incredibly you won't let him report that in your newspaper.
Once again, gentlemen do the right thing. Or the Fake News Daily Herald will lose any credibility it may still have left.
More to come…
Mayor of Rolling Meadows: “Daily Herald is covering up public corruption”
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Rolling Meadows Mayor Joe Gallo is calling out the Daily Herald for covering up a public corruption scandal involving United Airlines.
For over a year, Gallo has been gathering evidence, talking to eye witnesses and reviewng court documents, and he has concluded that it is an undeniable fact that United Airlines illegally dumped asbestos next to a children's playground in his town.
Gallo then brought his findings to the Daily Herald, knowing that the newspaper's editors were provided the same proof that he had. Then something truly astonishing happened.
The newspaper was not interested in informing the public about this toxic health hazard.
In fact, Herald reporter Chris Placek admitted to the mayor that he knew the asbestos dumping claims were true, but he then proceeded to try to negotiate for the mayor's silence on the matter.
Placek told the mayor that it was not his decision, and that his bosses would not publish an article about United's crimes or expose the public corruption of key government officials who covered them up.
However, Placek did throw out what he thought would be a good compromise - the Herald would consider publishing a generic article expressing the mayor's concerns about the dangers of asbestos without mentioning what United did in Rolling Meadows.
This was unacceptable to Mayor Gallo and he quickly pointed out to Placek that the Daily Herald was actively covering up public corruption.
Placek did not disagree. And the incredibly bizarre "negotiation" ended there.
By Placek's own admission, the editors at the Herald are complicit in the covering up of corporate crimes and public corruption in Illinois.
Placek's boss, Senior Vice President/Editor John Lampinen, was contacted for comment via phone messages and emails, but he has not replied.

The real question now is: Who is pulling the strings of the editors at the "fake news" Daily Herald?
More to come…
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi caught up in public corruption scandal!
Marty Watters, Investigative reporter

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi who represents the 8th district of Illinois and is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy should not be asking questions of witnesses regarding the dangers of asbestos.
He should be hauled in to answer questions himself.
And he might want to have a competent lawyer sitting next to him when that happens.
The line of questioning should start off something like this:
"Congressman Krishnamoorthi, you have been provided irrefutable proof that United Airlines illegally removed asbestos from its former World Headquarters and then illegally dumped it in a suburban neighborhood in your district, exposing countless men, women and children to this dangerous cancer-causing material.
"And for years now, you have been stonewalling and ignoring your constituents, United Airlines employees, material witnesses and the mayor of Rolling Meadows' pleas for help while the people in your district continue to be exposed to this dangerous hazard.
"Mr. Krishnamoorthi, why are you ignoring these very serious crimes being committed by United Airlines?
"Why are you protecting United and not your own constituents?
"Is it because United Airlines' Political Action Committee (PAC) as well as its crooked attorneys at Seyfarth Shaw, donated thousands of dollars to your political war chest?
"Mr. Krishnamoorthi, how long have you known about United's asbestos problem, and fact that the Evironmental Protection Agency (EPA) along with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have been trying to keep United's criminal activities a secret?
"Did you know about United's asbestos cover-up when Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan appointed you Special Assistant Attorney General in charge of the public corruption unit?
"Did you know that United Airlines had this enormous asbestos problem at its World Headquarters before taxpayers subsidized United's moving of its headquarters to the Willis Towers in downtown Chicago?
"And Mr. Krishnamoorthi, can you answer the question that completely stumped United Airlines management when they were asked about the signs that were posted at United's former WHQ informing its employees to avoid breathing airborne asbestos fibers?

"How do you avoid breathing airborne asbestos fibers in rooms you've already entered?
"Can you tell us?"
These are just a few questions that Congressman Krishnamoorthi should be forced to answer.
It really shouldn't require a congressional hearing to get answers to these simple question. Perhaps someone in Illinois "fake news media" could just ask the congressman.
Since the media is in possesion of the same evidence, don't hold your breath waiting for that.
But definitely do hold your breath when entering United Airlines buildings!
Much more to come…
An editor's response to charges of fake news
Salem Radio refuses to expose Blagojevich hoax and consequent election meddling behind it!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
Amy Jacobson, co-host of Salem Radio's Morning Answer Show, received a block-buster document that would lead to exposing the real reason corrupt DoJ officials took down the sitting governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich.
As explained here:
Jacobson was provided the protective order from the Blagojevich case. It proves that not only did the Deep State not want the public to hear all the FBI wiretap recordings in the Blagojevich saga, Blago himself does not want the public to hear them. And, he never did!
Initially Jacobson said she would confront Blagojevich with this new revelation as reported here:
But then Jacobson decided that she did not want to report this important development. Management at Salem Radio is standing squarely behind her decision, saying they trust her.
Remember now, that this is the same Amy Jacobson who was fired by NBC for taking her kids swimming at a suspected murderer's (Craig Stebic) house.
Jacobson most recently made national news by battling Illinois governor J.B Pritzker in court over whether or not she is a real reporter.
When Jacobson won her battle with Pritzker, her Station Manager, Jeff Reisman, celebrated the victory by declaring the following:
“Amy Jacobson has a long history in Chicago as a dogged journalist who asks tough questions. We’re happy that she can finally get back to doing what she does best – asking the questions that are on the minds of so many in our audience.”
Reisman did not respond to any of my phone calls or emails.
However when confronted with Jacobson's refusal to set the record straight and report the truth about the Blagojevich protective order Reisman's boss Salem Radio Network Vice President of News, Tom Tradup, explained to me that Jacobson was not really a reporter.
Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
David Santrella the president of Salem's broadcast media weighed in telling me that he does believe Jacobson to be a reporter and that Jacobson told him her radio audience wouldn't care about the Blagojevich hoax and that it is old news.
Santralla did make a point of telling me that he did not discuss any of this with Jacobson's co-host Dan Proft.
Does Jacobson run the show?
So, as it stands, Jacobson decided, on behalf of Salem Media, that Rod Blagojevich and his attorneys lying about wanting the public to hear all the FBI wiretap recordings is old news!
Blagojevich and his attorneys are to this day claiming they want the pulic to hear all the tapes. But that they can't because of a protective order.
Feb. 19, 2020 - Blagojevich attorney Sam Adam Jr.:
“To this day those tapes are under protective order. No one’s allowed to hear 'em; I’m not allowed to tell you what’s on 'em,"
What Adam Jr. does not tell us is that his client Rod Blagojevich is really the one who is preventing him from talking about those recorded connversations. Not a protective order!
Jacobson's co-host Dan Proft, who is an attorney and political insider in Illinois, slipped and let the Blago hoax cat out of the bag when interviewing Tribune reporter Jeff Coen. It happened when Proft blurted out that Blago can tell us about his conversations with Rahm Emanuel and others anytime he wants.
What Proft failed to do in this interview after he let slip that Blago can divulge his conversations with Rahm Emanuel was ask his guest Coen what Rahm and Blago talked about.
(Coen interview 8:45 mark)
Proft and Jacobson both know that Coen publicly claims to have been provided all the FBI wiretap recordings and transcripts.
Why are Proft and Jacobson not asking Coen what Emanuel and Blagojevich discussed?
Why would Jacobson think a topic that she said was lighting up the radio station phone lines during this interview be something her audience does not care about?
Worse yet, months after the Coen interview Proft and Jacobson interviewed Robert Blagojevich and they allowed him to tell the same old tired lie about wanting all the tapes to be heard.
(Robert Blago interview 4:40 min. mark)
Again Proft and Jacobson failed to ask about what was captured on the recordings despite knowing that the Blagojevich brothers can and always could divulge that information anytime they please.
Now why would Proft and Jacobson not want to know what was on those tapes?
Could it be that Proft and Jacobson know that asking these questions would expose that the Blagojevich takedown was a scheme carried out by President Bush's FBI Director Robert Mueller to protect Barrack Obama and his corrupt friends?
Here's the kicker. Rod Blagojevich himself relunctantly admitted recently (Feb. 23, 2020) during an interview with Eric Bolling that he can tell us what is on those tapes.
(9:00 min. mark)
Kudos to Bolling!
Now the question I have for the George W. Bush friendly management at Salem Media is this:
Why are you okay with your radio personalities promoting a false narrative, and suppressing block-buster news that would help expose the real reason that corrupt DoJ officials in the Bush administration after a six year "investigation" finally took down Governor Rod Blagojevich?
Election medlling is nothing new for this bunch.

And the meddling will continue if the media is not held to account for their complicity.
Salem Corporate
4880 Santa Rosa Road
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805.987.0400
More to come...
United Airlines scandal: Bookkeeper admits to committing accounting fraud!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter

Fraudulent double invoice created by Tedd Gagen
Tedd Gagen, president of Info Staff Services Corp. and bookkeeper for the asbestos removal company that illegally removed asbestos from United Airlines former World Headquarters, A&E Services, Inc., is now on record admitting that she committed accounting fraud at the direction of United Airlines senior staff.
A&E Services, Inc. was contracted by United Airlines to remove large amounts of asbestos from United's former WHQ in Illinois.
A&E did not pull permits or follow ANY of the laws and regulations governing the removal and dumping of asbestos.
Over the course of ten months, A&E created fraudulent invoices to circumvent internal accounting controls at United in order to conceal United's illegal removal and dumping of asbestos.
Now Gagen, the A&E bookkeeper who created the fraudulent invoices for United's illegal asbestos removal and dumping, has gone on record stating that United management instructed her on how to go about committing the accounting fraud.
According to Gagen, United's OPC facilities manager Sylvia Empen and other senior staff at United's former WHQ instructed her on how to word and submit the fraudulent invoices, including the A&E invoices that list work that United knows A&E Services did not even perform.
Yep, that's accounting fraud all right. Plain and simple.
Repeated on 68 separate asbestos jobs!
Could this be why United and its high priced attorneys are doing everything they can to buy and/or threaten witnesses with direct knowledge of these crimes into silence?
Yeah, that be why. That be why they have been threatening me too.
I'm a witness who knows all the juicy details of this crime spree!
Hey, United, tampering with witnesses is risky business. Did you run all of this past a good risk assessment firm? Or your shareholders?
Oops! Too late now.
More to come..
Another phony attack on Trump is in the works!
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
The folks that gave you the infamous "Steel dosseir" are now working to give you the "Waas dossier".
The former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, who was instrumental in the Russia -Trump investigation, initiated by the phony Steele dossier, is currently under investigation for leaking confidential information to the media.
But don't think for one minute that's going to stop the Clinton clan from continuing their efforts to take down Trump.
No, the Clinton crew never gives up. Now it appears that McCabe's attorney, Michael R. Bromwich, has taken on the task of orchestrating the latest false narrative about Trump to be fed the public via their friends in the media.
So get ready for yet another phony attack on Trump!
Bromwich, the former Department of Justice Inspector General under Bill Clinton, has teamed up with New York Review of Books (NYR) and independent journalist Murray Waas to help pivot from the discredited Christopher Steele dossier and "Russiagate" to the Waas dossier and "Obstructiongate".
Waas' latest fairy tale states that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey to obstruct the "Russiagate" investigation.
But Waas' credibility had already been destroyed years ago.
For those who don't remember Waas he's a blogger who was celebrated for his reporting on the Plamegate scandal even though he has since admitted his reporting on Plamegate was false, and that the whole thing was a hoax.
Related: Murray Waas: Plamegate cover-up is “something that is bigger than Watergate”
Plamegate “journalist” dis-owns book!
Now, just like he did in Plamegate, Waas is claiming to have received confidential information and documents from anonymous sources inside the DoJ.
What Rod Rosenstein Knew When He Helped Trump Fire Comey
By Murray Waas
"I was able to read the full draft of that letter, and two earlier drafts, as well as notes made by Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser to President Trump, who helped the president write the various drafts. The Trump administration has refused to provide these records to Congress, citing claims of executive privilege."
Waas' latest claim is that he has obtained access to multiple draft letters written by President Trump to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that prove Trump obstructed justice in the firing of Comey. Drafts that only Waas can tell you about!
Waas claims to have access to draft letters that are protected by Executive Privilege? Really?
Wait! It gets better!
Bromwich is now extolling what a great case Waas makes for obstruction of justice against President Trump in his most recent article, and he is urging Democrats to use Waas' story as a guideline for questioning Robert Mueller in the upcoming July 17th hearing where Mueller will give public testimony.
Timeline of Deceit: From Trump’s Draft to Rosenstein’s Cover Story
Bromwich wants Congress to ask Mueller about the recently created Waas dossier instead of the Steele dossier.
Do you think the Democrats will oblige him? Bet on it!
Now Laurence Tribe, a Clinton apologist and strong advocate for impeaching Trump, is also on board with Waas' unsubstantiated claims. Tribe states that Waas "makes a strong case for demanding the live public testimony of Rosenstein".
Joining Bromwich and Tribe in spreading the Waas claim is the Democratic National Committee insider, Alexandra Chalupa, who in 2016 solicited dirt on Trump from the Ukrainian government. Chalupa had this to say: the "confidential draft letter Trump wrote confirms he fired FBI Director James Comey because he was investigating Putin's attack on the 2016 U.S. election."
Wow! That's rich coming from a woman who will go to prison if a legitimate investigation is ever done.
Here's the best part:
Waas' editor at NYR, Matt Seaton, was asked specific questions about Waas' claims and Seaton's answers made it crystal clear that he did not want to go on record as having any knowledge about Waas' sources, or that he even vetted Waas' story. Instead, Seaton rambled on about a "trust" he had in Waas.
Now why would Seaton behave so squirrelly?
Well, could it have anything to do with the fact that former Inspector General Bromwich has a brother that also writes for NYR?
David Bromwich, author of the book: "American Breakdown: The Trump Years and How They Befell Us"(published 1-10-2019)
Waas alleges he is getting confidential information from an anonymous source inside the DoJ. But what Waas doesn't want you to know is that he just so happens to write for the same outlet as the brother of the attorney who represents both Christine Blasey Ford and Andrew McCabe.
How convenient. Could it be that Bromwich is Waas' anonymous source who is using Waas to further a false narrative, just like the FBI did with the Steele dossier?
Sure looks that way.
Maybe Congress should invite Murray Waas to testify about who was helping him construct his dossier.
Dennis Hastert claims in court his victim broke their extortion payment agreement!
Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (a known pederast) is now in a "court of law" in Illinois claiming that one of the victims of his pederast activities has broken the agreement that he and the victim made for keeping Hastert's crimes a secret.
Yep. You read that correctly. We are now litigating criminal extortion cases in our civil courts as though they were simple contractual disputes.
Hastert entered into an agreement with an individual widely known as "James Doe" (Curtis T. Williams). Doe, in return for not telling anyone that Hastert molested him when he was a minor, would receive $3.5 million in cash from Hastert.
To date Hastert has paid Williams $1.7 million.
Williams is now suing Hastert in a civil court in Illinois for the remaining $1.8 million of the extortion payment Hastert verbally agreed to pay.
Hastert's attorney, John Ellis, is arguing to the civil court that Williams broke the "hush money agreement" by telling family members about it.
Judge Questions Attorneys During Hastert Summary Judgment Hearing in Kendall Co. Court
Ellis argued that there was nothing stopping any one of the family members Williams told about the "hush money agreement" from threatening to go to the media. And that for telling his family members, Williams should forfeit his claim to the remaining $1.8 million and should pay Hastert's legal fees.
Keep in mind, Williams' family members did not go to the media, meaning they were complicit in keeping Hastert's dirty little pederast secret from the public.
But for how long?
What was going to prevent Williams' family members from wanting their own "hush money agreement" after the former Speaker of the House paid the full $3.5 million to Curtis Williams?
For that matter, what was going to stop Curtis T. Williams himself from coming back for more extortion money after Hastert paid the full $3.5 million?
A verbal agreement?
Perhaps now that Judge Robert Pilmer has set the precedent that delinquent extortion payments are a matter for the civil courts to litigate, we might see written extortion payment contracts in our future.
Who knows, maybe mobsters will no longer need to break legs.
What is most concerning about the circus going on in Judge Pilmer's courtroom is this:
FBI Director Robert Mueller knew that Hastert was a blackmail-able criminal and a piece of excrement pederast long before he was made Speaker of the House.
What was Speaker Hastert's verbal "hush agreement" with FBI Director Mueller?
And why were the Democrats not interested in exposing Hastert's crimes?
Perhaps Attorney General William Barr should assign a pit bull U.S. attorney to look into this clear example of Special Counsel Mueller's well documented corruption.
Related: Denny Hastert and the D.C. Swamp
More to come...
Government spying – Did they think Sharyl Attkisson was a Russian agent too?
Marty Watters, Investigative Reporter
When it comes to spying on Americans the covert operation to monitor and spy on award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson is one of the most egregious and incredible abuses of government powers ever ignored by the "media".
The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next.
As far as I know, Attkisson was never accused of being a Russian agent. Nor to my knowledge has anyone accused her of being a xenophobe, racist, climate change denier, nasty person or smelly Walmart shopper.
So why did our government spy on Attkisson?
Ok, now it makes sense. Attkisson was guilty of reporting the facts instead of the Deep State's propaganda.
Clearly a crime during the Obama administration.
So of course the "media" was going to ignore this horrific abuse.
Lest they wanted to be next!